THE WANDERING JÄCKELSThe History of a roving pioneer religious-refugee family
in a German-Australian Heritage
recent Polish view of hometown Peterswaldau (Peterswalde or Peterswalden in English) now Pieszyce, Poland
Vater / Father: (Silesia, Prüßen) - J. C. JÄKEL
Mutter / Mother: (Silesia, Prüßen) - I. L. WOHLBERG
Family Surnames: Jäkel, Jackel, Päch, Paech, Peck, Hilbrich, Hillbrich, Hillbrick, Charman, Knights, Zumpe, Gray, Ahles, Williams, Smartt, Waters, Meyer, Warmbrunn, Campbell, Watson, Leith
Deutsche: This is a deliberate Jäckel, Päch & Hilbrich German Cultural Recovery - Names are rendered in the German forms true to the language the first generations used, based on the evidence of early German, Lutheran church & Gov't records.
Carl Erdmann JAEKEL ~ Children & Grandchildren
| Wife 1. Johanné Eleonoré BLEICHER
| |
| Hermann Carl JAECKEL
| m. Phoebe ALLEN
| |
| Augusté Luisé JAECKEL
| m. C. August PAECH
wife 2. Johanné Christiané TZSCHOPPE (a widow)
| 1st husband – Johann Christian G. W. Tzschoppe
| |
| |
| Maria Augusté TZSCHOPPE
| m. Johann Gottlieb Ernst HILBRICH
Lydia Johanné JAECKEL
m. Eduard Paul HILBRICH
Town/City : Melbourne
First name : Erdmann
Surname : JÄCKEL
Country of Origin : Silesia, PRUSSIA
Date of Birth : 1808
Year of Arrival in Australia : 1848
Story : IMMIGRATION Bridge
Why Immigrate?
Carl Erdmann JÄCKEL, with his wife J. Eleonore, nee BLEICHER, and two children, Hermann Carl JÄCKEL (age 8), and Auguste Luise JÄCKEL (age 5) left the Bohemian mountains of South Silesia for Australia to free and to better themselves - spiritually, politically and economically. The JÄCKELs had a fierce belief in spiritual freedom and the family emigrated as religious refugees from the oppresive attempts by the Absolutist Prussian State to dominate religious belief and practice; but, they were also political and economic refugees - fleeing the Weavers' Revolt and massacres by the Prussian army in their home town of Peterswaldau in the Eulengebirge (the Owl Mountains) of Silesia, as well as a desire to depart from the destructive fervour of the anti-authoritarian madness in the Revolutionary uprisings of Europe in 1848.
The Journey?
The JÄCKELs were part of Fifty People from the south Silesian 'Peterswaldau Immigration Society' recorded as emmigrating because of their beliefs. The fifty emigrated during the 1848 revolutions across German lands, and travelled through Berlin during the March days of 1848 where they saw the bodies of those killed piled up on the wharf for removal onto barges. They travelled from eastern Europe across Germany to the port of Bremen, as in 1848 the nearer port of Hamburg was bockaded by Denmark as part of the front of the first Prussian Danish war. They left under cover of darkness from the port of Bremen on the 10th of April 1848 and went by way of Rio de Janierio, and arrived in Adelaide on the 1st August 1848.
They were fortunate in the choice of the ship ‘Leontine’ normally a package passenger carrier to the USA about to make the first of its two trips to South Australia. The master Captian Ariaans was also joined in a cabin aboard ship by the owner Herr Eugen LAUN, himself a captain who’d been master navigator on the 'H. R. PATEL' on two previous emigrant ships from Europe to Adelaide, and the ship 'LEONTINE' was well-kept, well provided, and so free of disease, so that very few deaths occurred in the journey.
After Arrival?
Erdmann JÄCKEL was a tischlermeister, a master joiner-cabinet maker, but though he bought land in the main street of Tanunda, in the Barossa valley to do business, there was not much wealth among the early settlers, and people living in huts made of bush timber, bark or stone, did not have much call for finely-built interiors. He is recorded as having had to leave the tischler trade to take up farming just to survive. The first years were fraught with poverty and their difficulties might have approached occasional starvation. In 1853 after just five years in South Australia, but now a widower, Erdmann JÄCKEL moved with his two children to the building-boom town Melbourne, Victoria, where gold was stimulating a population explosion that needed to be housed. His wife Johanne Eleonore died in penurious circumstances as no death certificate or burial site has been recorded.
Erdmann JÄCKEL remarried in February 1854 in Collins Street, Melbourne. The widower with two children married a widow with two children - J. Christiane Tzschoppe whose husband had also died after arrival in Australia. The blended family settled in what is now Surrey Hills. Though Erdmann went back to work as a tischler, he warily kept a small farm as a grounded provident support base for food, growing vines and becoming a vigneron, making apiary equipment and keeping bees. As their children married they went further east to Narre Narre Warren/ Berwick and Wantirna.
The crofters house which Erdmann JÄCKEL built still exists as “Spencycroft” now much altered, added to, and renovated as the oldest building in Surrey Hills, Victoria.
Von Schlesien im Prüßen [PREUSSEN] - [From Silesia in PRUSSIA] - in the Circle of (Kreis) Reichenbach, Province (Provinz) Breslau, Silesia, Prüßen [Prussia]
CLICK MAP for Enlargement. Peterswaldau is south of Schwiednitz, which is south of Breslau (shown on map)in SILESIA, Prüßen.
Note 1: The Top Map shows NEUMARK (the New Mark) or East Brandenburg where Auguste Luise Jaeckel's PÄCH / PAECH family(PECK) originate.
Note 2: Goerlitz, where the HILBRICH family comes from, is shown in Western Silesia. Goerlitz is situated on the Neisse River, which is, since 1945, the border ( between Poland and Germany, known as the Oder-Neisse Line. Dresden is a little West of Goerlitz.
Note 3: The Lower Map of later PRUSSIA clearly shows LAUSITZ (Lusatia) home of the Wends (or Sorbs)& birthplace of Johanné Christiané Jaekel - nee Tzschoppe.
Before Prüßen PRUSSIA - Silesia was part of the AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN EMPIRE.
Prior to the period 1745-1762 when Prussia annexed it by war, Silesia was ruled as part of the Hapsburg's AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, with a base in Vienna. Austria governed, and is said to have exploited, Silesia, for some hundreds of years. Before Austrian rule, Silesia was a part of Greater Bohemia.
CLICK ON MAP FOR ENLARGEMENTS. Map faces SOUTH. Frankfurt-On-Oder is in bottom right hand corner, if you go up the map from there following the Neisse River you find the Tzschoppe homeland in LUSATIA to the right, and, nearby, the Hilbrich homeland in GORLITZ marked up on the Niesse River. Back to Frankfurt-Am-Oder in the bottom right hand corner, following the Oder river upstream to the left you will find Crossen, the main town of the district the PAECH's come from in Kreis CROSSEN though the town of Beutnitz is to the north, and so just off the bottom of the map. But Crossen, or KROSSEN (now Krosno in Polish) the district capital on the Oder River is marked. In German, Crossen literally meant 'Crossing Place.' Further upstream, moving left, and central to the map, is BRESLAU (now Wroclaw in Polish) - the famed capital of SILESIA - with LIEGNITZ off to the right in the centre of the Oder Valley. Towards to Sudenten Mountains beyond which lie MORAVIA to the east and BOHEMIA to the west lies SCHWIEDNITZ & WALDENBURG, beyond which is the Jackel's homeland near REICHENBACH - marked. The Eulengebirge (Owl Mountains ) district and nearby significant areas are all high-lighted in yellow.
From the SOUTH of SILESIA, PRUSSIA - [Sud Schlesien, Preussen]
CLICK MAP for Enlargement - & Again for more Magnification. The border between the Austrian Empire & Prussia was along the Mountainous Divide of the Sudenten Ranges, including the Riesengebirge (Giant Mountains) & the Eulengebirge (Owl Mountains) just a few miles from Peterswaldau.(IN BLUE)
That porous dividing-line of hilltops was then border between Silesia, Moravia & Bohemia, & is now also the border between Poland & Czech, Poland & Slovakia.
PRAGUE is just off the map to the bottom left. The letter 'E' of PRAGUE can be seen at far left, just above the first gridline from the bottom.
First Three Generations in Australia
Since arrival in: South Australia 1848,
& then Victoria 1853
born: 17 Oct 1808 Peterswaldau, Kreis Reichenbach, Schlesien, Prüßen [Silesia, Prussia]
Occupation: Tischlermeister (Master Cabinetmaker/Joiner)
Carpenter, Farmer & Vigneron.
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN Residence: Tanunda SA, Lights Pass, & 'Buschfelde' Gawler, SA
Signature of 8th March 1851 Tanunda, South AustraliaVICTORIAN Residence: South Yarra, Hawthorn, Nunawading,[Box Hill Sth] now Surrey Hills
Died 9 Nov 1879 Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Melbourne,VICTORIA
DEATHS AT THE ALFRED HOSPITAL & THE MELBOURNE BENEVOLENT ASYLUM, Part 2, January 1878 to December 1879, Compiled BY TERRY FOENANDER, Published. Toowoomba, Queensland, March 1999.Buried:Old Nunawading Cemetery (now Burwood Cemetery), VIC.
"EDMON" JAKEL, age 71, admitted November 7 [1879], native of Prussia; came to the colony in 1848, ship Delies (Delius's ship] from Bremen; died November 9 [1879], from congestion of lungs, dropsy, and hydrothrorox. [19]
NATURALIZATION ONECLICK TO ENLARGE: - Erdmann Jaeckel's naturalization Certificate of 8 March 1851 at Tanunda in South Australia. This document is signed by two people which shows the historical juxtaposition of our ancestor with one of those often thought to be more famous in Australian history. The two are our own Erdmann Jaeckel and Charles Sturt, then the Governor of South Australia, and the famous former frontier explorer (and namer) of the Murray River, and also the explorer of outback South Australia and New South Wales in searching for the legendary Inland Sea.
This 8 March 1851 document proves a number of historic facts: -
1. JÄCKEL: - the Jaeckel surname was originally spelt Jäckel with the umlaut over the a thus ä.
2. PETERSWALDE: the Jäckels came from Peterswaldau (here rendered in an English form of the name as Peterswalde)
3.SILESIA: - That Peterswaldau is in the Province of Silesia, [Schlesien, Prüßen]
4.1848 Arrival - Erdmann had been 'three years in the Colony -South Australia (actually it was 2 years & 6 months - but that rounds out to 3 years)
5. TANUNDA : - In March 1851 Erdmann JÄCKEL was in Tanunda, in the Barossa Valley, South Australia.
6. TISCHLER: - He then still gives his occupation as a Cabinet Maker / Joiner (Tischler) - - for this will later change.
7.BIRTH YEAR:- He was then 42 years of age which eliminates a 'correction' date of 1816 as per that on the record of the Langmiel Lutheran Church in Tanunda, - as spurious, and in error, and it confirms the 1808 date as the original. [To be 42 on 8th March 1851 he had to be be born between Jan & the 7th March 1809, or else in 1808 - which is more likely & a sure thing if his birthday was 17 October.]
Spouse. WIFE ONE
b: 27 Jul 1808 Peterswaldau, Circle of Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia [Prüßen].
died in the SA interval 1848~1853? (Tanunda SA ?)
Any ammount of searching for a death record has failed to find any registration of her passing. Likewise all searches of Barossa valley cemeteries, or of Warrnambool cemeteries in Victoria have drawn a blank. Further inquiry and research could be made of old cemeteries in Adelaide, in Gawler and in the Burra districts of South Australia, and I hope to check in Cemeteries in Portland, Port Fairy, and the pauper's books for the Melbourne General Cemetery in Victoria.
Page Three of Erdmann Jaeckel's 1851 Naturalization in Tanunda gives a new clue for where Johanné Eleonoré Jaeckel might have been buried. In 1849 after theological dissent and a split in German Lutheran settlers, a new rival Lutheran Church was begun in Tanunda. This was the Tabor Lutheran Church. The first Pastor was the Dresden Lutheran Missionary, Reverend Adalbert Kappler of Adelaide. There is documentation of a link between Kappler and Erdmann Jaeckel's friend, Friedrich Voigt. Voigt & Jaeckel met in Burra or Gawler South Australia and became colleagues and later neighbours in Nunawading (Surrey Hills) Victoria. Kappler was soon replaced by the newly arrived refugee of the German Revolution, Eighteen Fourty Eighter Dr Carl F. Wilhelm Ludwig MUECKE. Pastor Kavel of Langmiel Church regarded the Taborites as "Weltkinder" (worldlings) and Muecke as a dangerous latitudarian. It was not Pastor August Kavel of Langmiel Lutheran Church, but Dr C. Muecke of Tabor Lutheran, who attested as pastor to Erdmann Jaeckel's 1851 Tanunda naturalization. It would seem that the Jaeckel's were then members of the 'progressive' Tabor congregation.Dr. Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Muecke - Australian DIctionary of Biography articleSignature of Dr. C.Mücke Pastor - on Erdmann Jaeckel's 1851 Naturalization.
Die Eulen von die Eulengebirge - The (Symbolic) Owl of the Owl Mountains
BLEICHER Family: names unknown. But a family called BLEICHER (meaning bleacher) had been living in the Peilau/ Beilau valley, at places like Faulbrück (Foul-Bridge), where textiles were bleached?, or, at Nieder Peterswaldau below 'The Eulengebirge' (The Owl Mountains) for Centuries.
RELIGION: The Jaeckels were "Old Believers" like the many orthodox or catholic, as well as Evangelische "Old Believers" throughout Eastern Europe & Russia. In German settled areas such folk were sometimes called "Old Lutherans." They were oft-times conventional church-goers to all outward appearance, but could belong to clandestine Moravian house churches, especially in the hills of the Eulengebirge, & other parts of the Sudenten Chain of mountains which joins Bohemia with Silesia along a Prusso-Austrian border full of open mountain passes. Gnadenfrei (meaning Free in Grace), a village nearby the Jaeckel's home town, was a Moravian communitarian settlement. There were commonly two churches in each larger village, the Catholische & the Evangelische. Often, the hill people used whatever local church was available to them. The Traeger family who emigrated with the Jaeckels from the Eulengebirge village of Weigelsdorf, and appear to be Lutheran (Evangelische in Germany) once they got to South Australia, nevertheless, when in South Silesia, had the Traeger children baptised in their local catholic church.
Historic Postcard of Peterswaldau, with Die Eulengebirge in backdrop
EULENGEBIRGE (The Owl Mountains)- or, as it is now in Polish - GORY SOWIE: Peterswaldau, and its neighbouring huf-villages, are all long and narrow streamside & valley towns, with Nieder, Mittel & Ober (Lower, Middle & Upper) reaches, on streams which rise in the thickly wooded Owl Mountains, both behind and on both wings of each town.
Hoehe Eule lookout towerTo get to Langenbielau, or to Leutmannsdorf, required a climb and a descend over the next ridge-buttress of the Eulengebirge. The highest peak, above Peterswaldau, was called "Hohe Eule" - the High Owl.
The Village Symbol: Peterswaldau, Eulengenbirge
RELIEF MAP- map faces west. CLICK MAP for enlargement.
THE JAECKEL hometown, Peterswaldau, is at Right, with Ober (Upper) Peterswaldau extending up the valley into the Owl Mountains. Peterswaldau was also hometown for the RIESCHIECK family, who followed the Jaeckel's to South Australia a year later in 1849, later RIESCHIECKs came as orchardists to Doncaster in Melbourne, where a Rieschieck's Reserve is now. Behind Peterswaldau is Steinseifersdorf, hometown for the August AUER family, later the Jaeckel's neighbours in Boroondara-Nunawading (Surrey Hills). August Auer was born further up at Wüstewaltersdorf. Further again behind Wüstewaltersdorf is Wüstegiersdorf, hometown of the SEPPELT family later the well-known vinegrowers and vintners of the Barossa Valley.
Nearby Wuestegiersdorf is TANNHAUSEN, hometown of the gardener and horticulturalist, Gustav JAENCKE, who signed Erdmann Jaeckel's February 1854 marriage certificate in Melbourne, and who took up land nearby the Jaeckel's in outer Boroondara in what is now Hartwell, Camberwell. To the left of Peterswaldau is the twin matching town of Langenbeilau, hometown of the LAUNER family who travelled out on the 'LEONTINE' with the Jaeckels.
Also travelling with the Jaeckels on the 'LEONTINE' were two tischlers (cabinetmakers) named TRAEGER, also travelling with the whole families, and the HABERECHT family, whose hometown is is the village of WEIGELSDORF, just to the south of Langenbeilau. The TRAEGER family has kept the memory of the PETERSWALDAU group of passengers on the LEONTINE. More groupings of the TRAEGER family from the Weigelsdorf area came out to South Australia in 1856.
Behind the Eulengebirge Range in the back valley of the River STEINE, is the long town called Steine, and OBER STEINE at the top, which was hometown to Ambrose LISCHKE, also a tischler, (who worked with Erdmann Jaeckel). In 1866 Lischke married one of the SCHOLTZ girls in Harkaway, Berwick, and afterwards lived at Scoresby North what is now Boronia or Bayswater, nearby the Paech family. The elder SCHOLTZ's lived with the Lischke's in their latter years. The nearby hometown of the SCHOLTZ family, Leutmannsdorf, is a next village north, just off the map to the right.>
RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION: The JACKELs were part of a group of 50 religious refugees from the Peterswaldau Emigration Society who felt persecuted and constrained and so requested exit permits to leave Prussia because they felt the State's Absolute Rulings about Christian Worship practices went against their conscience. The JACKEL family emigrated with the group of families TRAEGER, HABERECHT, LAUNER, SCHÄCHE, KOENIG & HUEBNER as part of the FIFTY who made some of the compliment of passenger in the 'LEONTINE.'
EXTRACT from Wilhelm IWAN - "Um des Glaubens willen nach Australien: Eine Episode deutscher Auswanderung" Published 1931 Breslau, Germany - OR -That second ship following the "Leontine" in 1848 was the "Alfred" and it was on that ship which the Beer family, later of Harkaway -Berwick, emigrated.
as "Because of Their Beliefs: Emigration from Prussia to Australia" page 62
QUOTE: "On 20th March 1848 Eduard Delius, the Immigration Agent based in Bremen, despatched the "LEONTINE" under Captain Laun from Bremen to South Australia; this ship took fifty people from the Silesian emigration society of Peterswaldau in the administrative district of Breslau. Delius seems to have dispatched another group in the autuman of 1848 (northern autumn)....No further details are known of either group. (translated & edited by David Schubert, 1995 Adelaide, South Australia)
Reconstructed Tentative Possible List of the
FIFTY of the Peterswaldau Immigration Society?
The following is a speculative 'List of the Likely Immigrants' who constititute the PETERSWALDAU FIFTY. It is based on information about duration of residency in South Australia gleaned from Naturalisation records, from South Australian Gov't Records, and on their absences from other Shipping Lists.
Immigrants in Italics are not recorded on current Lists for the ship 'LEONTINE'.
1. BREUER, Johann Friedrich Eduard - Res. Flinders St, Adelaide. b. Provinz Breslau, Silesia 1849 / 1850 Nat.27 July 1850 Age 50 Builder TWELVE months in SA
2. EHRFURTH, Carl Edmund b. Schieferstein, SILESIA - Nat. 4 Oct 1851 age 33 Hoffnungsthal SA, farmer - 3 years in STH AUST
3. EHRFURTH,(wife)Anna Rosina nee MUCHE [plus 2 children born SA: Carl Heinrich ERFURTH b. 1850 Hope Valley (Hoffnungsthal) SA; Heinrich August ERFURTH b.1852 Companys Mill]
4. EHRFURTH, Auguste Ernstine (m.1861 Hermann Heinrich Samuel NETTELBECK)
5. ERFURTH, Pauline Ernstine - (m.Mt Gambier, Grey, SA 1867 Christian MUELLER)
6. FRINSDORF, Heinrich Alfred Friedrich of Enfield, Adelaide b. Münsterberg, Kreis Frankenstein, Schlesien, Prussia Nat.30 AUG 1849 age 34 Shoemaker ONE year in SA7. FRINSDORF,(wife)Bertha Josepha nee RAABEN b. Münsterberg, Kreis Frankenstein, Schlesien, -3 kind b.Enfield./ Nth Adelde 1854-1864 8. FRINSDORF, Luise Auguste b. Münsterberg, Kreis Frankenstein, Schlesien (m. 1869 Nth Adelaide to John HARDY)9. FRINSDORF, Bertha Louise b. Münsterberg, Kreis Frankenstein, Schlesien- (m.1874 Nth Adelaide to Nicolo CIARCOVITCH)-plus FRINSDORF, Amelia Emma b. (m.1880 Nth Adelaide to Henry GODFREE)
10. HABERECHT, Johann Carl Gottlieb (b 11 Jan 1815) from Weigelsdorf, SilesiaHABERECHT, Susanna Eleonore (nee HERMANN) (b 19 May 1814) Breisnite, Silesia
12. HABERECHT, Johann Carl Gottlob (1840-1910)
13. HABERECHT, Heinrich Wilhelm Friederich (1842-l917) d. Murrumbeena, Victoria
14. HABERECHT, Johann Carl August (1844-1924)
15. HABERECHT, Johanne Caroline (1847-1918)
16. HETZEL, Carl, -b.1822 Dittmannsdorf, Kreis Frankenstein, Silesia. (m.SA 1849 Maria Rosina SCHÄCHE) - NAT. 24 Jun 1856 after 8 yrs in SA, @ age 34 Farmer of Hallets Vly, Tanunda. d.1892 Angaston
17. JÄCKEL, Carl Erdmann (39, 17 Oct 1808) from Peterswaldau, Silesia re-m. Feb 1854 Christiane TZSCHOPPE Melbourne [1 child b.1860 Nunawading Victoria) -d.1879 Prahran
18. JÄCKEL, Johanne Eleonore (nee BLEICHER) (39, 17 Jul 1808) d. ? by 1853
19. JÄCKEL, Hermann Carl (9, 17 Jul 1838) (m.1863 Phoebe ALLEN Nunawading VIC) Res. Harkaway/ Berwick Vic [7 children] d.1906 Berwick, VIC
20. JÄCKEL, Auguste Luise (4, 9 August 1843) (m.1867 August PÄCH /PAECH Melbourne) Res. Scoresby North [10 children] d.1920 Bayswater, VIC
21. LAUNER, Johann Karl Gottlieb Gustav from Langenbielau, SILESIA
22. LAUNER, Johanne Dorothea (nee LUHR) 2 children
23. LAUNER, Johanne Christiane Pauline
24. LAUNER Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Albert Carl
25. LOFFLER, Friedrich Wilhelm - b. Bunzelwitz, Silesia
26. PÄTZOLD Anton, Tanunda, carpenter b. Königswalde,Neurode? SILESIA Nat.2 Jan 1851 Age 56 - 2 years and 3 months in STH AUST
28. PÄTZOLD, Wilhelmine (m.1848 Age 23 Johann August MULLER)
29. PÄTZOLD, Johanne Helene (m.1852 age 21 Karl Friedrich August UNGER)
30. PÄTZOLD, Maria Pauline (m.1855 Age 21 Johann Samuel WINKLER)
31. POHL, Johann Carl b. 1823 Ernsdorf, Reichenbach Stadt, Kreis Reichenbach, Schleisien, Prussia NAT. 18 December 1852 Glen Barry SA @ 29 Farmer, 4 yrs SA; - d.1 Jun 1906 Long Gully, Sandhurst 'Bendigo' Goldfields,
32. POHL, Karl Julius 'Charles' b.1825 Ernsdorf, Reichenbach, Kreis Reichenbach, Schlesien, Prussia -(m.Catherine 'Katerina' REILAND) Naturalized: 16 Sept.1851 @ 25 yrs Glen Barry SA, 3 yrs in SA, Farmer -d.1906 Long Gully, Bendigo, Vic.
33. POHL, Catherine 'Katerina' REILAND
34. RÖSNER/ROESNER, August Gottlieb -of Lights Pass b.Steinseiffersdorf, Reichenbach, SILESIA - Nat. 8 Aug 1853 age 24 labourer 5 years in SA [Moravian Brethren] (m.
Lights Pass, SA 1853 Johanne Ernestine Pauline PURMANN) 35. RÖSNER/ROESNER, Caroline Friederike (m. Phillip SCHEER 31-3-1854 at Res. of Mr ROESNER Light Pass SA)
36. SCHMIDT, Carl Wilhelm - of Greenock SA b. Lampersdorf, SILESIA. Nat.9 March 1865 Tanunda Age 65 shoemaker 16 years in SA
37. SCHMIDT, wife
38. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Maria Rosina (nee RUPRECHT) (45)
39. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Johanne Helene (b 1830)
40. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Carl Gottlieb (15, b 1833)
41. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Rosina Helene (15, b 1833)
42. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Ernst Gottlieb (12, b 1836)
43. TRÄGER/TRAEGER, Julius (m.1864 Melb. Mathilde ELBESHAUSEN) d.1879 Age 40 Vic.
44. TRAEGER, Johann Gottlieb 48, b.30-1-1808 Weigelsdorf, Reichenbach, Silesia
45. TRAEGER, Anna Dorathea (nee HÜLBERT) (45, b 20 Oct 1812) Pellau, Silesia
46. TRAEGER, Johann Carl Wilhelm (13, b 1835)
47. TRAEGER, Johanne Caroline (9, b 1839)
48. TRAEGER, Ernst August (6, b 22 Sep 1842) Bilvara, Silesia
49. TRAEGER, Johanne Dorathea (4, b 1844)
50. TRAEGER, Johanne Christiane Louise (1, b. 1847)
51. ULBRICH, Johann Karl of Hindley ST, Adelaide b. Kieschmatz, Silesia
Nat. 19 July 1851 Age 28 Shoemaker TWO years in SA
52. ULBRICH, Johanne Caroline (m.1856 Traugott Wilhelm SCHÄCHE in Melbourne, Victoria) [children born Greenoch, SA]
53. UMLAUF, Heinrich Adolph Gustav - Tanunda, SA, carpenter b. Peterwitz, Silesia, Prussia (nr Nimptsch, Reichenbach?] Nat.8 Mar 1851 Age 25 - 3 yr SA
54. WINKLER, Johann Samuel of Lobethal SA - b. Schlegel, Nat. 1 March 1851 Age 27 - Two Years, and 3 months in SA
NOTE 9 February 2011 : I have added two POHL brothers to this list as meeting the strong likelihood of arriving on the ship Leontine in 1848, but removed IHMS, Franz August - Nat.1856 Tanunda Age 34 Farmer/shoemaker b. Münsterberg, Kr.Frankenstein, SILESIA 8 yrs in SA [Wood & Stone Petition' having found the he arrived on another ship. - I have also add Carl HETZEL who is now confirmed for the Leontine .
PETERSWALDAU (Peterswalde or Peterswalden - in English) now Pieszyce, Poland. A Long drawn out streamside village. [For those who know the Dandenongs there's some comparison with Ferntree Gully: with Upper Gully well up between the flanks of the ranges, and Lower FT Gully and Mountain Gate out on the Dandenong Creek valley floor.] The Silesian wars of the 1740s-1760s when Prussia annexed Silesia by a series of wars with the Hapsburg Rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were in part fought in and around Peterswaldau, because Austria Armies retreated through the Glatz Pass, south of Peterswaldau, towards Prague & Vienna.
Silesia basically consists of the Oder River catchment, and Peterswaldau is offset from the centre of the main valley against the mountains to the south, and a good thing, because the Oder River Valley is the main pass and route from Europe to Russia. In the early 1800s Napoleon marched through Silesia on his way to Russia. By 1812/1313 the French Empire's Army, devasted by both the Russian Generals January & February, was pillaging their starving way back through Silesia's Oder valley, hoping to get back to Western Europe again, raping and killing for food and warmth as they went.
Since Napoleon, Alliances have changed to suit the times.
In his wake the Treaty of Peterswaldau was signed in Peterswaldau on July 6, 1813 between Great Britain and Russia. The purpose of this treaty was to establish and strengthen a united coalition force against Napoleon of France. Based on the terms of the accord, Britain agreed to support a German legion of 10,000 men for the Russian service.
Peterswaldau was probably at its height in terms of industry and population in 1840when the Jaeckels were there, at least until the Weberauftung (Weaver's Revolt) of 1844. The population was about 7,000 in 1850. It is hardly different in Poland today.
In 1945 the Russian army entered what is now a pruned-back Germany through Silesia. The Silesian Germans either fled, or were killed, with only a remnant remaining to work as inferiors under Russian Soviet or Polish Rule.
Ober Peterswaldau, looking from up in the Owl Mountains (Eulengebirge) down towards Mittel Peterswadau and Nieder Peterswaldau, with Reichenbach out on the plain.
THE WEAVERS REVOLT OF 1844: If Germany had a Eureka Stockade moment and place, then it was in the Jaeckel's home town of Peterswaldau and neighbouring villages such as Langenbielau and Leutmannsdorf, where the cottage industry of weaving by which many lived was ruined by English imports made in the 'Satanic Mills' of the Industrial Revolution. Poor weavers, paid less for their product per day than the cost of food, spurred by disgruntlement, rioted in the streets of Peterswaldau & Langenbielau. They sacked both the warehouses and homes of the hated cloth-merchant family of ZWANZIGER & SOHNE, whose women had to escape in hurry by waggon, wrapped in quilts to shield the harm of angrily thrown missiles.
The Prussian army was rushed in and poor folk were shot in the streets. Afterwards, the whole local cotton-weaving industry was ruined, also the even poorer linen-weaving grind, and the local economy which had boomed for half a century or so, fell into a recession when building work dried up. The Jackels were there. Their daughter August Luise Jaeckel was then a small infant, born in Peterswaldau in 1843.
Historic Postcard: Zwanziger Factories at Nieder Peterswaldau, Silesia, with Eulengebirge behind.
AN OPEN QUESTION? Erdmann might even have built for the hated ZWANZIGER family- "who had treated the weavers rudely and brutally" - for, as von Hodenburg reports: "About four weeks before the uprising, the Zwanziger family moved into its second luxurius home, and family members even bragged about the ammount of money it cost them. Such a display of expanding wealth for all to see adversely affected those struggling with poverty..." Afterwards, Erdmann Jaeckel would have had to travel away to find building projects prosperous enough to pay for the work of a tischler.
Weavers' Revolt - Silesia 1844
In June 1844 disturbances and riots occurred in the Prussian province of Silesia, a major center of textile manufacturing. Crowds of weavers attacked homes and warehouses, destroyed machinery, and demanded money from local merchants. In response, the Prussian army was called to restore order in the region. In a confrontation between the weavers and troops, shots were fired into the crowd, killing 11 people and wounding others. The leaders of the disturbances were arrested, flogged, and imprisoned. The uprising was a result of severe social and economic distress in the region. Due to competition from overseas markets, the Silesian textile industry was in decline. This, combined with the impact of population growth, threatened to force the income of the Silesian weavers to below subsistence levels. In many ways the Silesian weavers' revolt was a traditional response to poverty and hunger. However, some of the weavers' words and actions seemed to indicate a changing understanding of their position in society. Because of this the event has gained enormous significance in the history of the German labor movement. In particular, Karl Marx regarded the uprising as evidence of the birth of a German workers' movement. The weavers' rebellion served as an important symbol for later generations concerned about poverty and oppression in German society. - from St James Encyclopaedia of Labour History Worldwide Summary -
READ MORE: Christina von Hodenburg, a German Historian who did a Ph.D on the Weavers Revolt, was teaching at Berkeley, California and now at Queen Mary in London University, has written a number of books on the Weavers Revolt.
This History gives a fantastic sense of village life in Peterswalden up to and during the events in Peterswaldau in June 1844. Here article is a chapter online in GOOGLE BOOKS:
SEARCH: HODENBURG.C. "Weaving Survival in The Tapestry of Village Life - Strategies and Status in the Silesian Weavers Revolt of 1844" - by Christina von Hodenburg - In "Rebellious Families...etc" [In English)
CLICK ON -(- [] Weberaufstand (IN GERMAN: - Translates Badly)
CLICK ON - THE WEAVER'S REVOLT OF 1844 IN SILESIA - Der Weberaufstand von 1844 in Schlesien (In German)
Friedrich Engels, then a journalist, was in Peterswaldau, Silesia, and reported on the Weaver's Revolt in 1844. Afterwards, with Karl Marx, ENGELS wrote "The Communist Manifesto," inspired by an ideological reading and false telling of that poor worker's revolt. In German history it is still as controversial as our Eureka.
The following journalistic pieces by Friedrich Engels were written by him in both German & English - so we have his original English version with even his name spelt the English way. The slick spin of Engels' revolutionary ideology pervades these articles, but they certainly give us a direct window-view into the rancour against his own merchant establishment as it was seen from up his particular high-tower. What a curious spiritual malaise, a self-hatred in the soul it was, that infected Engels and Marx, and those that follow them. The twentieth century was ravaged by their disease, their rancour, their antagonism. Such ill cannot grow from noble ideals, can they, but come like disasters, swollen out of the hearts of spiritually sick human beings? What deceit was it which impoverished and ruined whole lands and peoples in the name of building a better world?
The 'people' Engels speaks of in his first words are not the people of Peterswaldau, but 'the right royal proletariat' imagined in the Marxist rhetoric which, or course, best serves no-one so well as it serves the rhetorician. Of course Friedrich Engels did not come from people such of those as he idealises here as 'the people' - no plebian roots for him - but from a rich family of Rhineland industrialists who were engaged in - surprise, surprise - the textile and cloth-weaving industry, both in Germany in the Rhineland and in capitalist England. Engels was later manager of those English factories, all the time supporting Karl Marx from the Engel family's textile manufacturing profits. Funny about that, eh?
It is also worth noting Engels' obvious anti-Christian and anti-Church propaganda line, and the libertarian & secular nature of Engels' point of view in his opening words. Interestingly, morality and faith were under attack here. It shows that the issue of easy divorce has been on the agenda of the secularisers for centuries now, and from the closet of history, it brings out the revolutionaries god, which herein Engels calls 'the spirit of the nation' as if it is only to such a 'zietgeist' (spirit of the age)that we would find it worth bowing down before.
1. *************News from Prussia
Articles by Frederick Engels for The Northern Star.
Source: MECW Volume 3, p. 530; Written: in mid-June 1844;
First published: The Northern Star No. 346, 29 June 1844,
- with an editorial note: “From our own Correspondent”
The people have achieved a great triumph; they have by their steady and protracted opposition forced the King [Frederick William IV] to abandon his pet measure, the proposed new law of divorce. The present law in this respect is very liberal, and, of course, never pleased. the Christian King. Ever since his accession to the throne, he was big with an amended law, by which a divorce was to be granted in very few cases only. The holiness of the marriage bond was to be enforced as strictly as possible, and another door to be opened to the parsons to meddle with the family affairs of other people.
The spirit of the nation, however, arose against such a law; the press opposed it, and when a democratic paper [Rheinische Zeitung] succeeded in getting and publishing an authentic abstract of the proposed law, a general outcry was raised against it from one end of the country to the other. Nevertheless, the King persisted in his intention. The bill was laid before the Privy Council, in order to be prepared for the provincial Parliaments the advice of which is necessary, according to the Prussian constitution. Whether there was already a strong opposition in the Privy Council, or whether the King saw that this measure would never pass the provincial Parliaments, ;nay be difficult to decide; it is enough, that an ordinance dated the 11th instant has been directed to the Council, withdrawing the bill, abandoning entirely its principle, and declaring that the King will be satisfied with the alteration of a few formalities of the present law.
This most important triumph of the opposition must strengthen permanently the popular party, and will be received with cheers in every hamlet of the realm. It will show the people that they are strong, and that if united, they may defeat any measure they do not like; nay that by merely using their strength, they may frighten the government into any thing they please.
In the manufacturing district of Silesia very serious riots have occurred; the workpeople of the neighbourhood, depending almost entirely upon the linen-manufacture and suffering great distress, not being able to stand the competition against the English machine-made article, have for some time been in a condition similar to that of the English hand-loom weavers.
Oppressed by competition,(sic - whose was that?) machinery, and greedy manufacturers, they at last arose in Peterswalden (Silesia), demolished the house of a manufacturer, and were only dispersed by the appearance of the military.
Dierig Textile Works, Langenbielau, Kreis Reichenbach
In Langenbielau, outrages of a similar nature were committed; the military were repelled by the people, and could only restore the peace after having received reinforcements and fired on the rioters, of whom several were killed.
from the (later) Kathe Kolwitz series called 'Die Weber" The Weavers"
In other districts tumultuous assemblages took place, and even in the capital of the province (Breslau), the peace was disturbed. Thus it is evident that the consequences of the factory system, of the progress of machinery, &c., for the working classes are quite the same on the continent as they are in England: oppression and toil for the many, riches and wealth for the few; insecurity of fortune, discontent, and riot exist among the hills of Silesia, as well as in the crowded cities of Lancashire and Yorkshire.
2. Friedrich Engels' "Further Particulars" - from PETERSWALDAU
'Further Particulars of the Silesian Riots'" Further Particulars" June 1844
- article by Frederick Engels,
June 1844 The Northern Star
"The riots commenced, as stated in my last, at Peterswalden, in the District of Reichenbach, the centre of the manufacturing part of Silesia. The weavers assembled before the house of one of the most respectable manufacturers, of the name of Zwanziger, singing a song, in which the behaviour of this individual towards his workmen was animadverted upon, and which seems to have been manufactured for the occasion. Mr. Zwanziger sent for the police, and got several of the ringleaders arrested; the people assembled in growing numbers before his door, threatened to rescue them, and, the prisoners not being liberated, they immediately commenced the work of destruction. The doors were forced, the windows smashed, the crowd entered the house, and destroyed every thing within their reach. Zwanziger’s family had hardly time to save themselves, and the throwing of stones at them was so incessant that it was found necessary to wrap up in bedding the female part of the family, and have them carried in a coach to Schweidnitz.
To this place messengers also were sent to call in the aid of the military, but the commanding officer replied he could do nothing without orders from the provincial authorities at Breslau.
The people, in the meantime, entirely demolished the dwelling house of Mr. Zwanziger, and proceeded then to the warehouse, where they destroyed all books, bills of exchange and other documents, and threw the cash they found, amounting to upwards of £1,000, upon the street, where it was picked up by a lot of Bohemian smugglers, who had passed the frontier to see whether they could not profit by the riots. The bales of cotton and bags, as well as all the manufactured yarn and goods, were, as far as possible, destroyed or made useless, and the machinery in the adjoining factory, entirely broke. Having finished up here, they left the ruins of the demolished buildings and proceeded to Langenbielau, the men of which town joined them immediately, and where Mr. Dierig’s factory and warehouse was attacked. Mr. Dierig first tried to buy them off, but after having paid part of his bargain, he was informed that the military were on the road, and he immediately refused to pay the remainder.
The crowd immediately forced their way to the premises, and demolished them in the same way as they had done at Peterswalden; while they were engaged in this, a detachment of about 160 foot soldiers arrived, with the civil authorities; the Riot Act was read, the people replied by throwing stones at the military, then the word to fire was given, and twelve of the rioters were killed and many wounded. But the enraged crowd rushed on against the soldiers, and wounded such a number of them by stones, that the commanding officer, who had been dragged from his horse and severely beaten, retreated with them, to await reinforcements, while the destruction of property continued going on.
At last two battalions of infantry, a company of rifles, some cavalry and artillery appeared, and dispersed the rioters. Further attempts at similar proceedings were stifled by the military keeping the town and surrounding places occupied, and, as usual, when everything was over, the proper authorities came forward with proclamations and such like, declaring the district in a state of siege, and threatened the most horrible punishments for every breach of the peace.
The riots were not confined to these two towns; in Alt-Friedland and Leutmansdorf similar scenes took place, though not characterised by such a violent manifestation of feeling towards the manufacturers; some arms were broke and some windows were smashed before the military could restore tranquillity.
The people throughout the district profited on this occasion by giving to the manufacturers such a display of their feelings as could not be mistaken. The causes of these affrays were the incredible sufferings of these poor weavers, produced by low wages, machinery, and the avarice and greediness of the manufacturers.
It will scarcely be believed that the wages of this oppressed class, in a family where father, mother, and children worked, all of them at the loom, amounted to a sum which would buy no more than six shillings would in England. Besides, they were all in debt, which is not at all a matter of surprise, when wages are so low; and the manufacturers gladly advanced them small sums, which the men could never pay, but which were sufficient to give the masters an absolute sovereignty over them, and to make them the slaves of the manufacturers.
Then there was, besides that, the competition of the English article, which had an advantage over them from the superior machinery of the English factories and the low wages there, and which tended to bring down their wages too. In short, it was the factory system with all its consequences that pressed upon the Silesian weavers in the same manner as it has done, and now does, upon the English factory workers and hand-loom weavers and which has occasioned more dissatisfaction and riotous outbreaks within this country than anything else.
It is to be noticed, that during all these disturbances, according to the statements of all German papers, not one single robbery has been committed by the starving weavers. They threw the money on the street; they did not convert it to their own use. They left the stealing and plunder to the Bohemian smugglers and poachers."
Engels' placement of blame on the Bohemian smugglers, has been discredited as an ideological invention. Apparently many folk were able to buy food that night.
1. - Critical Notes on the Article "The King of Prussia and Social Reform.
By a Prussian" by Karl Marx - Vorwarts!, No.63, August 7 1844
2. - & also Critical Notes on the Article: "The King of Prussia and Social Reform. By a Prussian" by Karl Marx - in Vorwarts!, No.64, August 10 1844
1848 - THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: - Karl MARX & Friedrich ENGELS wrote "The Communist Manifesto," directly inspired by the recent period & story of the Weaver's Revolt in Peterswaldau, Silesia, but giving it a further ideological reading, and a number of false political twists applied to a cottage worker's revolt. It is still a German controversy. Even Marxist's have criticised Marx's reading of the Weberaufstung as an ideological rebellion.
Read Christina von Hodenburg via the link for a current German historian's more objective view of what happened in Peterswaldau & district in 1844.
JUNKERS LUFTBILD - Luftwaffe Ariel photograph of Nieder Peterswaldau (Lower Peterswalden)in the early-mid 20th Century
GETTING OUT OF PRUSSIA : Early Prussian emigrants to Australia such as the Warmbrunn family who emigrated in 1838, left the Oder River valley by barge in river & canal. Railways were built to traverse Silesia during the 1840s.
In 1848 the Jaeckels even may have been able travel out and across Germany by train.
Railway Station at Nieder Peterswaldau - date unknown.
The JACKELs, as a family of FOUR:
The parents:
Carl Erdmann Jaeckel &
Johanné Eleonoré Jaeckel - geb Bleicher;
and children
Hermann Carl Jaeckel &
Augusté Louisé Jaeckel
emigrated out of Prussia during the 1848 German Revolution.
Stories carried down tell of them seeing the bodies of those killed (in the March Days of 1848?) piled up in heaps on a wharf to be loaded on barges for taking away.
RADICAL TRADESMEN & ARTISANS: For the twenty or so years up to and about the time of the German Revolutions of 1848 the folk most affected and straightened in their domestic circumstances were the small but independant tradesmen and the cottage craftsmen, particularly those involved in the textile (cloth-making & fabricating, including tailoring), as well as cabinetmakers and bootmakers, etc. All of these trades were being superceded by off-the-shelf factory products becoming available at cheaper prices than their village artisans. So it was 'tuchmachers' - cloth-makers, drapers, tailors, bootmakers and cabinetmakers who were the most unhappy at the policy and economics then in sway across Prussia. Many of them were the hardest core of the disgruntled. So disgruntled, maybe, that they thought the outlandish and uncivilised shores at the far side of the planet would be a better place.
TISCHLERS & INDEPENENT ARTISANS: It would seem to be no accident that the friends and associates linked to the Jaeckel family by place, custom, worship and marriage come from this class of people in Germany. Many artisans had become politicised and galvanised with the crying need for change which continually didn't happen. Erdmann Jaeckel was a cabinetmaker, Carl August Metzenthen & Traugott Warmbrunn were both Tuchmachergeselles: cloth-makers & merchant drapers, from the Lusatian-Silesia-Neumark region who likely knew each other. Those two were both very vocal in their religious and political stridency against the Prussian regime. Adolph Moeller, who obtained the Jaeckel's Nunawading (now Surrey Hills) land from the Crown, was a cabinetmaker. Friedrich Voigt, Jaeckel's colleague in South Australia and neighbour in Surrey Hills was a Schneider, a tailor turned farmer. The Jaeckel daughter's father-in-law J. Gottlieb Hilbrich was a tilemaker and tiler back in Görlitz. Nunawading neighbour, August Auer was a bootmaker in the Eulengebirge of Silesia. Martin Kleinert was a Tagelöhner and then a Holzhändler (lumber merchant) in Kreis Krossen, Neumark. Even the Swiss Jacob Meyer was a textile and silk merchant before he left Germanic Switzerland.
These men were helpless to better themselves in the moribund conditions of Europe. They might have been radical, but they were also staunch and so, anti-revolutionary, rejecting violence and insurrection as having any agency in change for the better. Their unanswered need for political and economic change in Europe saw them take the opportunity at the end of the world to become builders and farmers,- most productive pioneers of Australia.
JOURNEY in the 'LEONTINE' : The Jackels embarked on the ship "LEONTINE" on the 10th April 1848, from the North Sea port of Bremen, because the Port of Hamburg was being blockaded by the Danish Navy in the First Prusso-Danish War of 1848 - which Denmark started, and won. Danish warships chased their ship out of port in seeking to sink it. The Captain disguised the ship, hiding her true port of origin. The "Leontine" called in for a water, and passengers spent a week ashore in Rio de Janiero, and finally arrived in the Port of Adelaide,then called Port Misery, South Australia on the 1st of August 1848.
The passenger lists for the Leontine have been reconstructed as the originals were lost. These are still provisional, although reliable for the most part, some details are often in error. They only cover about a quarter of the full compliment of Leontone passengers.
1848 Passenger List for the "LEONTINE" - Graeme Moad's List, Adelaide, S.A.(2003)
1848 Passenger List of the LEONTINE by Robert Janmaat, Adelaide, S.A.(2007) Janmaat has copied a wrongly amended birth year for Erdmann Jackel, as 1816. It should be 1808.
According to Hermann Jaeckel's naturalisation, the JÄCKELs arrived in the Colony, (and it can only mean South Australia) on the " Leontine".An interesting fact of historical interconnection occurs here.
The 'Log of Logs' Volume 3 - by Ian Nicholson, (Roebuck, 1993) records that the "Leontine" was a full-rigged German ship of 758 tons. The master was Captian Wilhelm J. Ariaans. The Ship 'Leontine' made only two voyages to Australia. In the book "MIGRANT SHIPS For South Australia 1836-1866 by Ronald Parsons, Gould Books, Gumerancha, 1999 the entry for Leontine reads: - "LEONTINE" - 758t (tons), W. 3 mast ship. B. 1844 Vegesak, OWNER: Mr E Laun, reg. Bremen.
1. Arrived 1 August 1848 from Bremen 10 April 1848 Capt. W. Ariaans (Register 2 August 1850)
2. Arrived 13 August 1850 from Bremen 10 May 1850, Capt. J. W. Ariaans (Register 14 August 1850)
So, the ship made only two voyages into Australian waters, both from Bremen to Adelaide, South Australia, one in 1848 & and the second in 1850.
Later, in the Tanunda Langmiel Church record as published in the 'Biographical Index of South Australians', the Erdmann Jackel family were recorded as arriving in Adelaide, South Australia in 1848. So they are certain to have been passengers on the first voyage of the Leontine. This voyage was from Bremen to Adelaide via Rio with Immigrants, arriving on 1st August 1848.
The owner of the "Leontine" Herr Eugen Laun, who travelled as a marine merchant on his own ship with the Jaeckels in 1848 - under the command of Captain Wilhelm Ariaans, was also a ship's Captian in his own right, though he was then not acting as Captian. The voyage of the Leontine in 1848 is known for its slight loss of life among the passengers. With two Sea Captians on board, as well as the neccesary superiority of outfitting and messing which would have been necessary to accomodate the ship's owner and his wife on board, the Jaeckels likely had a better voyage to Australia than many.
In fact Captian Eugen Laun had been in South Australian waters twice before, as master of the ship known as the "PATEL" - to give it its full title the "Heerjeeboy Rustomjee Patel." In her voyage of 1845 it was the "H. R. Patel" under Captain Eugen Laun which was the very ship on which the fellow Berwick-Harkaway settlers, the Scholtz and Metzenthen families arrived.
Newspaper Reports
The South Australian Register
Adelaide - Wednesday 2nd August, 1848
"The German immigrant ship "Leontine" from Bremen
We have the pleasure to greet the arrival of another large batch of German emigrants by the Bremen ship Leontine, the owner of which Mr Laun, formerly commander of the Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel, has brought a quantity of cargo on his own account, consigned, with the vessel, to H. C. Stakemann, Esq., the German Consul. The Leontine left Bremen on the 10th April, and touching at Rio for water and to refresh the emigrants, stopped there for a week, making the passage thence in 50 days. The total number of emigrants is 262, of whom 28 are cabin passengers, and several of them capitalists, who intend to purchase land. Only one adult and two or three newly-born children died on the passage, and we are assured that the emigrants, several of whom are from Prussia, are, as a body, the finest set of people yet landed here from that part of Europe."
The Adelaide Observer Vol. VI-No. 267
Adelaide - Saturday 5th August, 1848
"Shipping Intelligence - Arrived
Tuesday August 1st - The ship Leontine, 758 tons, Wm. Ariaans, master, from Bremen, 10th April. Passengers - Mr and Mrs Hering and three children, Mr and Mrs Schleicher and child, Mr and Mrs Sutter and 4 children, Miss Max Sutter, Mr and Mrs Ehmcke and 5 children, Mr G. Haber, Mr C. B. Noltenius, Mr H. T. Isaachsen, Mr E. Segnitz, Mr R. Laczoin, Mr E. Laun in the cabin, and 262 emigrants in steerage."
The Adelaide Observer Vol. VI-No. 267
Adelaide - Saturday 5th August, 1848
On Monday we greeted the arrival of another large batch of German emigrants by the Bremen ship Leontine, the owner of which Mr Laun, formerly commander of the Heerjeebhoy Rustomjee Patel, has brought a quantity of cargo on his own account, consigned, with the vessel, to H. C. Stakemann, Esq., the German Consul.
The Leontine left Bremen on the 10th April, and touching at Rio for water and to refresh the emigrants, stopped there for a week, making the passage thence in 50 days. The total number of emigrants is 262, of whom 28 are cabin passengers, and several of them capitalists, who intend to purchase land. Only one adult and two or three newly-born children died on the passage, and we are assured that the emigrants, several of whom are from Prussia, are, as a body, the finest set of people yet landed here from that part of Europe."
The emigrants on the 1844-1849 ships such as the George Washington, the H.R.Patel, the Leontine & the Alfred, were thought of by some Lutheran leaders (and many more quietist German settlers) as being politically radical and publicly demanding.
LINDSAY JACKEL's Research: - Lutheran Records at TANUNDA.
The "Biographical Index of South Australians: 1836-1885" states that Erdmann arrived in 1848. This information comes from the Entry in the 1849 Record of the Langmiel (Translation: Long Mile) Lutheran Church in Tanunda, South Australia. At Running No. 45 comes this listing:
1. Carl Erdman Jäkel, Tiƒler (Tischler) [carpenter?] b. 17 Oct 1808 (08 overwritten by 16). Peterswalde
2. Johanna Eleanore Bleicher b. 27 July 1808 Peterswalde
3. Hermann Jäkel b. 1838, 17 July Peterswalde
4. Augusta Luise Jäkel b. 1943, 9 August, Peterswalde
Entry of 10 Feb 1991 verified by historian Donald A Ross, Box 227 Tanunda SA 5332
The Pastor at Langmiel Lutheran Church was the foundation Pastor August KAVEL who had travelled with the first Religious Refugee Emigrant Group in 1838 including the Warmbrunn Family. He was also the Lutheran pastor for the Warmbrunn family in early Adelaide at Klemzig.
Many German settlers left Kavel's congregations in the late 1840s when he became increasingly controlling and filled his sermons of end-of-the-world style matter. I believe he became fixated with the idea of the Apocalypse being due, and set the Second Comming of Christ on a certain date up on the Kaiser Stuhl, the tallest peak of the Barossa Range. In a somewhat fearful move deisgned to keep the purity of faith and retain the duty in his flock, he would not allow mixed marriages between German settlers and English colonist or others. This had the effect of countering the growing cosmopolitan reality of the young people's lives, and so he found families leaving his sheepfold in droves. Kavel certianly have been unlikely to have approved of Hermann Jackels marriage to English-born Phoebe Allen. many of Kavel's ex-members gravitated to Fritzsche's church, or other more freely-graced Lutheran congregations.
Pastor KAVEL, August Ludwig Christian (1798 - 1860) -Australian Dictionary of Biography article
Pastor August KAVEL- Founder of Lutheranism in Australia - Wikipedia Article
BAROSSA VALLEY. All four émigré Jackel's are listed in 1849 as being among the first members of the LANGMIEL Lutheran Church, Tanunda, in the Barossa Valley, South Australia. They are recorded as failing to make a decent living from the tischler trade, and having to move to Lights Pass, and taking up farming. Such straights, difficulties or poverty as they fell into, saw them rue their decision, for south Australia, especially after news of the gold rush in Victoria, and the prosperous gold-funded building boom of early Melbourne. Erdmann even owned prime streetfront commercial land in Adelaide end of the main Street (Murray Street) Tanunda. But such land did not provide food.
Somewhere in this conundrum of struggle, in poverty and income-failure, Johanné Eleonoré Jaeckel died. She left her children motherless and her husband a widower. There is no death record, no certificate has been found, so we do not know when, or where, neither exactly why, she died. Neither is there any knowledge of where she is or when she was buried. It is likely to be in Tanunda, Lights Pass, or nearby, or in Gawler, South Australia, for I have evidence that Erdmann was there before he left for Melbourne in sometime between August and October 1853.
His remarriage documents of February 1854 in Melbourne show that he was then a widower.
- On the 2nd of June 1849, Carl Erdmann Jäckel, along with 210 other "New Silesia" settlers in the Barossa Valley northeast of Adelaide, signed what is now called the ‘Wood and Stone Petition’ in which they lobbied the South Australian Governor to be able to take material from Crown land to build their first pioneer homes.
Don Ross & Reg Munchenberg write: - "The Wood and Stone Petition of June 1849. ' after paying their passage money to come to South Australia many pioneer settlers had little or no money to provide shelter for their families. Consequently many began by building primitive huts, using whatever materials they could obtain locally. To enable them to obtain wood and stone from Crown Land, which was prohibited by legislation, they petitioned the Governor for permission to do so. This petition date 2 June 1849 in Tanunda, was signed by 210 persons, all but one of these was of German origin. The signatories were from "Langmiel, Tanunda, Bethany, Rowlands Flat, Lights Pass, German Pass in Angas Park and the neighbourhood." The reply reived allowed the settlers to remove dead tress from Crown Land, but it did not allow the cutting of live trees. Historically the petition if of great interest as it gives the names of so many settlers. Where the spelling of names, as signed, is different to that usually used later, the more common spelling has been added in brackets." -in "The Every Day Way Of Life" chapter ten of "The Barossa: A Vision Realised - The Nineteenth Century Story" 1992, Tanunda, S.A.
For our interest are the following fellow passengers on on the "Leontine" with the Jaeckels: - G. Schaeche, Johann Gottlieb Traeger, Karl Launer & Gottlieb Traeger.
Also of interest is Berwick-Harkaway Pioneer, Gottlob Scholz, as well as the father of the Beer family, later of Harkaway, Samuel Beer, also his brother Wilhelm Beer. Of further interest there is the Eduard Engelhardt whose family later came to Melbourne, and had a butcher's shop in Kew.
Johann Gramp, founder of Gramp winery is among the signatories. Also Feodor Gogler from the Eulengebirge, brother-in-law of the original Seppelt. A number of members of the John family from Silesia are listed. The Wilhelm Munchenberg listed is an ancestor of one of the authors.
Wood and Stone Petition Names Alphabetical 2 June 1849 Tanunda, SA
No. Surname, - Christian Name Ship of Arrival, - Date of Arrival
1. ALDENHOVEN, Ferdinand (Arr. BENGALEE 1838)
2. ALDENHOVEN, Marno Hermann Oscar Patent Salts 1895-96 Yorketwn, S.A.(Arr. BENGALEE 1838)
3. ARNOLD, Gottlob Nat.1851 Gnadenfrei SA Age 29 farmer b. Neuendorf, LÖWENBERG SILESIA
4. AURICHT, Christian (Arr. CATHERINA 1839) Nat.30-12-1848/51 Langmiel,SA Blacksmith Age 42 b. Clausthal HANNOVER 11 yrs in SA
5. BAUER, Carl/Charles (Arr. SOLWAY 1837)Carl Leonard Friedrich?
6. BEER, Samuel (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
7. BEER, Wilhelm (Arr. ALFRED 1848)Nat. 4-4-1876 Port Gawler SA Farmer Age 58 b. Hasel, PRUSSIA 28 yrs in SA
8. BAENSCH, Samuel Ludwig ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)}
9. BITTNER, G. (Joh. Gottlieb) ( Arr. VICTORIA 1848)
10. BLEIMEYER, Georg
11. BOLLENSDORF, Ferdinand Wilhelm b.Potsdam Brandenburg, Nat.1848 Age 35 Carpenter 2 yrs in SA12. BOTHE, Carl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
13. BOTHE, Johann Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838)
14. BOTHE, Johann Gottlob (Arr. Prince George 1838)
15. BRADTKE, Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
16. CARL, Carl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
17. DEAN, William
18. DUBE, Johann b. Damshagen, Mecklenberg-Schwerin 14 Yrs In SA
19. DITTRICH, Karl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
20. DÖPKING, Diedrich Hermann (Arr. ALFRED 1848)Nat 9 Aug 1849 Adelaide b. Hamburg Age 40 Farmer 6 mnths in SA
21. EGELIN, Friedrich ? ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841 ? EGEL? )
22. ENGELHARDT, Eduard (Arr. BENGALEE 1838)Nat. 13 Dec 1848 Tanunda Age 35 Shoemaker, b. Havelberg, PRUSSIA 10 ys in SA
23. FAASS, Hermann Theodor (Arr. 1844)Nat. 1848 Tanunda Age 33 merchant – b. Hamburg, 4 yrs in SA
24. FECHNER, Friedrich Arr. George Washington 1844)Nat. 25–3-1851 Krondorf SA b.Niebusch,SILESIA Prussia 6 yrs/6 mn in SA
25. FEIST, Gottfried Nat.20 Nov 1850 Lights Pass Age 53 farmer b. Bombst, POSEN 4 yrs in SA
26. FELLENBERG, Gottfried (Arr. George Washington 1844)
27. FIEDLER, August, Snr. (Arr. Prince George 1838)
28. FIEDLER, August Jnr (Arr. Prince George 1838)
29. FRITSCHE, Augustus (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
30. FROST, Benjamin (Arr. SKJOLD 1841?) Nat. 19 Oct 1853 Sandy Crk nr Rosenthal SA Age 46 farmer b. Wollstein POSEN 9 yrs in S.A.
31. FROST, Gottlieb Deinegott (Arr. SKJOLD 1841)
32. GAY/ GEY, Johann Ernst ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841)
33. GLATZ, Carl August ( Arr. VICTORIA 1848
34. GOGLER, Feodor (Rudolph Friedrich Cumme) (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
35. GOGEL, Samuel (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
36. GOTTWALD, Ignatius (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
37. GRAMP, Johann (Arr. SOLWAY 1837)
38. GRÄTZ/GRAETZ, Rudolf ? (Arr. George Washington 1844)) / J.F.A?
39. GROCKE, Johann Gottlieb (Arr. Prince George 1838)
40. GROCKE, Johann (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
41. GROSSER, Eduard Arr. SKJOLD 1841 (Hermann Eduard L.)
42. GROSSMANN, Johann Christoph (Arr. SKJOLD 1841) Nat.3 Oct.1853 Walton/Tanunda Age 56 farmer b. Waellisch[dorf]SILESIA 5 yrs n SA
43. GROSSMANN, Ewald Ferdinand Gotthilf (Arr. SKJOLD 1841) –Nat.1882 Walton/Greenoch Age 48 mason/farmer SA b. Zullichau POSEN 14 yrs 6 m in SA
44. HABERMANN, Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
45. HAGE, Christian (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1846)
46. HAMDORF, Gotthilf Johann ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
47. HÄNSCHKE (Henschke), Johann Christian ? ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
48. HÄNSCHKE (Henschke), Johann Christian ? ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
49. HÄNSCHKE (Henschke), Johann Gottlieb ? ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
50. HÄNSCHKE (Henschke), Johann Martin ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
51. HARTWICH, Johann Carl (Arr. PAULINE 1846) Nat.1 Dec 1848 Age 36 Bethanien, SA Tailor b. Bentschen, POSEN Prussia - 2 yrs in SA Nat.2. 1862 VIC. age 48 ½ . Farmer, Arr. Sept 1846 SA Pauline > to Vic. 1855
52. HARTWICH, J. Gottlob (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
53. HARTWICH, Michael (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
54. HAUSLER, Johann Carl Friedrich (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
55. HEIDRICH, Christian Gottlieb (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
56. HEINIUS (aka HEINJUS), Heinrich (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1846)
57. HEINRICH, Johann Gottlieb ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
58. HEINTZE, Friedrich Wilhelm ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
59. HELLING, Carl Ludwig(Arr. 1845/46)Nat.29 July 1854 Tanunda Age 32 farmer b. Clausthal Hannover, 8 yrs in SA
60. HETZEL, Carl (Arr. 1848 LEONTINE ) -b.1822 Dittmansdorf, Kreis Frankenstein, Silesia (m.SA 1849 Maria Rosina SCHAECHE) - NAT. 24 Jun 1856 after 8 yrs in SA, @ age 34 Farmer of Hallets Vly, Tanunda. d.1892 Angaston
61. HOENKE, Johann Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838)
62. HOENKE (aka HÖHNKE), Johann Gottlob (Arr. Prince George 1838)
63. HOFFMANN, August (Arr.George Washington 1844 / GELLERT 1847)
64. HOFFMANN, Johann Gotthilf Samuel (Arr. GELLERT 1847) Nat. 18-4-1854 Rowlands Flat SA b. Bobersberg, SILESIA 8 yrs 7 m in SA
65. HÖHNBERG, Johann Georg (Arr. SKOJLD 1841)
66. HUBNER, (Arr. HELOISE 1847) or (Arr. LEONTINE 1848)
67. IHMS, Franz (Arr. ALFRED 1848) - Nat.1856 Tanunda Age 34 Farmer/shoemaker b.Münsterberg, Kr.Frankenstein, SILESIA 8 yrs in SA
68. JÄCKEL, Erdmann (Arr. LEONTINE 1848) to Melbourne, Victoria August 1853
69. JANTKE, Christian (Arr. Prince George 1838)
70. JOHN, Benjamin (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
71. JOHN, Carl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
72. JOHN, Gottlieb (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
73. JOHN, Gottlieb (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
74. JOHN, Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
75. JURICKE (aka JURICKY), August (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
76. KALLESKE, Eduard (Arr. Prince George 1838)
77. KAPPLER, Gottfried ? ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839) ?
78. KÄSLER/KAESLER, Gottfried (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
79. KELLER, Carl Freidrich (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845) of Langmiel Tanunda SA Nat. 13 Dec 1848 farmer Age 32 b. SILESIA 3 yrs in SA
80. KLÄBE / KLAEBE, Friedrich
81. KLAFFUS, Gottfried (Arr. 1847/1848)- Nat.18 Jul 1854 Bethanien Sa Age 53 shoemaker b.Nottkow(drf) Netthaus? SILESIA 6yrs 6mn in SA
82. KLEEMANN, Friedrich (Arr. SOLWAY 1837) Nat. 30 Mar 1854 Jacobs Crk, Age 56 farmer b. Raddack, POMERANIA 16 yrs in SA
83. KLEMKE, J. Johann Gottlieb
84. KLEMM, Gottfried (Arr. George Washington 1844/GELLERT 1847)
85. KLICHE, Gottfried ( Arr. SKOJLD 1841)
86. KLUGE, Johann Carl (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
87. KNISPEL, Johann Christian (Arr. BENGALEE 1838)
88. KNUSCHKE, Johann Chrstian
89. KOOK, Hermann Friedrich (Arr. ZEBRA 1839)
90. KOOP, Friedrich
91. KORFF, J.
92. KORNHARDT, Carl (Arr. 1847) Nat.13 Dec 1848 Tanunda Age 23 printer b. Zorge, Braunswieg - 1 yr in SA
93. KRIEBEL, Carl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
94. KREIBEL, Johann Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845) Nat.13 Dec 1848 Longmiel Age 72 farmer b. SILESIA 3 yrs in SA95. KRÜGER, Carl ? (Arr. President SMIDT 1848)
96. KRUSCHEL, Johann Gottlieb (Arr. GELLERT 1847) Nat.13 Mar 1869 Stockwell, SA farmer Age 39 miner b. PRUSSIA 21 yrs in SA
97. LANGE, Christian (Arr.Prince George 1838?George Washington 1846)?
98. LANGE, Conrad ? (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
99. LANGE, Matthias (Arr. George Washington 1846)
100. LATTORF, August
101. LAUNER, Carl (Arr. LEONTINE 1848)
102. LEHMANN, Gottfried ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
103. LEOPOLD, Carl ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
104. LIEBIG, Gottlob (Arr. George Washington 1844) – Johann Gottlob
105. LINKE, Christian ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839) - ZEBRA 1839)
106. LOFFLER, Friedrich
107. LÜHRS, Heinrich
108. MAGNUS, E. -Nat.1848 Tanunda Age 47 shopkeeper b. Konigsberg, PRUS.
109. MANN, Johann
110. MARUSCHKE (aka MARUKE), Matteus (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
111. MATTISKE (aka MATISKY), Friedrich (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
112. MATTNER, Johann Georg ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
113. MATTNER, Johann Gottlieb (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
114. MAY, Heinrich Julius Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1846) Nat.19 Nov 1851 Tanunda Age 48 farmer b. Clausthal Hanover – 5 yrs in SA
115. MAYWALD, Carl Gottlob (Arr. George Washington 1844))
116. MIEGEL, Johann Georg (Arr. Prince George 1838)
117. MILDE, Wilhelm (Arr. SOLWAY 1837)
118. MITTENDORF, Julius
119. MÜLLER/ MUELLER (& SCHÖDER) (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1846)
120. MÜLLER, Friedrich ? Arr. H. R. PATEL 1846)
121. MUNCHENBERG, Wilhelm (son) ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
122. NEUMANN, Wilhelm (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
123. NICHOLAI / NICKLAI, Christoph ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
124. NIEJALKE / NIESALKE, Gottlieb (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
125. NIETSCHKE / NIETCHKE, Gottfried (Arr. ZEBRA 1839)
126. NITSCHKE, Georg Friedrich ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
127. NIPPE, Johann Georg (? Arr> Hermann von Beckenrath 1847)
128. OBST, Carl (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
129. OBST, Johann Gottlob (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
130. OETLING, Carl Ludwig Nat.19 Jun 1851 Age 25 Tanunda SA Agent/Manufacturer b. Bremen -4 yrs in SA
131. OSTERBURG, David
132. OTTO, Johann Wilhelm (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
133. PABST, (aka PARBS), Johann ( Arr. Hermann von Beckenrath 1847)
134. PÄTZOLD, Anton (? Arr> Hermann von Beckenrath 1847)
135. PETRAS, Johann Gottlieb (Arr. Prince George 1838)
136. PETRIKATIS, Eduard (Arr. GODEFFROY, 1849)
137. PFEIFFER, Johann Wilhelm (Arr. ZEBRA 1839?George Washington 1844)
138. PFENDER, Michael
139. PRIEDEMANN, Christian ? ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839) ?
140. PRYZIBILLA (aka SIBYLLA), Matthias (Arr. George Washington 1844)
141. PÜRRMANN, Johann Gottfried (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
142. QUALMANN, Friedrich
143. RÄDEL, Gottlob
144. RANGOTT, August (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
145. RATHMANN, Carl
146. RECHNER, Julius ( Arr. VICTORIA 1848)
147. ROCHEL, Gottleib
148. RÖHRICH, Wilhelm
149. ROTHE, Christian ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
151. SCHILLING, Christian (Arr. Prince George 1838)
152. SCHILLING, Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838)
153. SCHLINKE, Daniel ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839? / SKJOLD 1841
154. SCHMIDT, Franz ( Arr. Hermann von Beckenrath 1847)
155. SCHMIDT, Georg Freidrich (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
156. SCHMIDT, Wilhelm ? (Arr. GODEFFROY, 1849) ? Carl Wilhelm ?
157. SCHNEE, Siegismund (Schneemilch? – Arr. Geo WASHINGTON 1849?)
158. SCHNEIDER, Ernst ? (Arr. George Washington 1844)?
159. SCHOELL, ? ? (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
160. SCHOLZ, Gottlob Johann (Arr. H.R.PATEL 1845)
161. SCHOLZ, Johann Gottfried (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
163. SCHRAPEL, August (Arr. George Washington 1844)
164. SCHRAPEL, Gottlob (Arr. George Washington 1844)
165. SCHROETER, Gottleib ? (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
166. SCHUBERT, G. (Arr. Prince George 1838) or ( H. R. PATEL 1845)
167. SCHUBERT, Carl
168. SCHUBERT, Wilhelm ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839 /or VICTORIA 1848]
169. SCHULTZ, Andreas (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
170. SCHULTZ, (Georg) August ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841
171. SCHULTZ, Johann Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838? Geo.Washington 1844)
172. SCHULTZ, Johann Gotthilf (Arr. SKJOLD 1841
173. SCHULTZ, Johann Gottlieb ( Arr. SKJOLD 1841 or(Arr. GELLERT 1847)
174. SCHULTZ, Johann Karl (Arr. George Washington 1844) (J.K.Erdmuth)
175. SCHULZ, P. {PFW] (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
176. SCHULZ, Samuel (Arr. SKJOLD 1841)– [Johann Samuel Gottlieb]
177. SCHULZE, Eduard Alexander (Arr. 1845/6)Schoolmaster, b. Liepzig, SAXONY Nat. 1849 Age 28 –3 yrs in SA
178. SCHUSTER, Georg
179. SCHWARTZ, Wilhelm? (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
180. SCHWARTZ, Johann Friedrich ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
181. SCHWARTZ, Johann Gottfried ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839) ?
182. SCHWARtZ, Heinrich (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
183. SEELÄNDER, Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838)
184. SEELÄNDER, Johann Gottfried (Arr. Prince George 1838)
185. SEIDEL, Christian (Arr. SKJOLD 1841? Geo.Washington 1844))
186. SONNTAG, Franz (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
187. SPORN, Johann Friedrich (Arr. George Washington 1844)
188. STANGERT, Vincent
189. STILLER, Johann Samuel (Arr. George Washington 1844)
190. STOCKMANN, Heinrich (Arr. George Washington 1846)
191. STOLLE, Carl Ludwig (Arr. PAULINE 1846) - Nat.1851 Tanunda Age 55 Tailor –5 yrs in SA b. Frieinwalde-am-Oder, Prussia
192. TILL, Johann Michael ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
193. TOPP, Friedrich (Arr. SKJOLD 1841)?
194. TRÄGER /TRAEGER, Johann Gottlob ( Arr. LEONTINE 1848)
195. TRÄGER (aka TREEGER), Gottlieb (Arr. LEONTINE 1848)
196. TSCHIRPIG, Gottfried (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
197. WALTER, Carl
198. WALTER, Heinrich [Wilhelm Alexander] (Arr. George Washington 1844)
199. WARNEST, August Ernst ( Arr. CATHERINA 1839)
200. WEBER, Carl (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
201. WEBER, Christian (Arr. BENGALEE 1838? GELLERT 1847)
202. WEBER, Gottlieb (Arr. GELLERT 1847)
203. WEIDNER, Johann Gottlob (Arr. PAULINE 1846)
204. WIESNER, Wilhelm? (Clockmaker) (Arr. ALFRED 1848)
205. WILKSCH, Johann Wilhelm (Arr. Prince George 1838) ?
206. WIRSING, Christoph (Arr. H. R. PATEL 1845)
207. YOUNG (JUNG?), C.
The Wood And Stone Petition was hardly successful in terms of bringing anything to hand for building that might be of practical use.
NOTE: - Johann Gottlob Scholz was born 1808 in Leutmannsdorf, Silesia. He was exactly the same age as Erdmann Jackel, and born in the next villege. Calling out, "Tot! Tot!" ("Death death") when falling while working on a dray on Weiland's farm, next door to the Paech's farm, in Scoresby North (Bayswater / Wantirna) he died on 6 February 1884. The person called to render help was Mrs Paech (Augusta Jaeckel).
THE WOOD & STONE PETITION 1849-2009 a historical reflection
On the 2nd of June 1849, my great great great grandpa C. Erdmann Jäckel, a tischlermeister (cabinet maker-joiner) with 210 other new Barossa Valley settlers, signed what is now called the ‘Wood and Stone Petition’ lobbying the South Australian Governor to take material from Crown land to build pioneer homes. Though Erdmann soon had to leave his trade, and learn to farm, his family fell into distress which saw the death of his wife, his children’s mother. When he re-migrated to the east of Melbourne in 1853, where he could practice his craft on town houses built with gold rush wealth, he did not trust to this mastery alone, but kept also to a hard-won providential life, with a small farm, cow, vines, orchard and hives at Boundary Road: a freedom practice many of his descendants still practice, or at least remember.
With hands in flesh worn to touch, but no ready money,
with families in health to provide, but no ready homes,
with rich mentalities, with skilled hands to use,
but no materials, I, Erdmann Jäckel, with my
compatriot New Silesians (1) of this Barossa Valley,
on the North Gawler river, petitioned the then
Governor on the 2nd of June in 1849 in a plea to
obtain wood and stone from the wastes of the Crown.
Finally, the Governor’s reply came with a breach
in the prohibition, - as if this was permission:
" You will be allowed to remove dead trees. "
Those dead hardwood Australian trees are hard near to
a Prussian blue Exit signature inked at last
on the too-easy writ of dense legislation; and me,
a tischlermeister (2) , able to turn the finest wood
into even finer interiors…in a time of bark huts,
free-stone cabins, of wattle and daub, of unceilinged,
newspapered walls! Interiors? What use was dead wood?
What use was I? I lasted few years, then
took ship for Port Phillip.
So, the fine fancy of lace-wrought wood in Victorian
gold scrollwork on front verandahs of Melbourne,
or the timbering of Hawthorn-brick homes does not answer
as well as a table, a chair, a bench seat, nor
a shed roof, but there, in the wilds of ‘The Nunawading’ (3)
my mortises and dovetails made fine hives for honey,
my joinery made a prize cow bail, a water barrel,
a wooden home with verandah post and beams for vines, (4)
and my coffin.
Now, 157 years after my day, I, Erdmann Jäckel,
the Earthman-builder (5) whose rustic bones
underscored and spokeshaved what has become
suburban-Melbourne’s rise, am not blind to you,
who still have hands of flesh, much compromised
to a world of paper resourcefulness, in
a mortgage shuffle of paper skills,
good at the too-easily printed paper…
I petition now for you - and for your freedom,
to ask for wild wood and stone
against many a signed paper,
to foil the death-pledge of documents (6)
you hold in the bought-surround houses of your night.
Give a Grace for Wood and Stone!
Gnadenfrei -free grace (7) always will be
what matters most for a signature writ in
the all-weather building-blocks
of a cultured simplicity.
July 2005-Jan 2007 © by Wayne David Knoll
Notes: 1. The Barossa area of South Australia was called " NEW SILESIA " - in German " NEU SCHLESIEN " by the famous geologist and explorer, Johannes MENGE, who later died in 1852 at Forest Creek, near Castlemaine, Victoria. Johannes Menge & New Silesia -Wikipedia
2. Tischler-meister literally means "table-master' that is, a cabinet maker, furniture maker, or joiner.
3. THE NUNAWADING: - As a child I heard my grandfather Horace Jackel say that his grandfather lived in 'The Nunawading' - and I take up that expression for a whole district - from Boundary (now Warrigal) Road to the Dandenong Creek.
4. Probably the oldest house in Surrey Hills, the house now called "Spenceycroft" in Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, Victoria.
5. ERDMANN: - our ancestor's Christian name, Erdmann, literally means " EARTH MAN " - - that's quite a name for us to be heir to, having a prior grandfather who travelled the globe out of concern for the soul & spirit, who build shelter and planted fruit and vines - the 'wood and stone' that meant the survival of his people on this Planet.
6. MORTGAGE literally means "Death-pledge"
7. " GNADENFREI " meaning "grace freely' was an early village in the Barossa valley near Tanunda named after Gnadenfrei near to Peterswaldau in the Beilau valley of Silesia from whence the Jackels came. The name of the Barossa Gnadenfrei was changed to Marananga during the Anti-German purges in Australia during World War One, but the Lutheran Church & Cemetery there is still called Gnadenfrei.
"BAROSSA FOLK: - Germanic Furniture & Crafts Traditions in Australia" by Norris Ioannou (of Adelaide, South Australia)- makes two mentions of Erdmann Jaeckel, firstly as being a tischlermeister living in Tanunda, and second as being forced by penurious circumstances to move to Light's Pass and try to take up farming.
Barossa Folk: Excerpts. Erdmann Jaeckel is listed in the INDEX for three pages, 37 73 & 84.
Page 37 "For a variety of reasons, may woodcraftsmen simply had no choice but to abandon their calling to become farmers or labourers. In numerous cases, except for their identification amont the early passenger lists, the fates of most Old Lutheran cabinetmakers have remained untraceable. A small proportion of these had decided alomsy immeadiately that their intitial choice of settlement was not a good one, and either left the Barossa Valley to establish themselves as cabinetmakers elsewhere in the colony, or else simply turned to farming. German cabinetmakers who followed this latter pattern included Erdmann Jaeckel, Christian Carl Petschel and Ernst Wenske. In most cases the detail of unsuccessful cabinetmakers are scarce and only in a handful of cases do we glean sufficeniet information to reconstruct the reasons behind the failure of earlier migrant cabinetmakers." part page 37.
Page 73 Extract: - "It was common for a number of workshops to include both a father and a son.... It was necessary too, that many cabinetmakers be adaptable, that is combining furniture-making wth building and general carpentry... Yet other cabinetmakers simply had a brief spell in one of other of the various communities, before moving to other settlements in search of work. Among these were Carl Erdmann Jaeckel, who worked for only a year of so in Tanunda before moving to Light's Pass..." Page 73.
" Aside from Karl Launer, (who came from Langenbeielau near Peterswaldau, and arrived on the Leontine in 1848 with the Jaeckels), German cabinetmakers who settled in Light's Pass and about its environs in the period between the 1840s and early 1869 included Gottlieb Schoeter, Johann Carl Rendel, Ewald Weber, H. Hennig, Johann Gottlieb John, Carl Gottlieb Maywald, Gottfried Steiler, Wilhelm Meier and Carl Erdmann Jaeckel." Page 84
Unfortutanely while the above material is amazing for its existence, and very interesting, Norris Ioannou failed to notice Erdmann Jaeckel's 1853 migration to Melbourne, so he is not included in the subsequent appendix lists for Victoria.
In Melbourne Erdmann Jaeckel is soon documented as being associated with the likes of Adolph Moeller, Ernst Altmann, Wilhelm Finger, Ambrose Lischke and other cabinetmakers, so we know he was likely to have continued as an adaptable tradesman, while maintaining a fallback position of production on the small farm.
ALTERNATIVE to Langmiel Lutheran Church & KAVEL
The Old Lutheran community at Bethanien (Bethany) near Tanunda was lead by Lutheran Pastor FRITZSCHE who had arrived in 1841 on the ship 'Skjold.' Fritzsche had been a Pastor at Large in Posen and Silesia and had minstered to clandestine congregations in disguise before he emigrated to Australia in 1841. IN South Australia Fritzsche was very influencial in countering Kavel's more millinerian tendencies which bordered on heretical chiliasm. He was also the leading guide at adistance to the first Old Lutheran settlers in Melbourne.
Eventually in about 185? the Lutheran church in South Ausralia split between the Kavel group and the more orthodox group lead by Fritzsche
Pastor FRITZSCHE, Gotthard Daniel - Australian Dictionary of Biography Article
Gotthard FRITZSCHE, - Underground & Old Lutheran pastor -Wikipedia Article
Erdmann Jaeckel's 1851 Naturalizationn document had provision to be attested by his pastor. It was signed by Dr C. Muecke, then Pastor of Tabor Lutheran CHurch, Tanunda.
The Tabor Lutheran Church of Tanunda was begun in 1849, and took a more progressive line in theology, a third type of church different again to either Kavel's prophecy-mad millenarianism, or Fritzsche's Old Believer orthodoxy. Tabor was in fact quite similar to Pastor Matthias Goethe's style in Melbourne, where because of a diverse Germanic emigration, he had to be adaptable, and walk with the flux of life, being all things to all Lutheran comers.
Pastor Adalbert Kappler who proceeded Muecke, was linked to the Jackels through the Voigt family marriage in the schoolhouse in Gawler in 1850. Except for their married daughter, the Voigts emigrated to Melbourne, and were Jaeckel near neighbours in Nunawading (Surrey Hills).
Dr. Carl Wilhelm Ludwig Muecke - Australian DIctionary of Biography article
"A Great Independant Australian Reich & Nation - Carl Muecke and the Eighteen Forty-eighters: of the German-Australian Community of South Australia -an article by Dr Gerhard Fischer in the Journal of Australian Studies
On the 16th MAy 1851 Erdmann Jaeckel bought land in Murray Street, Tanunda. This is the main Street of Tanunda, South Australia. The land is situated on the east side of Murray street, and, at the south end (the Hallet's Valley end) of Tanunda, in the Barossa Valley.
Land Transaction 1. (OBTAINING) No. 138 – 32 Lot 15 Tanunda
Lot Number 138 of Section 32 on the 16th May 1851 – Charles YOUNG, of Gawler, S.A. to Erdmann JÄCKEL of Tanunda, Carpenter
Witnesses: John Edward GAMEAU of Gawler Town, F. GARDNER
Instrument: Release in Fee
Land: - All that allotment piece and parcel of land situated on the east side of Murray Street (Main Street), the Township of Tanunda in the Plan No. 15 of a portion of the said Township
£20 - Twenty Pounds before execution.
Application No, 27910 - Volume 1635, - Folios 31, 32, 33
IDENTITIES: 1. Charles YOUNG (Vendor) of Gawler ? - biography unknown
2. John Edwin GAMEAU, (witness) was a Barrister who live in Gawler, S.A. His basic biography: - born c.1802 died 27-7-1872 Buried. Campelltwon South Australia; Religion C/E, arr. S.A. c.1850 Occupation: Barrister, Res. Gawler, Campelltown (wife Rachael & seven children) [from the Biographical Index of South Australians Vol ii, page 545
3. F. Gardner (witness) - unknown
This Land Deal went awry as shown by the subsequent case that went before the Supreme Court of South Australia, as reported in the Newspaper article in facsimile in two sections.
THE TANUNDA LAND was sold in three separate Transactions in September and October of 1853.
1. 16th September 1853 No. 36 – 56 Lots 6. 0. Tanunda
Number 36 of 56 on the 16th September 1853 at a quarter to twelve in the forenoon
James Tobitt of the Township of Tanunda in the County of Light, in the Province of South Australia, Miller, on the first part, George Newnham Tobitt of the same place, Miller, of the second part, and Erdmann JÄCKEL, of the same place, farmer, of the third part.
Witnesses: F. O. WINDSCHIED, Publican, Tanunda (Tanunda Hotel)
(Friedrich Otto Windscheid. This transaction took place in the Tanunda Hotel.]
Instrument: Release in Fee by the said James Tobitt at the request and by the direction of the said George Newnham Tobitt and confirmation by the latter to the Erdmann JÄCKEL.
Property Description: - All that allotment of land situate on the East side of Murray Street in the Township of Tanunda aforesaid and numbered “6” in the plan of portion of the said township drawn on the margin of a certain Indenture of conveyance bearing date, the seventeenth (17th) day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty one (1850) and made between Johann Gottlieb BOTHE of the one part and August FIEDLER of the other part and also all that allotment of land situate on the north side of Fiedler Street in the said township and distinguished by the letter “0” in the said plan, together with all houses (numbered) members and appurtenances belonging and appertaining.
£16 Sterling – Sixteen Pounds Stirling
Mortgage/Rent – The sum of sixteen pounds of careful British money paid by the said George Newnham Tobitt to the said James Tobitt and also in consideration of Twenty (20) pounds to the said George Newnham Tobitt by the said Erdmann JÄCKEL.
IDENTITIES: - Tobitt is a local Miller. He is an Englishman, but interestingly he arrived in South Australia on a German Emigrant ship- the 'Hermann von Beckerath' which alos bought the famous botanist, Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, who came on to Melbourne. Also, in some dissidence for the Barossa Valley, where Pastor Kavel was trying to keep the German settlers marrying their own, is the discovery that Tobitt junior's wife is a German, Albertina Friedericke Wilhelmine WETZEL. He was obviously well-integrated into the German-settler community. Tobitt was declared bankrupt in about 1856 in Lights Pass.
1. TOBITT, George Newnham – par. James, born. 1836 Alfriston, Essex, England,
died. 27 Jan 1858 Stockwell, SA. Buried. Tanunda, SA, Arrived. 1849 “Hermann Von Beckerath” Occ. Farmer, Miller, Res, Stockwell, Angaston, SA,
Married: 1st October 1856 Adelaide SA, Albertine Friedke Whme nee WETZEL (parents J. Carl Whm WETZEL & Frdke Whme nee BISCHOFF) b. 8 April 1837 Walkenried, Germany,, d. Remarried to BUTCHER Ch. Geo Chas. Wm (1858-)
2. TOBITT, James ? father of George Newnham Tobitt? (Bio. Index of Sth Australians)
3. Friedrich Otto WINDSCHEID. - Friedrich Otto Windschied married on 21 December 1852 to Amalie Henriette WEISNER at the Lutheran Church, Tanunda, SA.
Children: - 1. Amalie Henriette WINDSCHEID - b. 27 June 1856 Angaston SA;
2. Friedrich Wilhelm Otto WINDSCHEID - b. 27 Apr 1858 Angaston SA;
3. Anna Marie WINDSCHEID - b. 17 April 1860 Gawler SA;
4. August Otto WINDSCHEID - b. 12 Aug 1862 Greenock SA;
5. Maria Wilhelmine WINDSCHEID b.15 Oct 1864 Greenock, SA;
6. Clara Bertha WINDSCHEID - b. 25 Set 1866 Greenock, SA.
7. Carl Wilhelm WINDSCHEID - b. 15 Dec 1868 Nuriootpa, SA [married at age 33 to Lily Ann COOPER age 32, daughter of John Cooper on 30 October 1901 at the Residence of J. Cooper, Riverton, SA
8. Alma Bertha WINDSCHEID - b. 11 April 1871 Nuriootpa, SA;
9. Meta Emilie WINDSCHEID - b. 20 Nov 1872 Nuriootpa, SA;
10.Maximilian Benno WINDSCHEID - b. 8 Oct 1874 Nuriootpa SA, d. 15 Jan 1875 Nuriootpa SA. Four daughter of Friedrich Otto WINDSCHEID married between 1882-1897. Friedrich Otto WINDSCHEID died 19 July 1878 aged 52 at Nuriootpa
Amalia Henrietta Windscheid died Age 75 on 22 Aug 1908 in Adelaide SA
The above data shows that the Windschied's offspring married into the Cooper family, who I believe are pioneer brewers of the now well-known COOPERS beer.
I will Leave details for BOTHE & FIEDLER details for the next two transactions.
2. 21st October 1853 - 412 – 57 Lot 5 Tanunda 21st October 1853
Number 412 of Roll 57 – Parties: - John HANA of Adelaide in the Province of South Australia, Esquire, official assignee of the estate effects of Insolvent Debters in the said Province, licensed victualler, of the second part and Erdmann JÄCKEL of Gawler Town, aforesaid Carpenter of the third part.
Witness: - J. Eldin Moulden, Solr- Solicitor of Adelaide to the execution by the said John HANA to that by the said Charles YOUNG and Theodor FAASS to that of the said Erdmann JÄCKEL.
Instrument: - Release and Confirmation in Fee.
PROPERTY: - All that allotment of land situate on the East side of Murray Street in the Township of Tanunda in the Province of South Australia and numbered “5” five in the plan of such township. Together with the appurtances.
Mortgage/Rent: - Five Shillings of lawful British money paid by the said Erdmann JÄCKEL to the said John HANA and twenty pounds (£20) to the said Charles YOUNG by the said Erdmann JÄCKEL.
NOTE: This land sale document gives Erdmann's Address as Gawler-Town S.A., when it is likely that he is in fact already in Melbourne. It seems likely that he was in Gawler before he immigrated to Melbourne. I believe his agent may have been based in Gawler.
1. MOULDEN, Joseph Eldin b. c1812 Southwark, London< England, d. 31-10-1891 Bd. Glen Osmond, SA, Arr. 1850 “Trafalgar”, Occ. Town Clerk, Solicitor. Res. Norwood Married unknown – eight children born 1849-1867, [BIO INDEX OF SA ] - the SAGHS Births Index-shows that Moulden's wife was Margaret Perkins HINTON
2. John HANA - unknown - it would seem that John HANA has taken over as Reciever of Charles Young's estate.
3. Hermann Theodor FAASS was naturalized on 13th Dec 1848 in Tanunda, SA. He was then a Merchant, age 33, born in Hamburg, and had then been in SA two years. (He arrived on the 'H. R. PATEL in 1846'). His application was attested by Pastor August Kavel. - FAAS, Hermann Theodor d. after 1872 arr. 1846 PATEL Occ. Merchant, Res. Tanunda [ BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF SOUTH AUSTRALIANS Vol. II page 480 ]
LAND SALE 3. 26st October 1853 413 – 57 Lots 5, 6 & 0 Tanunda.
Number 413 on 20th October 1853 – Erdmann JÄCKEL of the Township of Tanunda in the County of Light in the Province of South Australia, Farmer, of the one part, Christian Friedrich FREHSE, of the same place, Farmer, of the other part.
Witness: - Theodor FAASS (FAAβS)
Instrument: - Release in Fee
PROPERTY: - All those two allotments of land on the east side of Murray Street in the Township of Tanunda, aforesaid, numbered “5” and “6” in the plan of portion of the said Township drawn in the margin of a certain Indenture of conveyance bearing a date the seventeenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and fifty (1850) and made between Johann Gottlob BOTHE of the one part and August FIEDLERof the other part and also all that allotment of Land situate on the north side of Fiedler Street in the said Township (Tanunda) and distinguished by the Letter “O” in the said plan together with all houses members and appurtances.
1. Johann Gottlob BOTHE, - par. Christian b. 26-2-1805, Klemzig Brandenburg, Prussia. D. 8-12-1880, Bd, Langmiel SA, Arr. Prince George Occ. Farm labourer, Farmer, Res, Klemzig, Light Pass, Langmiel. Rel. Lutheran [BIO INDEX of South Autsralians - Vol. 1 page 148 ] Married. Brandenburg, Prussia Maria Elisabeth RAU b. 24-1-1807 Brandenburg Prus, d. 2-8-1879 ch. Johanne Louise Bothe (1825-)
Sons of Johann Gottfried BOTHE married into the ALDENHOVEN families, also linked to Fiedler:
1. Friedrich Wilhelm Bothe age 23 married on 28 September 1864 to Johanne Eleonore Sophie ALDENHOVEN, age 17, (daughter of Hermann Marno Karsten ALDENHOVEN) at the Evangelical Lutheran Chapel in Lights Pass, SA;
2. Johann Gotthilf Bothe age 21 married on 7 November 1867 to Eleonore Sophie ALDENHOVEN, age 21, (daughter of Hermann Marno ALDENHOVEN) at the Wesleyan Chapel in Kapunda, SA. Johann Gottlob BOTHE died on the 8th December 1880 age 75 at Stockwell in the Barossa.
2. Christian Friedrick FREHSE. { later married FIEDLER Jnr's widow)
FRE(H)SE, Christian Friedrich b. 3.2.1817 Cropelin, Mecklenburg-Schwerin,
d. 24-9-1894 Tanunda, SA. Arr. 1846 "George Washington", Occ. Tailor Res. Adelaide, Tanunda, Rel. Lutheran. Married (1/2) Mres Caroline Charlotte FRIESEMANN nee OEHLRICH , b.15-9-1808 Germany, d. 20 – 6- 1878 Tanunda, ch. 2 children
2/2. Mres Je Eleonore FIEDLER nee RAU par. Anna Maria nee Bittfroff – b. 18-8-1817 Klemzig, Zuellichau. D. 3-6-1901 Tanunda, SA
Christian Friedrich FREHSE (widower) aged 61 married Johanne Eleonore FIEDLER (widow)nee RAU, age 60 on the 9th January 1879 at the Lutheran Church, Langmeil, SA . He was the son of W. Friedrich Frehse. She was the daughter of W. Christian RAU and the widow of Johann Friedrich August Alexander FIEDLER (August Fiedler as below). Friedrich Christian Frehse died 24 Sept 1894 Age 77 near Tanunda, SA. Johanne Eleonore Frehse, nee Fiedler, nee Rau, died 3 June 1901 Age 83 at Tanunda. Also a Caroline Frehse, (daughter of Christian Frehse) died 20 June 1878 age 77 & 9m in Tanunda, SA.
3. August FIEDLER was family to Pastor KAVEL, married to his sister Charlotte Sabina Kavel.
FIEDLER, J. Fried. August b. 21-2-1796 Klemzig, Brandenburg, Prussia, d. 17-9-1880 Langmiel SA , arr. 1838 Prince George, Occ. Farmer, winegrower Res. Klemzig, Langmiel, Religion: Lutheran.
married. 2/3 c.1830 Prussia Mrs Johanne Maria TEUSLER nee KOHLER b. 1800 Brandenburg, Prussia, d. 5-12-1838 SA. Ch. J. Fried August Alexr (1822-1875); Bertha Augte Mathilde ALDENHOVEN (1824-1886); Fried Eduard Julius (1828-1886); Johanne Luise (1829-)married. (3/3) c.1840 Maria Charlotte Sabina KAVEL, par. Albrecht Fried Whm and Charlotte Sabine nee FILLGRAF b. 2-8-1802/8 Berlin Germany d. 6-4-1880 Langiel Sa. Ch. Anna August HOFF (1848-1914), Auguste Elisabeth (1849-1850_; Beate Louis SCHUBERT (1852-1913)
August FIEDLER, Junior - FIEDLER, J. Fried August Alexr. Par. J. Fried aug & 1st wife, b. 1-2-1822 Klmzig Brandenburg, d. 12-8-1875 Tanunda SA, Arr. Prince George’ Occ. Farmer Res, Bethany, Klemzig, Tanunda, Religion: - Lutheran
m. (1/2) unknown nee KAVEL par, Augustus m. (2/2) Klemzig Sa , Johanne Eleonore RAU, par. Anna Maria nee Bittroff b. 18-8-1816 Germany, d. rem. C.F.Frehse. ch. Mathilde Luise Martha HEUZENROEDER (1843-1893); August Gotthard (1847-); J. Hermann (1849-1850); Ernst Jes Immanuel (1850-1872)
It is interesting to notice that a number of these players, Theodor FAASS, August FIEDLER, and his Son, August A. FIEDLER, Jnr, and Johann Gottlieb BOTHE, and the ALDENHOVEN brothers are all co-signatories of the Wood and Stone Petition in 1849 with Erdmann Jaeckel.
The larger areas of the Jaeckel land was seen to have been planted with vineyards
by this list of wines entered in the Tanunda Vintagers' & Gardeners' show of 1859.
Extract from The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA) Friday 4 March 1859>
THE TANUNDA VINTAGERS' AND GARDENERS’ ASSOCIATION. - The first exhibition of colonial wines and garden produce, in connection with the above Society, was held on "Wednesday, March 2, near the Tanunda Hotel, Tanunda, in a booth which had been erected for the occasion, and round the inside boundaries of which the various articles intended for exhibition were neatly arranged. The grapes occupied the right hand counter on entering ; the head of the booth was well stocked with samples of various kinds of wines while the opposite side contained various descriptions of fruits, vegetables, &c, &c
13. Mr. C. Frehse, Tanunda, White Sweetwater, vintage 1857.
14. Mr. C. Frehse, Tanunda, Bed-Black Portugal, and Spaniard, vintage 1857.
15. Mr. John Gramp, Rowland's Flat, Red-Black Portugal, vintage 1857.
16. Mr. John Gramp, Rowland's Flat, White-Mixed, vintage 1857
19. Mr. A. Fiedler, sen., Tanunda, Red Mataro, vintage 1857.
20. Mr. A. Fiedler, sen., Tanunda, Red-Miller's Burgundy, vintage 1858.
21. Mr. A. Fiedler, sen., Tanunda, White Muscat, vintage 1857.
22. Mr. A. Fiedler, sen.. Tanunda, White mixed, vintage 1857.
23. Mr. A. Fiedler, sen., Tanunda, White Riesling, vintage 1857.
28. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, White Tokay, vintage 1856.
29. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, Red A, vintage 1857.
30. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, Red B, vintage 1857.
31. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, White Muscat, vintage 1857.
32. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, White Madeira, vintage 1857.
33. Mr. Ferd. Aldenhoven, "White Muscat, vintage 1858.
34. Mr. Ferd, Aldenhoven, Red Muscat, vintage 1858
45. Mr. Von der Hyde, "White Tokay, vintage 1856.
46. Mr. Von der Hyde, Red Medoc, vintage 1856.
The same show saw a display not of wine, but Grapes from Messrs. J. E. Seppelt ( (Jaeckel's fellow Eulengebirge Silesian) o fthe Barossa Valley), and Jaeckel's fellow Eighteen-Forty-Eighter, Richard Schomburgh at Buschfelde, Gawler. I have included the listing for Johann Gramp's 1859 wine entry, as he is of interest because he is another of Jaeckel co-signataries on the Wood & Stone Petition, - as well as the pioneer of the Gramp Winery of the Barossa Valley. The Gramp Label is still in business.
The other inclusion of Herr Von der Hyde is of interest because Von de Hyde later moved his wine-dealing operations to Melbourne, where his son married into the Buddee family. Friedrich Wilhelm Julius Buddee arrived in South Australian in 1849 and re-immigrated immediatly to Melbourne, preceding Erdmann Jaeckel in his move there.
It is interesting here to see that Erdmann Jaeckel was involved with the foundation pioneers of the wine industry, and the enterprising practice and mileau at large in the Barossa valley no doubt had an influence on him and on his peers, in that he turned to the vineyard and the vintner trade once he moved out east of Melbourne.
It would seem that some of Jaeckel's Tanunda land was street frontage which is now in the commercial zone, but other land behind that was the site of early vineyards. The area of Tanunda behind the houses and streetfronts is still vineyards today. Some of them dating to the pioneer period.
OTHER JAEKELS in South Australia:
- For the year or two until they left for Victoria, the Erdmann Jaeckel family was in Light's Pass in the Barossa Valley. They were joined there by other Jaeckels - an older couple, Johann Gottlieb Jaeckel and his wife Marie ELisabeth Jaeckel - who took up land and planted a vineyard, while living in a dugout home up a valley in the marblestone range to the east of the Pass.
They had arrived in South Australia on the ship "Suzanne" in 1851 after leaving Pilgrimsdorf in the Goldberg Valley of Silesia, Prussia. Frau Maria Elisabeth Jaeckel was a traditional Silesian healer, herbalist and midwife. This Jaeckel couple remained in Lights Pass and are buried in the Strait Gate Lutheran Church Cemetery there.
After Mutter Jaeckel died a legend developed that she had been a witch and certain people have imagined that she had appeared to them when walking at night through Lights pass vineyards. Much fun was had retelling this story and Mutter Jaeckel (Mother Jaeckel)is spoken of with hushed tones in the Barossa Valley. These Jaeckels willed their land to their neighbours and friends, such as the Silesian John (Yone)family, so the relation with the Erdmann Jaeckel family cannot have been close.
The locals still speak of the other Jaeckel family who were there early on, and point to a spot covered with vineyards near the current railway line where the Jaeckel house once was. The John family of Light's Pass still own the former Jaeckel land, covered as it is with vineyards, and, in fact, they have a vineyard and wine label registered with the legendary name: "Mutter Jaeckel's. I'll have a bottle to share with any of you as soon as its available... and the toast will be to "Mutter Jaeckel."
NOT OUR JAECKEL FAMILY: In 1855, about two years after the Erdmann Jaeckel family left for Victoria, another family of Silesian Jaekel's arrived in South Australia. The emigrated on the ship "WILHELMINE" a 300 ton 3 mast barque, which arrived on the 1st of October 1855 having departed from BREMEN on the 6th of June 1855 under Captain Kimme, (South Australian Register 2 October 1855).
Confusingly, his name was also Johann Gottlieb Jaeckel (1818-1875) & his wife was Anna Dorothea nee Mueller (1821-1908). They arrived with one son, the eldest, and had about five daughters. They came from Janni, near Gruenberg, in Nieder Silesia - in the Oder regions not far where the bulk of the first S.A. German settlers, sometimes known as 'Kavel's People,' also near to Crossen, from where the Metzenthens came in earlier years, as it was the Crossen district the Paechs came from in 1855.
Janni, Gruenberg is at the far western and riverine end of Silesia, and a long way from the Jaeckel's mountainous Silesian region. By chance maybe? they also had links with Light's Pass, or, at least went to the midwife there, for their youngest daughter was born there in 1857. Descendants of this Jaeckel family still live in South Australia and elsewhere.
Johann Gottlieb & Anna Dorothea (nee Mueller) JAECKEL
Their son, 1. Johann Friedrich August Jaekel(1846-1919) married twice, a., to Marie NOACK (1850-1881), and, b., to Sarah Emilie Hirschfeld (1856-1928), and had sixteen (16) children, nine (9) of whom survived to adulthood.
His naturalization records give his places of residence as:
Flaxman's Valley near Angaston, 7 years (Oct.1855-1862) [when a sister was born in Lights Pass];
nearby at Eden Valley 7 years (1862-1869);
St Kitts / Tablelands 7 years (1869-1876);
Laura/Booyoolie/Caltowie 22 years, (1876- 1899);
Bower about 7 years (1899-1906);
& Pinnaroo (Parilla Well) 7 -8 years by 1914.
August Jaekel died in Pinnaroo in 1919 and is buried about a mile from the Victorian border in the Pinaroo Cemetery.
The Jaekel daughters all married and became the Fraus:
2. Johanne Rosine Jaekel (1847-1898) wife of Johann Ernst Gottlieb KLICHE (1843-1897);
3. Auguste Ernestine Jaekel (1851-1922), wife of Carl Friedrich Wilhelm PAHL (1849-1927);
4. Johanna Helene Jaekel (1854-1923) wife of Johann Wilhelm REIMANN (1848-1931);
5. Auguste Marie Jaekel (1857-1882) wife of Johann Hermann ROHRLACH (1856-1922); and,
6. Johanne Pauline Caroline Jaekel (1860-1941) wife of Wilhelm LEHMANN (1855-1930);
and one source (the Biographical Index of South Australians) includes a Johanna Jaekel (1862-?)whose husband was named KERNICH, but no births, deaths or marriage data attests to either existence.
The descendants of August Jaeckel (the son) spell their name JAEKEL. The Second son from August's first marriage, C. A. H. or 'Henry' Jaekel went to the Western Australia goldrush and afterwards pioneered Ongerup, a district inland from Esperance, which has a Jaekel Street nearby where his descendants are still.
Another Jaekel son from the second marriage went mining in Broken Hill, N.S.W.
Gottlieb & Anna Dorothea JAEKEL site by Graeme Moad- Note: Graeme's site formerly had the wrong Immigration details for this Jaeckel family, but the author has corrected the confusion made between two Johann Gottlieb Jaeckels. This family arrived in 1855 on the ship 'Wilhelmine' - based on the evidence of J.F.August Jaekel's naturalization in 1914. Graeme Moad's site includees these JAECKEL families with dates and places of birth, marriage and death.
TRAGIC JAEKEL TALE: During World War Two, Desmond Nelson Jaekel, one of the many grandsons of August Jaekel, born in Pinnaroo, South Australia, a quick, bright lad with talent and ambition, joined the R.A.A.F. to become a pilot. After soon learning to fly he was sent to Europe and given charge of a Lancaster bomber. After flying many a mission one night on a bombing run of over Germany the aircraft he was pioting was shot down and lost without a survivor. Desmond Nelson Jaekel was nineteen when he died. He is buried with the whole crew in the Doortmund Forst in Central Germany, - a violent and terrible way for any of us to get back to the Jaekel homeland. Such were those times.
Erdmann Jaeckel's land in Tanunda was sold between September 1853 and the end of that year. In fact it seems he might have left The Barossa sometime during August , or else in October 1853. If he left in August he would have had to find a way of getting the money for land sold after that date -over to Melbourne.. in the days before telegraph, let alone phone or internet banking. Erdmann may have had to travel back and forth for his money, although the German Lutheran community was pretty thick and maybe agents existed who were undertaking such commissions.
Certainly, many marriages seem to have been arranged between parties in the two colonies, sometimes before the partneers had even met. In this case I beleive the Lutheran clergy often appointed official matchmakers to find out and amend the problems of a needed wife or husband, and then set up the meeting.
I believe he is likely to have come by the coastal ship - such as the "MARAQUITA" or the "MAZEPPA" which were then plying the Adelaide-Melbourne route - and which Erdmann Jaeckel may have misremembered later as the "Mississippi" - for it seems unlikely that a ship of that name made such a voyage. The " MARAQUITA 96 tons, Arrived in Melbourne 15 August 1853 from Warrnambool 13 August 1853 Capt. G. GRAY, with 4 passengers + 2 steerage, wheat, oats, flour, British whisky, brandy
"MAZEPPA" 163 tons Captain T Eveis/ Eves - Arrived 5 October 1853 Melbourne from Adelaide 29 Sept 1853 - 20 Passengers, hay, deals, flour,
"MARIQUITA" 74 tons, Arrived Melbourne 12 October 1853 from Warrnambool 10 October 1853 - 8 passengers + 5 steerage, flour, lime, goods,
" MONTEZUMA" 135 tons, Arrived Melbourne 22 October 1853 from Adelaide 13 October 1853 6 passengers, flour, bricks,
" MARIQUITA" 74 t, Arrived Melbourne 7 November 1853 from Warrnambool 5 November 1853, 3 passengers + 6 steerage, flour, wheat, goods
"MAZEPPA" 163 tons, Arrived Melbourne 8 November 1853 from Adelaide 1 November 1853: 60 Steerage passngers, flour, beer, eggs.
YARRABERG OR SOUTH YARRA: - Prahran or Hawthorn?
When Erdmann Jaeckel re-marrried on the 15th February 1854 in Collins Street, Melbourne, he gave his place of residence as South Yarra. This may or may not have been South Yarra as we know it. Robert Wuchatsch has suggested in his works on German settlement in early Melbourne that "South Yarra' may mean South of the Yarra, or across the Yarra, and so as possibly to be identified with Hawthorn as with Prahran district of South Yarra. Nevertheless, my own research shows a score of Germanic settlers in the Parish of Prahran which includes South Yarra, and the vineyards on Punt Hill are know to have been tended by German vinedressers.
Most German settlers in Melbourne then lived in the high-density low-rent transit "Camps' of YARRABERG which was a district of Richmond along the eastern Yarra Riverbank fringes that suburb and likely included much of eastern Collingwood (Abbotsford. Of course such a ferment of people would spill across the rived and the well-known Germanic Settlement at "German Paddock" in what was then Weiberg Road in Boroondara (Hawthorn), now Wattle Road, was accompanied by a spill over south of Richmond in the Prahran district of South Yarra. The likelihood that at the Jaeckel's may have first lived in South Yarra is increased when it is discovered that a number of the German Settlers their, such as the Einsiedels were fellow tischlers involved in building early houses on the hill.
Before Erdmann Jackel arrived in Victoria there were already two families with Jackel family antecedents, and both of these families had already been living in Hawthorn, Boroondara before the Jackel’s arrived.
The two are the Tauschke and the Kobelke families. I believe these surnames might now be pronounced as if 'Tauschker' & 'Kobelker.'
THE TAUSCHKE FAMILY consisting of Johann Georg Tauschke, his wife Johanné Dorothea Tauschke - nee JÄCKEL, and children, arrived in 1849 on one of the “Hamburg to Hobson’s Bay” group of ships, - either the Dockenhuden, Presbislaw, Godeffroy, or the Wappaus, and if not one of those, then on the Emmy in 1850. The Tauschke’s came from Boyadel, in Silesia, which is a riverine village, on the north side of the Oder River, nearby to Posen Provinz, close by where the three Provinces of Silesia, Posen and the Neumark of Brandenburg meet.
Their émigré children were Friedrich Wilhelm Tauschke (1840-1914), Johann Georg Tauschke (1843-1905), Wilhelm Friedrich Johann Tauschke (1845-1907), Caroliné Luisé Tauschke (1947-1922). They were certainly in Melbourne early on, as evidenced by further children being born here; Heinrich Emil Tauschke, born 1850 in Melbourne (No.11797) and registered with the Wesleyan or Methodist church, and a daughter, Marié Johanné Tauschke, born in Collingwood in early 1851. She was baptized after a Lutheran Good Friday service on 18 April 1851 in the Independent Church in Collins Street, Melbourne, - the same church was still used by the German Lutherans when Erdmann Jaeckel was married there to Christiane Tzschoppe in February 1854.
Marie Tauschke was later to marry Friedrich Wilhelm ILLIG on the goldfields, at Pleasant Creek, now Stawell, Victoria.
Tragically, In 1853, in Hawthorn, Anna Dorothea Tauschke nee Jaeckel, gave birth to triplets, Heinrich, Matthias and Pauliné Tauschke, for two of them, Heinrich and Pauliné, died within a year, and I can find no records afterwards for Matthias.
The youngest of the Tauschke children, Andreas Tauschke, was born in 1855 on the goldfields at Ballarat and it is doubtful if he survived either.
The Tauschke’s must been some of the first on the Ballarat fields. Members of the Tauschke family are on the record as being eyewitnesses to the little riot at the Eureka Stockade. After living in Ballarat for many years most of the Tauschke’s later moved to Stawell.
I'm not sure of what relationship there might be between our JAckel families but the seeming co-incidence of meeting in Boroondara might be significant.
THE KOBELKE FAMILY came out on the same “Hamburg to Hobsons Bay group of German emigrant ships direct to Melbourne. They come from Bunzlau-am-Bober in the hills of Lower Silesia east of Goerlitz. The family consisted of Ernst Eduard August Kobelke & his wife Johanne Charlotté Dorothea nee Kauschke (1815-1868), whose mother is registered on the Lutheran record as Johanné Susanna JÄCKEL. Eduard Kobellke’s parents, Johann Georg Kobelke & his wife Beaté Dorothea Kobelke - nee Jarrold (1790-1877) also emigrated with their son.
The Kobelkes were Old Lutheran religious refugees from Prussia. The Kobelke family arrived in Melbourne on the ship ‘PREBISLAW’ on the 7th February 1850. The Kobelkes, both Eduard, and his wife Charlotté Dorothea, were devout Christians and stalwart supporter, and foundation members of, the Trinity Lutheran Church on Eastern Hill, in early Melbourne.
They were also the first German settler-farmers in an area which became known as “German Paddock” accessed by Weinberg Road, in what is now Hawthorn, - along with the Finger, Aurisch, Fankhauser, and Kaiser families. Eduard Kobelke bought the 20 odd acres from the English speculator owner and promptly apportioned in tint 'Prussian Farms' for about a dozen German settler families to subsist upon. They planted vineyards and orchards and raised livestock and lived an incredibly productive rural life in an area which today seems as far from farm life as can be. The “German paddock” area in Weinberg Road, Boroondara, became a place that provided temporary shelter and work for many German settlers in their first days. It is the most like address for the Tauschke family at the time their triplets were born.
The Kobelke children who emigrated with them were Ernestiné Johanné Kobelke, who later married Johann Carl Plaeschke in the Lutheran Church, Melbourne, Charlotté Luisé Ernstiné Kobelke who married George Ellis and later moved to pioneer with a huge family in central Gippsland; Augusté Berthé Kobelke who later married the widower Conrad Ratz, and, Carl Gustav Adolph Kobelke who married Marié Catheriné Lauer and lived in early Abbotsford. Members of his family later went to Western Australia, where a descendant is a current Member of Parliament.
Like the Tauschke’s the Kobelke family also had more children in early Melbourne: Eduard Paul Kobelke born 1850 in Melbourne; Henriette Malvina born 1853 in Boroondara (probably at Hawthorn); Martha Wilhelminé Augusté Kobelke born 1855 in Hawthorn, who died the next year, and a brother born and died in 1858 Gustav Wilhelm Eduard and the youngest, Johann Georg Julius Kobelke born in Richmond in 1861 who was tragically killed in 1879. It is highly likely that the Jaeckel’s stayed with the Kobelke family or other German settlers like the Fingers in Hawthorn when they first moved from South Australia to Melbourne.
Jaeckel is not an uncommon name in Silesia. Given the more southerly location of Bunzlau on the Bober River in Silesia, it is more likely that the Kobelke family have connections with the Erdmann Jaeckel family than say the Boyadel-born northerner Tauschke-Jaeckel family, but, then, it is all in the realm of what be do not yet know.
The crossover and likely meeting of these Jackel-linked families in 1853/1854 (and after)in Boroondara (Hawthorn) and in the same Church in Melbourne is interesting at least for its mystery. I have seen records of close links between the Jackel -Hillbrich family and the German settlers in 'German Paddock.' During the Anti German purges in Australia during the Great War the name of Weinberg Road, was changed to Wattle Road, Hawthorn, as it still is today, and number of old German-settler farmhouses in that street have been proudly renovated into townhouses with character.
THE NUNAWADING: or, now, Surrey Hills -
FInding Faces for the Names of the Nameless Witnesses.
In my historic research I have learnt to study ALL the details on the few documents of biography that we have for working or trades people such as Erdmann Jaeckel, who do not write themselves large on the billboard of their time.
Maybe it was a hunch. I became convinced that the handwritten signatures of the two witnesses to the 1854 Jaeckel marriage would reveal people of significance in the early Australian Jaeckel story.
I wrote down possible renderings of the names. One was obviously Gustav.... but the surname was hardly decipherable, especially when I did not know who it might be who were the Jaeckel's friends and associates. The surname I brainstormed for Gustav was Freincke. The other surname could be read as Moller, but the Christian name could not be made out other than my brainstormed verison of it as 'Adilpah', which made no sense.
Only when I made lists of early German settlers, and forensicly studied the detail of the original Boroodara & Nunawading Parish plans did I see the names written to give me a context for what it was that I was reading.
The land the Jackel's were said to have occupied in Surrey Hills was selected from the Crown by Adolph MÖLLER, as shown on the Nunawading parish plan. That was him.
It was not Adilpah, but Adolph Möller. Adolph Möller (or Moeller), who selected land in 1855 and subdived it between five Germanic settlers including Erdmann Jaeckel, had been the friend to Erdmann who has signed as a witness to his marriage in February 1854 in Melbourne.
Adolph Möller [Moeller] was, by way of religious faith, a confessed Moravian, and in fact he and his brother Christoph Möller who emigrated together, were sons of Simon Möller, a leading Moravian "Syndicus" or Advocate, in the Grand Duchy of Hessen, in Central Germany. The status of syndicus seems to have been an influential, and, though it might have been a challenging one, it appears to be an honoured profession.
The Möller brothers arrived in the Port of Melbourne as single men on the ship 'Godeffroy,' one of the 'first fleet' of emigrant ships brought directly to Melbourne through the agency of William Westgarth, Dr Alexander Thompson and others, from 'Hamburg to Hobson's Bay.' The 'Godeffroy', which was the second of these ships to arrive, unshipped anchor off Sandridge, Port Melbourne, on 11 February 1849.
Surprisingly, Adolph Möller turns out to have changed his occupation from that registered on the ship record, from that of Vetinary to be, like Erdmann Jäckel, a cabinetmaker, once he arrived in Melbourne. Adolph Möller was soon to set up a partnership Cabinetmaking /Furniture Workshop and Showroom with fellow emigre Robert Ernts Altmann, on the Corner of Gertrude Street and Smith Street on the borders of Collingwood and Fitzroy. It seems probable that Erdmann Jäckel worked in association with Ernst Altmann and Adolph Möller.
And once I had found who Adolph was I soon found the other major German Selector from nearby in Boroondara, Gustav JÄNCKE. [I guess all those umlauts make the signatures more difficult to decipher.] Gustav Jäncke was part of the Jackel's local early community, in what is now known as Hartwell. It was then developing into an intensively developed rural farming district. Only, the English ears of public servants often got the German names wrong, so the Jäncke [Jaencke] land in Hartwell is marked on the Boroondara Parish plan under FAENCKE.
Gustav Jäncke was born at Tannhausen, Kreis Waldenburg, Schlesian, Prüßen, where his father, Wilhelm Jäncke, was a recognized 'Scientific Gardener.' Significantly, Tannhausen is in the Owl Mountains (Eulengeberge) about fifteen kilometres up the road over the pass from the Erdmann Jäckel family's hometown of Peterswaldau.
Gustav Jäncke, his father Wilhelm, his mother Caroline, and elder brother Friedrich emigrated from Hamburg on 11th September 1849. The Emmy was the fifth of the ships coming from Hamburg directly to Melbourne. Sadly, Gustav's father, Wilhelm Jäncke died on the voyage, and it is thought that his brother Friedrich Jäncke also died enroute to Australia.
The ship "EMMY" arrived in Melbourne on the 19th December 1949 with Gustav Jäncke sharing the voyage with significant fellow emigrants like Johann Bischoff, (another to take up Crown Grants of land which were immeadiately subdivided to start the Germanic Settlements in Scoresby North (Bayswater/Wantirna) and at Harkaway, (Berwick-Narre Warren. Some of Jäncke's other fellow 'Emmy' emigrants, like Wilhelm & Caroline Wagner from Schwiednitz, Silesia, Gottfried Benjamin & Johanne Charlotte Wieland also from Silesia, were soon taking a share of Jäncke's selection in Hartwell, Boroondara.
SCHWERKOLT COTTAGE: Another of Gustav Jäncke's fellow passengers arriving on the 'Emmy' in 1849 was August Schwerkolt, who also came from the east of Deutschland, in Posen, Prüßen, (now also in Poland), and became another German pioneer of 'The Nunawading' - one who is celebrated for the relic of his stone cottage, wine cellar and garden, that is now a recognized 'historic house' worthy of a visit to give credence to this story in embodiment, and make this past palpable. Schwerkolt Cottage is home to the Nunawading Historical Society, and situated in Deep Creek Road, Mitcham, on the borders of Ringwood, Victoria.
English ears had trouble with German names and many like, the Jäckels to Jackel, adapted the spelling and even morphed the pronunciation to Anglicised versions of the name. Gustav Jäncke's sons later adapted their surname from Jäncke to Jencke.
From Boroondara Parish area, the Jencke families later went out to Buln Buln near Warrigal, where the descendants have included a few well known Australian Rules footballers. Gustav Jäncke was one of the earliest Councillors on the first Borondara Roads Board, the first version of the Hawthown/Camberwell City Council, and was later auditor for that instrumentality.
Jäncke was a prominent pioneering gardener, and vigneron, and nurseryman, on the lower areas of the Back Creek, near its junction with W (or West) Creek, before it joins the Gardiner's Creek further down, opposite Glen Iris.
JAENCKE ROAD: Before World War One, what is now Summerhill Road, in Hartwell, or Camberwell South, was called Jäncke [Jaencke] Road, with a Jäncke [Jaencke] Bridge over the Back Creek, nearby.
Nunawading Land
A. The East-West road traversing the top of the Plan Map below was then called Doherty's Road, (now Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills)
B. The North-South road traversing the left side of the Plan Map below was then called Boundary Road (now Warrigal Road, Surrey Hills)
Reference Point: - The Junction of Roads at Jaeckel's Corner, (at sometime called Klepper's Corner) at the north-west point of the subdivisions on the map below, is now the Traffic Light controlled T-Junction at the intersection of Warrigal and Canterbury Roads in Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia.
[Note: Boundary Road, (now Warrigal Road) was the boundary between the land district parishes of Nunawading and Boroondara, and later, the boundary between the local municipal shires or cities of Camberwell & Box Hill, now the boundary between the municipal City of Boroondara and the City of Whitehorse.]
The Jaeckels' neighbours to the west across Boundary Road were in the next administrative district, as well as the next land parish, so historical records of the community are divided between these jurisdictions.
Situation: Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke, Victoria, Australia
^above left: Boundary Road (now Warragul Road, Surrey Hills) across Boundary (Warragul) Road, is the Parish of Boroondara (now the City Boroondara)
Crown Land Selector: Adolph MÖLLER
the subdivision documents are entitled: - JAKEL
and shows the following subdivisions
2 Frederick VOIGHT (Friedrich VOIGT)
3. Erdmann JEACKEL (Erdmann JÄCKEL)
4. Philipp KLEPPER (Philipp KLEPPER)
5. Nicholas HORN (Nicolaus HORN)
The the two Crown Land allotments comprising 60 acres taken up my Adolph Moeller was subdivided into the kernel a small Germanic community after 1856 between five Germanic settler families, three Germanic Catholic families; of Jacob SCHNEIDER, Nicolaus HORN and Philipp KLEPPER, and two German Protestant families, Erdmann JAECKEL and Friedrich VOIGT. Other German-Australia settlers, like August AUER, Karl Heinrich RICHTER, the TILLACH, GERLACH, & KUPSCH families, August PAECH, Friedrich Wilhelm SCHULZ and Martin KLENERT, soon settled across the road. And others like Otto PREUSS and the HANSEN families came after.
In 1855 and in 1856 Erdmann Jaeckel was forced to apply for a second Naturalisation.
1855 Erdmann Jackel's 1855 Application for Naturalization In 'Nunawading' - re-submitted in a new copy 1856, finally processed in 1856.
Pastor Matthias GOETHE, Lutheran Minister in Melbourne, wrote the Attestation of Good Character for Erdmann Jaeckel in both 1855 and again in 1856. Later Goethe was to officate as celebrant of a Jaeckel wedding, when Auguste Luise Jaeckel married August Paech in the Melbourne Lutheran Church in 1867.
Matthias Goethe was an ex-Catholic seminarian, who had converted to be a Protestant. He was progressive, and had previously gone to England where he had married an English wife. He left Melbourne in the late 1860's and went as a Lutheran Pastor to Cailfornia, and later Mexico City, were he died and is buried.
Attestation by Pastor Matthias Goethe, 1856
Pastor Matthias GOETHE of Melbourne - Australian Dictionary of Biography article
[NOTE: Here, the early link to the pioneer VOIGT FAMILY to the pioneer JACKEL is clearly shown by the 'coincidence' of the fact that Friedrich VOIGT's Victorian Naturalisation occurs on the exact same date, at the exact same place, with the exact same Attestation by the Melbourne Lutheran Minister, Pastor Matthias Goethe. Both men, Erdmann Jaeckel and Friedrich Voigt, had previously been Naturalised in South Australia, so they were colleagues, taking parallel journeys.]
Prussian religious-émigré families such as Koenig, Aurisch, Wanke, Tschirner, Beer, Finger, Warmbrunn, Scholtz, Jaeckel, Hilbrich & Metzenthen, and others German setters like Meyer, Braun, Fleer, Bolduan, Halleur, Glaum, Schmitt, Fritzlaff & Rumpff were led to the Harkaway area in the first instance by Christiaan Ludolph Johannes de Villiers, a religiously sympathetic frontiersman, & a German speaker hailing from South Africa, who had lived with the Aborigines at Narre Warren on & off since 1837. De Villiers was a fiercely independent-minded Boer-Colonist to whom other German speakers would naturally gravitate.
De Villiers of the Aboriginal Police at Narre Narre Warren
De Villiers 1841 'No Good Damper Inn' Hotel Licence at Dandenong.
The link between De Villiers and the German émigrés was set in action by another highly placed German-speaker, the Lieutenant Governor Charles Joseph La Trobe, who had spent his finishing years at Hernhutt, the Moravian religious school in Saxony. A number of these emigrants, like Metzenthen, Jaeckel, Finger, Aurisch & Meyer, had first settled in the parishes of Boroondara or Nunawading, near to where La Trobe had his country house, in what is now Surrey Hills, and 1849-1850 arrivals in Victoria such as Bischoff, Wanke, Finger, Hilbrich & Aurisch had got to know La Trobe in his last years as Lieutenant Governor. It is well documented that Jacob J. Meyer carried letters of introduction to La Trobe, and although it is said that he never presented them, the reason is plain; his relationship with La Trobe and his Swiss wife, through his connection with the Swiss consul Mr W. A. Brahe, who'd adopted Meyers’ youngest daughter Sabina, was so friendly that the formality was redundant. Both Scholtz & Meyer obviously had a strong prior cause with & Swiss connection to La Trobe through "Hofwyl" the Fellenberg School in Canton Basel, Switzerland. Frau Scholz was Fellenberg's daughter.
Both Christiaan de Villiers, who was first Commandant of the Aboriginal Police at Narre Narre Warren in 1839, and London-Welsh missionary William Thomas, were well-known by and highly regarded by the Moravian La Trobe who left Victoria just as these settlers first moved out to Narre Warren -Harkaway area. La-Trobe directed the Germans - looking for their ‘Zion Hill’ to settle - to the colonial missionary and Assistant Protector of Aborigines, William Thomas, also then at Narre Narre Warren. Thomas was concerned to control any mercenary, irreligious or unsympathetic settlements nearby, which eroded the morale of the station, and so he encouraged these most intentional Christians to forge a settlement nearby to his Christian-based Government Aboriginal station.
The Port Phillip Aborigines knew him as Marminata (Good Father), and William Thomas 'was more successful than any other first generation settler in attempting to comprehend and sustain Aboriginal society.
"The chief protector, George Augustus Robinson, allocated the Port Phillip, Westernport and Gippsland districts to Thomas, who entered the field during April 1839 and soon established his base at Narre Warren. Years of privation followed during which Thomas moved with Aboriginal groups, rarely seeing his family, whose own housing was also primitive.... The protectorate was terminated in 1849, but La Trobe retained Thomas as guardian in the Counties of Bourke, Mornington and Evelyn from January 1850. His presence ensured some protection during the next decade, although expenditure was minimal...Until his death..." ADB
William THOMAS, Protector of Aborigines at Narre Warren - ADB Australian Dictionary of Biography
Much influenced by the violence and horror of the French Revolution, von Fellenberg had developed an educational system whose aim was to bring, through agriculture, rich and poor people closer together.Frau Eleonore Scholtz was a daughter of P.E. Fellenberg, founder of HOYWYL, Switzerland and also the first teacher of students in Harkaway. The Scholtz family were previously with the Jaeckels in the Barossa valley. Also a number of graduates from the HOYWYL institute, Jacob Schneider and the Meyer sons, Benjamin and Eduard, who were in The Nunawading with the Jaeckels from during 1853 to about 1864, & afterwards at Harkaway with them, have close associations and marriage links with the Jaeckel family. It was arguably this Hofwyl mentality and an 'Improver' outlook which caused many Berwick/Harkaway German families to leave Lutheranism in favour of the Churches of Christ movement. Certainly the descendants of interlinked & intermarried Scholtz, Meyer, Metzenthen, Fleer, Warmbrunn, Aurisch families were key in that choice.
Hofwyl - "Philipp Emanuel von Fellenberg Swiss educator
born June 27, 1771, Bern [Switzerland] died Nov. 21, 1844, Hofwyl, near Bern
Swiss philanthropist and educational reformer.
In 1799 Fellenberg purchased an estate in Hofwyl, where he founded a self-supporting agricultural school for poor children that combined manual training with agricultural and academic instruction. He added a Classical institute for middle-class children, constructed gardens, established a printing press, and founded schools for girls and for the education of teachers. His social aim, to be achieved through education, was to try to raise the living conditions of the poor and to weld them and the upper classes together. - From Encyclopædia Britannica
Phillip Emanuel Fellenberg, Educationalist - Wikipedia
Emmanuel Fellenberg's Hofwyl School of Industry & farming -by F. A. Ismar, Google Books
An Isle of Greece : The Noels in Euboea This a book by Noel-Baker Barbro, shows how the "Improver' multiple skilled attitude learnt in Hofwyl effected wide areas of the globe, not just the Cardinia - Dandenongs region of Victoria. This book tells the story of Frau Eleonore Scholtz's Brother, Friedrich died in Greece the story of Edward Noel, a young cousin of Lady Byron, his family and his home at Achmetaga, an estate on the Greek island of Euboea (Evia), which he bought from the Turks in 1832. Edward Noel had been educated at the agricultural school of Hofwyl near Bern in Switzerland which had been founded by Emanuel von Fellenberg, a leading educationalist in Europe. Much influenced by the violence and horror of the French Revolution, von Fellenberg had developed an educational system whose aim was to bring, through agriculture, rich and poor people closer together. Inspired by these ideas, and in the wake of the great wave of philo-hellenism that had passed through Europe following the 1821 Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman occupiers of Greece, Edward Noel together with von Fellenberg's youngest son, Fredrick, traveled to Greece in 1832 with the hope of contributing to the betterment of the lot of impoverished Greek peasants by creating an agricultural school in Greece along the lines of Hofwyl. The acquiring of the estate on Euboea, where they envisioned establishing the school, was bedeviled by the then Greek Government's policy concerning privately-owned land; both Edward and Fredrick fell ill from malaria which was endemic in northern Euboea, and Frederick died. But then in partnership with another school fellow from Hofwyl, Karl von Müller, and with the support of Lady Byron and others, the resuscitation and working of the Achmetaga estate eventually went ahead.
Hermann & Phoebe JAECKEL & Family
Hermann Carl JÄCKEL
| wife 1. Phoebe ALLEN
| |
| James Hermann JÄCKEL
| m. Louisa JOHN
| |
| Elisabeth Auguste JÄCKEL
| m. George Patrick CHARMAN
| |
| Sarah Eleonore JÄCKEL
| m. Henry 'Harry' KNIGHTS
| |
| Erdmann Johann ‘Edmund John’ JÄCKEL
| m. Mathilde Henriette ‘Tillie’ MEYER
| |
| Sophia Phoebe JÄCKEL
| |
| Franz Eduard ‘Frank Edward JÄCKEL
| m. Lily TURNER
| |
| Alfred Albert JÄCKEL
| m. Elsie May Emily TURNER
wife 2. Eleanor 'Helena' JACKSON
2:1. HERMANN Carl 'Harry' JÄCKEL
b. 17 Jan 1838 Peterswaldau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia, Prussia
Occupation: Orchardist,Builder, Beekeeper, Grave Digger
Died. 13 Oct 1906 Berwick, Victoria
Facsimile: Hermann Jaeckel's signature - taken off Harkaway land title conveyancy documents dated on 21st March 1862.
NATURALIZATION: -14th May 1862, Melbourne (from Berwick), Victoria. Hermann Jaeckel was Naturalized as part of a Harkaway German Group Application who were: - Gottfried TSCHIRNER, Johann LINDAU, August FLEER, Johann HOLMANN and Hermann JACKEL.
FLEER: - of interest here is the link between the Jaeckel, Metzenthen & Fleer families and the Welsh JOHN family of Menzies Creek. Carl Ernst August FLEER from Herdfordin, Prussia (Anyone help with where that is?) married Emma Wilhelminé METZENTHIEN [an older sister of Benjamin Meyer's wife Pauline Auguste Metzenthien] The Fleer's 2nd daughter Marie Lydia FLEER later married Albert JOHN (Johns) James Jaeckel's brother-in law, and 2nd brother of James' wife, Louisa JOHN.
Hermann Jackel Naturalisation. CLICK for CLOSE-UP. The Jaeckel migration data here had to be dissembled to begin make any historical sense. In this document the Jaeckel's arrival in Victoria is given as August 1853 - which is probably correct.However, (and thankfully) the ship is recorded as being the 'Leontine" - which never came into Victorian (Then N.S.W) waters. But it is this record that first gave the clue to the historical emigration details. The two journeys and the two colonies have been conflated into one story in the one simple sentence. The Jaeckels arrived on the 'LEONTINE' (in 1848) in South Australia, and then arrived in Victoria in August 1853.
wife married 12 Feb 1863 in the house of the Bride's father, John ALLEN, Nunawading VIC
spouse 1. PHOEBE ALLEN (daughter of farmer John ALLEN & school-teacher's daughter, Sarah WELCH)
b. 1837 Denver, near Downham, Ouse River Delta Fenland, Norfolk, England
Phoebe Allen Jackel - probably between 1855-1875
Phoebe died: 20 Dec 1898 Berwick, age 61 years
Buried: Berwick Cemetery Victoria with her husband Hermann Jackel
ALLEN TO AUSTRALIA: John Allen, (son of William ALLEN, farmer of 40 acres at Ryston Road, Denver, Norfolk, & his wife Phoebe FIRMAN), a farmer in 1851 of 56 acres with one labourer at Fen Drove, Wretten, near Denver, Norfolk with his wife Sarah WELCH, (daughter of Henry? Welch & Sophia Clarke, schoolmistress, of Fen Drove, Abutten Sluice, Denver, Norfolk), left their family and farm, bound for Australia. Maybe it was for drier, for it can hardly have been for greener fields, for farms in the Fen district of north Norfolk, inside The Wash, are on drained swampland of the lower areas of the greater Ouse valley.
John age 42, a farmer, and his wife Sarah Allen age 41, with their then living children: Sarah 18, Sophia 17, Phoebe, 15, John, 13, and Elizabeth 11, sailed from Southhampton in the ship "TRURO" on the 5th of November in 1853 and arrived in Melbourne Victoria on 31st January in 1854. John is recorded on the ships manifest as being a labourer registered as engaged to work in Melbourne for a Mr Dragg. Sounds a drag to me.
He is believed to have spent the early years in Victoria on the goldfields. He lived at one time in Hawthorn, later in The Nunawading first at Box Hill, and then near the Gardeners creek at what is now called Blackburn South. He bought Nunawading land with his son-in law Edward Wilton, called 'BARTON FARM'. The 200 Acres of land at Lot 29 of Portion 96 in the parish of Nunawading was bought by Auction for £200 on the 16th May 1856 in the name of Edward Wilton, but it was soon subdivided with a good portion in the name of John Allen. Many English settlers shunned the German settlers but some, like Allen, showed no prejudice. To the Allen link to the German community via marriage with the Jaeckels, was the added connection as part of that land was sold to settlers, the orchardist Georg Heinrich Fankhauser & the vigneron Georg Heinrich Kaufmann.
Sarah Allen married Edward Wilton, a leather expert, & settled in Geelong, later Armadale, Vic. Sophia married Richard Reynolds and they became pioneers of Heidelberg & Eltham, Victoria. Phoebe Allen married Hermann Jaeckel. John Allen jnr, married Scottish-born Susan McSporran, and became a pioneer timber miller & farmer upstream and west of Geelong, in the fertile Barwon river valley at Barwon Downs, near Birregurra, on the northern slopes of the Cape Otway Ranges. Elizabeth Allen married James Butler, a painter, and settled in The Nunawading at Box Hill.
John Allen’s wife Sarah died within a year or two of arrival in Melbourne. There is no death certificate and her burial place has not been found. John Allen married again on 25 Feb 1856 in Flinders Lane, Melbourne, to Emma Wills, born 1835 Hobart, Tasmania, [daughter of an ex-convict Cornishman, William Wills (1804-1883) & his first wife, Hannah Grace Gangell (1812-1827) who died when Emma was just two and so was raised by her father's second wife, Selina Dianna Moss (1818-1892)]. John & Emma Allen had four more children born in the Nunawading, Box Hill area of Victoria. Even though so much younger, Emma Wills Allen predeceased John Allen, dying in 1876.
Herman and Phoebe Jackel lived at HARKAWAY before settling at BERWICK. Hermann Carl Jackel owned land at Koenig’s Road (now Kings Rd) Part of Section 6, Lot 39.
JOHANN BISCHOFF selected a Crown Allotment of 597 acres from the Crown in 1853. Part of Section 6, Lot 39, (1 August 1853 Bischoff’s subdivision), off Koenigs Road, HARKAWAY. For 597 acres Bischoff paid £597.
Title History till 1885
1. Conveyance of 16-21 Sept 1853 Johann BISCHOFF to Johann Gustav KOENIG & Marcus SIEVWRIGHT £895.0.0
2. Conveyance of 17-21 Sept 1853 Johann Gustav KOENIG to John Le Mesurier WINTER £500.0.0
a. Conveyance of 10 Sept 1855–25 June 1856 J. L M, WINTER & Johann Gustav KOENIG to Ernest GIERISCH £40.0.0
b. Conveyance of 10 Sept 1855–25 June 1856 J L M. WINTER & J. G. KOENIG to Louis & Francis SCHMITT £80.0.0
c. Conveyance of 10 Sept 1855 –25 June 1856 John L. M. WINTER & J. G. KOENIG to Joseph WALSDORFF £40.0.0
d. Conveyance of 19-29 May 1856 John Le Mesurier WINTER to Johann Gustav KOENIG £500.0.0
3. Conveyance of 20-27 May 1856 Johann Gustav Koenig to Heinrich BRUHN £75.0.0
4. Conveyance of 20-27 May 1856 Johann Gustav Koenig to Carl August METZENTHEIN £250.0.0
5. Conveyance of 21-27 May 1856 Johann Gustav Koenig to Thomas GORRENGE £300.0.
a. Conveyance of 31-May-18 June 1861 Thomas Gorrenge to Johann Gustav KOENIG £300.0.0
6. Conveyance 22-29 Nov 1856: Johann Gustav Koenig to Heinrich FINGER £150.0.0;
7. Conveyance 21-24 Mar 1862: Johann Gustav KOENIG to Hermann JACKEL £160.0.0;
a. Conveyance 21-24 Mar 1862: Hermann JACKEL to Johann HOLLMANN £70.0.0;
i. Conveyance 14 Mar- 7 Aug 1865: Johann HOLLMANN to £70.0.0;
1. Conveyance 20-22 Mar 1872: Johann Gottlieb JESCHKE to Heinrich BRUHN £70.0.0;
8. Conveyance 21-24 Mar 1862: Johann Gustav Koenig to Carl August METZENTHEIN £45.0.0
9. Conveyance 10-11 July 1862: Johann Gustav Koenig to Wilhelm TINZMANN £80.0.0;
10. Conveyance 7-10 Mar 1885 Johann Gustav Koenig to Robert BUCHANON £2900.0.0;
11. Conveyance 7-10 Mar 1885 Johann Gustav Koenig to Robert & James BUCHANON £?
As you can see Hermann Jaeckel sold part of his land to Johann Hollmann. I am not sure how long the rest of the Harkaway land was retained by the Jaeckel family
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Thursday 3 November 1864
CROWN LAND SALE. The Melbourne monthly series of Crown land sales was continued yesterday, at the rooms of Messrs. Gemmell, M'Caul, and Co. ; but was of unimportant extent. There was a fair attendance, and the town allotments offered mostly brought satisfactory advances on the upset prices. The allotments on the Saltwater River were withdrawn ; and with the exception of two lots on the Kororoit Creek, the suburban lots were passed without an offer. The proceeds of the sale amounted to only £104 6s. 3d., the particulars of which are as follow: TOWN LOTS. BRAYBROOK. County of Bourke, parish of Doutta Galla, situated on the Saltwater River. Upsett price, £4 per acre. Lots 1 to 3. -Withdrawn. BERWICK County of Mornington, parish of Berwick. situated on the Cardinia Creek, on the road from Melbourne to Gipps Land. Upset price, £4 per acre. Lot 4. -2r, £4 5s. the lot. George Robinson. Lot 5. -2r., £5 15s. the lot. Ralph Brunt. Lot 6. -2r., £4 15s. the lot. R. Brunt. Lot 7.-2r., £5 5s. the lot. R. Brunt. Lot 8. -2r., £4 15s. the lot. Herman Jaeckel. Lot 9-2r., £5 the lot. George Ginty. Lot 10.- 2r., £4 the lot. G. Ginty. Lot 11. -2r., £4 the lot. G. Ginty. Lot 12. -1r. 89 610p., £5 the lot. Samuel Cant. Lot 13. -1r., 39 0-10p., £5 the lot. James Brewer. Lot 14. -2r., £7 the lot. William Brisbane. Lot 15. -2r., £4 the lot. W. Brisbane.2. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848-1954) Saturday 30 December 1865
CROWN LAND SALES: BERWICK County of Mornington, parish of Berwick, situate at the crossing of the Cardinia Creek by the road from Melbourne to Gipps Land. Upset price, £8 per acre. Lot 8. -2r. 3 7 10p. Withdrawn. Lot 9. -2r. 16p., £4 16s. the lot. Thomas Irwin. Lot 10 -2r. 16p., £4 16s. the lot. T. Irwin. Lot 11. -2r. 16p., £4 16s. the lot. J. Hughston. Lot 12. -2r. 16p., £4 16s. the lot. J. Hughston. Lot 13. -2r. 16p, £4 16s. the lot John Brisbane. Lot 14. -2r. 16p" £4 16s. the lot John Brisbane. Lot 15.-2r. l6p., £4 16s. the lot Herrman Jackel
3. HOME, ORCHARD & FARM at BERWICK: from 1866 - Hermann developed a cherry orchard on Ten (10) acres of land next to where the Berwick cemetery is located. This was Allotment Six (6) of the Parish of Berwick, County of Mornington, on the corner of Lyall and Inglis Streets, Berwick. The east side adjoins the Berwick Cemetery. 'Hermann Jaeckel' bought the land for £45 on the 12 Jan 1866 at 5 minutes to Noon ahead of a rival maybe? The time was deemed important then. He bought the land from William Cooper Dalton, who had owned it since ? when he bought it from Robert BAIN, whose name appears for that Allotment on the published Parish Plan of Berwick. Hermann also signed his name on the parchments as 'Herman Jaeckel.' Robert Bain is one of the attesting signatories supporting Hermann Jaeckel's 1862 Berwick Naturalization.
House on 10 acres 1876-1877 Value £6.0.0; Rates 12/- P/A;
- he must have sold an acre off the farm in 1877/78
House on nine(9)acres 1878-1884 Value £9. 0. 0. £0.18/- P/A; 1885-1888 Value £10.0.0; £1 P/A;
1889 Value £13.10.0; £1.17.0 p.a;
1890-1895 Value £15.0.0; £1.5.0 p/a.
LAND AT GEMBROOK? In 1886/1887 Hermann Jaeckel was paying rates on land he had bought in the parish of Gembrook. The Gembrook Parish started across the Cardinia Creek from Harkaway/ Berwick & included Upper Beaconsfield, Dewhurst, Emerald, Avonsleigh, Cockatoo & Gembrook. I am not sure where this 20 acres was located.
1886-1887 @ Twenty (20) acres at GEMBROOK; Rated Value £ 20 Rates £ 0.10. 0;
Anecdotes collected by Lindsay Jackel: - "Hermann sometimes worked as a grave digger in the Berwick cemetery. The story is told that at one time he left this note for the butcher: "If you're looking for me, you'll find me in the cemetery."
Hermann was apparently a very strict man. He did not like Saturdays: 'they were not a true day of rest nor a proper work day.'
Hermann & Phoebe Jaeckel: -
SEVEN CHILDREN - 6 surviving into adulthood
3:1. James Hermann 'Jim' JÄCKEL
b. 8th November 1863 Koenig's (now Kings) Road, Harkaway near Berwick, VICTORIA
Education: Berwick State School
Note A. - The midwife at J. H. Jaeckel's birth in Harkaway was Frau SCHOLZ (Eleonoré Johanné SCHOLZ- nee FELLENBERG. She was a daughter of Philipp Emmanuel Fellenberg, founder of "Hofwyl" the then radical hands-on Swiss-based 'craft' farm-school for all classes of pupil, mixing rich and poor in learning multiple-skills and personal integrity. Her husband Johann Gottlob Scholz came from Leutmannsdorf, next village to the Jaeckels in Silesia. The concern of the school was to foster enterprise, Christianity and understanding and to prevent French-style communist Revolutions or hate-filled violent uprising. The Gottlob Scholtz family had earlier been with the Jackel family in the Barossa Valley, S.A. before emigrating to Melbourne at the same time in 1853.
Note B. JAMES=JAKOB -The name James is an English version of Jacob, Jakob in German. There is no James in German, it is Jakob. Given the twice doubled suggestivity of James in being so-named along with his cousins Wilhelm Jakob Paech & brother Ernst James Paech, as well as cousin Sidney James Hilbrich, I deduce an antecedant called Jakob JÄCKEL. In fact, Erdmann's father is recorded on his 1854 marriage licence as J. C. JÄCKEL. I suggest that his name is likely to be Jakob C. JÄCKEL.
Occupation: Apiarist, Beekeeper, Builder, Farmer (a Church of Christ Missioner to Western Australia before he was married)
d. 24 Apr 1945 Dandenong Vic
wife - m. 18 Jan 1890 Berwick VICTORIA
Spouse: Louisa JOHN b. 4 Nov 1862 Smythes Creek, on Welsh-infested goldfields, west of Ballarat, Vic. (daughter of John JOHN & Martha nee BANNER- born in Pembrokeshire, WALES, & from 1875, pioneers of Menzies Creek in the Dandenongs.) JOHNS' HILL, one of the peaks of the Dandenongs, on Ridge Road, Menzies Creek, is named for the JOHN family whose pioneer farm was nearby.
d. 11 AUG 1953 Hamilton Vic. (91st year)
"The Chariot of Fame" - Louisa's parents, John JOHN & his wife-to-be Martha BANNER sailed on this magnificent high-masted Clipper ship from Liverpool to Melbourne in record time, arriving January 1862.
JOHN FAMILY- WELSH VICTORIANS. Like many Germans settlers the JOHN family found that many 'Engish Ears' could not accept the simple form of their name as JOHN and so the Australian-born John children added the s to the end to render it as JOHNS. As per this QUOTE: " In 1878 John Johns brought his family to Menzies Creek (in the Dandenongs) from the Ballarat goldfields, where he had spent some 17 years working in the mines. Johns was a Welshman of prodigious strength, who worked two successive shifts in the mine on a diet of raw meat washed down with billy tea. As a result of this work he earned £50 a week, which enabled him to purchase a selection on John's Hill, Menzies Creek, securing title (finally) in 1888. (After ten years) By the turn of the century John Johns was well known for his dairy cattle and both butter and cheese were made on the property. Mrs. Johns - without the benefit of a separator, - skimmed the cream by hand and it was Edwin Johns hated task to turn the churn. Mrs. Johns place the butter in firkins and poured a brine solution over the top and when 80 firkins had accumulated her husband informed the Melbourne agents, who in turn advised him when an overseas vessel arrived in port. Then the butter was carted to Melbourne and sold to the ship's captian for the princely sum of one shilling a pound. Johns, like others, carried his produce in a "slide car" (sled) built without wheels for easy passage over the mud and in season, roads to Berwick to sell his raspberries.Jim & Louisa Jackel were beekeepers and farmers, as well as being heavily involved in the Churches of Christ.
In later years Jim and Edie Johns carried on the family farm, a third brother - William - answering the call of the wanderlust, which took him to Kalgoorlie and later to the Klondyke in search of gold. Eventually he returned to the land, settling on a farm close to Black Hill (Selby). The Johns family retained ROUND HILL FARM, on Johns' Hill until after the First War and Col. H. D. G. Ferres has owned it since that time." An EXCERPT from "THE STORY OF THE DANDENONGS (1958) by Helen Coulson page 254. And on pp. 334 [Chapter on The Patch] "Most early settlers worked for WILLIS or JOHNS, then well established at Menzies Creek, and the men were allowed to take away as many potatoes as they could carry on their backs."
James and Louisa Jackel & family in 1915 at Taradale South, Victoria. From left:Wallace, Baden, Horace, Mr James Jackel, Ethel, Mrs Louisa Jackel, George, Aubrey I, & Cecil Jackel.
Jim Jackel was co-founder of the C of C congregation in Benalla.
Resided: Berwick> Gembrook?> Taradale > Dunolly > Benalla > Dandenong, VIC
An older James Hermann & Louisa Jackel on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, Dandenong, Vic. 1940
- ++++++++ seven Jackel children +++++++++
> GO TO > James Hermann JACKEL family
3:2. Elisabeth Augusté 'Lizzie' JÄCKEL
born: 12 Jun 1865 Harkaway/Berwick, Victoria
Died: 29 Jan 1940 Harvey, Western Australia
buried. Harvey Cemetery
husband married. 1 Nov 1892 Berwick Victoria.
sp. George Patrick CHARMAN* [i] b. ? 1863 New Zealand
( son of Solomon Charman & Mary Chinahan , of an early 1840s settler vegetable-farmer family in Brighton & Cheltenham, Victoria.
'Lizzie' Elisabeth Auguste Jackel & George Patrick Charman on their wedding day, November 1892
The main north-south road traversing Cheltenham is Charman Road. It goes from the Nepean Highway south by the Cheltenham Station on the Frankston rail-line to end at a Port Phillip Bay beach at the head of Beaumaris Bay in Mentone.
George & Lizzie immigated in the early 1890s to Western Australia. George went first, on his own. Lizzie and son Roy embarked from Port Melbourne in May 1895 on the ship "Lindus" calling at Adelaide and Western Australian Ports.
Occupation: Farmer, landsman, land clearer and developer, pioneer of Harvey, Western Australia, Timber miller, Experimental pioneer horticulturalist & orchardist
Died. 26 Sep 1935 Harvey, Western Australia
Buried. Harvey Cemetery Western Australia
Resided: New Zealand as an infant, 17 years in New South Wales, 11 years in Emerald / Gembrook, Victoria, 41 years in Western Australia. In Emerald, Charman resided on "Brookdale" which belonged to his uncle David Charman, at one time in shares with his brother Solomon Charman, George Patrick's father.
George Patrick CHARMAN kept diaries of his daily pioneering life in Harvey W.A. and they are now held by the regional Historical Museum/ Society in Harvey, W.A.
The 200 acre Charman property "Brookdale" on the Menzies Creek between Emerald and Monbulk in the Dandenongs, about 1895. At "Brookdale" the Charman's neighbours were the German families of Heinrich Benjamin & Marthé Maria (nee Beer) KOENIG and also Jonathan & Emma Berthé (nee Koenig) MEYER, who ran Sunday School classes in their home. Jonathan Meyer was "an expert axeman, who was engaged in felling the giant tree found at Menzies Creek" for display at the Great Exhibition outside the Exhibition Buildings in Melbourne in 1888. Another neighbour on "Round Hill Farm" across the creek from Charman's on "Brookdale" was Louisa Jackel's family, the "prodigious" JOHN family of Menzies Creek. These families were all staunch fellow religionists and phenomenally enterprising pioneers. There is a Charman Avenue, named after these Charman families, in the town of Emerald. These histories are told in the volume "The Story of the Dandenongs" by Helen Coulson, published Melbourne, 1959.
The CHARMAN BROTHERS, sons of Michael CHARMAN & Elizabeth Slaughter, from Warnham, Sussex, England, arrived, with their families, from Gravesend, London on the ship “PLATINA” on the 22nd July 1842 - to be pioneers very early in Melbourne.
1. Daniel Charman 34, labourer, his wife Mary Ann Charman 34, and children William Charman 11, George Charman 9
2. Thomas Charman, 32, his wife Sophia nee Baker, 24, and children Ellen Charman 5, Solomon Charman 3, Thomas Charman 2, and Elizabeth Charman 4 months
3. Stephen Charman 22 Labourer, his wife Harriet Charman, 19
The Charman brothers quickly set up as market gardeners and horticulturalists, first at Brighton, then at Cheltenham, and later at Dandenong, Berwick and Emerald districts of Victoria. A year after arrival, Thomas & Sophia Charman, lost their second son Thomas at age 3 in Brighton. But more children were born, with David Charman, born 1842 Brighton, the first of eight Australian born children of that family. In the eighteen Sixties, George Patrick Charman’s father Solomon, who had arrived at age 3, and his brother David Charman, went as young men to New Zealand in a mining boom. George P. Charman was born in New Zealand. Later, the brothers returned to Australia, first in New South Wales, & then to Victoria where David, and for a while, Solomon Charman, developed the pioneering property known as “Brookdale” - named to honour a Charman past - on well-watered rich soils at Emerald in the Dandenongs. George Patrick Charman and Elisabeth Auguste Jaeckel married whilst there. Their eldest son, Roy (Laurence Roy Brookdale Hermann Charman) was born on “Brookdale,” Emerald (in the Gembrook district),Victoria, named both for that Charman legacy from Warnham, Sussex, & after his grandfather Hermann Jaeckel.
- ++++++++ three Charman children +++++++++
Lizzie & George Patrick Charman in later life, Harvey, Western Australia - about 1930 or so.
Lissie Charman as a widow George P. Charman died in 1934.
3:3. Sarah Eleonoré JÄCKEL
born. 3 Apr 1868 Berwick VIC.
d. 12 Apr 1947 Lonsdale St Dandenong VIC
Buried: Berwick Cemetery
married: - 12 Aug 1896 Berwick
spouse: - Henry Samuel 'Harry' KNIGHTS
born: About 1869, England
Occupation: Carpenter & House Builder
Sarah & Harry Knights Wedding Day, August 1896, Berwick, VictoriaResided: Berwick > Oakleigh/ Springvale > Dandenong
d. 11 Aug 1953
Buried: Berwick, Victoria
- ++++++++ five Knights children +++++++++
3:4. Erdmann Johann 'Edmund John' JÄCKEL
born. 23 Jun 1870 Berwick VIC
Occupation: Builder, Apiarist/ Bee Farmer
Died. 19 Jul 1925 Bendigo Vic.
Buried: Quarry Hill, Bendigo Cemetery
wife married 14 Apr 1897 Berwick, Victoria
spouse: Mathildé Henrietté 'Tilly' MEYER b. 24 Oct 1877 Briagalong (daughter of the Aargau Swiss, Jonathan Meyer (born Itingen, Basel, Switzerland) & Emma Berthé Koenig born, Berwick - daughter of Berwick German settlement founder, the Silesian, Johann Gustav KÖNIG & his 2nd wife Henrietté Christiané 'Reitta' FINGER - a daughter of Silesian-German pioneer, Christian Benjamin FINGER, of 'German Paddock,' Hawthorn, Melbourne.
d. 22 Aug 1949 Bendigo Vic.
Buried. Quarry Hill, Bendigo
MEYER TO MELBOURNE: - Jacob Johannes MEYER, a Silk Merchant from Basel, Switzerland was born Itingen, Canton Basel, Switzerland on 30 Nov 1807. He married first wife Anna Maria Elisabeth GRUNDMANN in 22 Jan 1829 in Kichlindach, Switzerland. Jacob & Anna had at least three children who survived before she died on 3 August 1843: Benjamin Meyer (1833-1920), Eduard Meyer (1835-1885)& Nathaniel Meyer(1837).
In 23 Apr 1844 Jacob remarried to Sabina Margeretha SCHWARZ, a member of the family of Stahl & Schwartz, silk manufacturers and merchants, - where Jacob Johannes Meyer was employed. Jacob & Sabina had five more children: Elisabeth Sophia (1835-1885), Jonathan, Daniel Paulus, Joachim Jacob, & Sabina Maria.
In 1850 he left the employ of Stahl & Schwartz to go to Australia. It is recorded that: “They sailed...from Hamburg (in 1853) via the Cape of Good Hope. The journey occupied over eighteen weeks. The eldest son Benjamin had been educated at the academy of “Hofwyl” in Switzerland. This was an experimental school established by Fellenberg, father of Mrs Gottlob Scholtz, mentioned earlier (Berwick). Fellenberg was one of the fathers of modern education, and interestingly enough, my great-great grand-father. Members of the family were Eduard, Jacob, Jonathan, James, Nathaniel and the youngest daughter Sabina, who after the death of her mother was adopted by Mr Brahe, Consul for Switzerland.’ James F. Curran in the "Early History of Harkaway" in the jointly produced book “Early Days of Berwick.”
Phillip Emanuel Fellenberg, Educationalist - Wikipedia
From Itingen, Canton Basel, Switzerland , Jacob Johannes Meyer age 46, his 2nd wife Sabina age 43, and children: - Johann Jacob Meyer age 23, Benjamin Meyer 20, Eduard Meyer age 18, Nathaniel Meyer age 16, Elisabeth age 8, Jonathan age 7, Paulus age 6, Joachim age 4, and Sabine age 1; embarked on the ship “IDA” from Hamburg to arrive in Melbourne, September 1853.
Travelling with them was Jacob Johannes Meyer’s younger brother, Wilhelm Meyer, then age 33. Wilhelm Meyer later married the widow, Ernstine Beer, nee Reimann, in the Lutheran Church, Melbourne in 1855.
Jacob’s wife, Sabina Meyer (daughter of Andreas Schwartz & Susanna Meyer) died in Melbourne in 1853 Age 42. Baby daughter Sabina was given to the Brahe family.
After arriving in Melbourne the Meyers first settled on the Gardener’s Creek at Nunawading were they worked at growing tobacco for J. Friedrich Hogrefe of Richmond, and planting vines with fellow Swiss Jacob Schneider & Jacob Meier and with Erdmann Jaeckel, Friedrich Voigt, Nicolaus Horn, August Auer, and Philip Klepper. Some Meyer sons were on the Emerald Diggings by the mid 1850s, & settled their families at Harkaway and Berwick on farms at Harkaway, Emerald and Gembrook. Nathaniel worked with his father as shopkeeper, running the local Meyer stores, a later one near the Berwick Station.
1. Benjamin MEYER, a graduate of Fellenburg’s “Hofwyl” alternative experimental school in Switzerland, was married to Augusté Pauliné METZENTHEN in 14 Jan 1868 by Lutheran Pastor Hermann Herlitz at Harkaway. Their son Nathaniel Emil MEYER married Emma Lydia Hillbrich, daughter of Lydia JACKEL and Eduard Paul Hilbrich.
2. Eduard Meyer, also a graduate of Fellenburg’s “Hofwyl” experimental school in Switzerland, married Sarah Hephzibah AYLWIN in 1866 and became a schoolteacher in German, or other schools, in the Melbourne region, and later, upcountry.
Phillip Emanuel Fellenberg, Educationalist - Wikipedia
3. Elisabeth Sophié MEYER married Reinhold Alfred METZENTHIN in Harkaway in 1868. Reinhold Metzenthen became a first Church of Christ convert in the district, and then a preacher, missionary & church planter, taking his family to New Zealand.
4. Jonathan MEYER, born Itingen in 184 married Emma Berthé KÖNIG at Berwick on 10 Sep 1875. They pioneered at Emerald and Gembrook in the Dandenongs– their daughter Mathildé Henrietté (Tillie) MEYER married Erdmund John JACKEL.
5. Daniel Paulus ‘Paul’ MEYER first married Anna Elisabeth Eleanoré SCHOLTZ on 23 April 1872, and lived at Gembrook, Victoria, but after she died at Scoresby Nth in 1883, he married Marié Luisé TILLACH of a German-settler family nearby the Paech’s on the Dandenong Creek. Daniel & Marie Luise become Mormons and emigrated to Salt Lake City, in Utah, USA and later to a Mormon colony just across the border in Canada.
6. Sabina MEYER, was only when her mother died. She was given as if for adoption to the family of the Prussian Consul Wilhelm Alexander BRAHE & his wife. Sabina Brahe-Meyer latter returned to Europe and married in Germany in 1874 to Dr Friedrich Heinrich Adolph PEIPERS. They returned to farm in Victoria.
Like the Jaeckels, many people have wondered if the Meyer family were Jewish, and that may well be their past, but, they were certainly active and muscular practicing Christians on arrival in Australia, for they linked into the ex-Prussian religious refugee community in Berwick as if they came with the same conviction.
In fact the Swiss Meyer family, and the Scholtz family - the Jaeckel's Silesian neighbours, Barossa associates and transmigratory friends, were known to each other, all linked to Fellenberg’s Swiss socially radical and advanced experimental Christian school ‘Hofwyl’ which seems to have influenced the early mentality of many of the German-Australian settlers out east of Melbourne.
Phillip Emanuel Fellenberg, Educationalist - Wikipedia
NOTE: Christiané Rietta KÖNIG's younger brother, Wilhelm Friedrich FINGER, of Hawthorn, Melbourne (also a tischler/cabinetmaker) became an early churchman along with the Jaeckels, in the foundational years of the Churches of Christ, when it was a dynamic and radically orthodox renewal movement for an early New Testament-style faith. Wilhelm Finger and was involved in church-planting the congregations in Hawthorn, Doncaster, at Berwick with the Jaeckels, Aurisch, Hillbrich, Meyer, Koenig Warmbrunn, Fleer & Bolduan famiies, at Bayswater with the Paech's and others & also at Surrey Hills. Sadly, the Churches of Christ today are often an empty shell left after that faith and vigour.
The KÖNIG family of Berwick were closely allied to the Jackels, being fellow churchmen, farmers and house builders, at Berwick. J. G. KÖNIG subdivided the Harkaway land where the Germanic settlement grew to be.
Johann Gustav Koenig came from Fraustadt, in Prussia, and migrated with his wife, Charlotte age 37, & four children: Heinrich age 7, Lydia age 4, Paul age 3, and Anna age 1, on the ship "Wappaus", along with the Hilbrich family (see below) as part of the 'Hamburg to Hobson's Bay' group of ships which left Hamburg in 1848 and arrived in Melbourne in 1849. Only Johann Gustav KÖNIG, Heinrich and Lydia KÖNIG of the family arrived in Melbourne, his wife and younger children having died on board ship and been buried at sea.
Koeing married Christiane Henriette Finger on 28th June 1850 in Melbourne. They had a number of children together including Tilly Meyer's mother. The eldest son, Heinrich Benjamin KÖNIG, was a pioneer of Emerald & Avonsliegh, in the Dandenongs.
- ++++++++ three Jackel children +++++++++
3:5. Sophié Phoebe JÄCKEL
b. 26 Jan 1873 Berwick VIC,
d. 8 July 1878, (Age 5)
B. Berwick VIC
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:6. Franz Eduard 'Frank Edward' JÄCKEL b.14 Apr 1875 Berwick.
Occupation: Builder, beekeeper
d. 11 July 1953 Bairnesdale Hosp.
Buried .Lakes Entrance Cem. VIC,
wife - m. 23 Feb 1903
spouse.1. Lily TURNER b 13 Mar 1883 Morwell Vic. (daughter of Charles TURNER & Jane MILLS)
d. 30 June 1950 Bairnsdale VIC, Australia
m. 3 Aug 1951
Frank & Lil Jackel in later life -when living at Lakes Entrance, Victoria
sp 2. Alice Marié PLUCKHAHN b. 16 Aug 1893 Kaniva, Victoria. (daughter of Joachim Heinrich Wilhelm Pluckhahn & Alice Maria nee Austin)
d.10 Nov 1969 Portland, VIC.
Charles TURNER-Elizabeth POLKINGHORNE family of South Australia & Charles TURNER-Jane MILLS of Victoria - IN AUSTRALIA
Charles TURNER, origin unknown, maybe from Cornwall, England, married in Adelaide, South Australia on the 27th October 1845 to Elizabeth POLKINGHORNE, of a surname with a strong Cornish heritage. They had nine children born in South Australia, after 1848 including a son, also Charles, born on Christmas Day 1854 at Bowden, Adelaide, South Australia. I am not sure when they immigrated to Victoria, but Charles later married Jane MILLS in Melbourne
Jane MILLS, of Scottish lineage, is said to have been born in 1856 in Hobart Town, Van Diemens Land, although evidence seems to be lacking. Her sister Margaret, who became Mrs Andrew GLEW in Victoria, Australia, was like their parents born around Dalgety, Fifeshire, Scotland. A brother Alexander MILLS was also said to have been born abt 1851 in Hobart Town, VDL before he married Isabella Pell in 1883 to raise children in Essendon, Victoria. But I have found another brother, William MILLS born 25 January 1860 in Hobart Town, but registered under the surname MILL, so it appears probable that they were in Van Diemens Land / Tasmania before they immigrated to Victoria.
Charles TURNER Junior was probably raised at first in South Australia, for his younger siblings were being born in the Adelaide District up until late in 1868. But then he immigrated to Victoria, for he married in 1884 to Jane MILLS at Moor St, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia.
Charles & Jane TURNER had five daughters: the eldest Lily TURNER, born 1883, Morwell, Latrobe Valley, Gippsland, married F.E. Jackel; Olive TURNER was born 1885 in Prahran; May TURNER, born 1887 Armadale, Prahran District; Elsie TURNER, born 1889 in Malvern, Prahran District later married a nephew of Louisa 'JOHN' JACKEL's, Leslie William JOHNS (1889-1966), a train driver who settled in Warragul, West Gippsland. [Les Johns' father was Louise's brother Albert JOHN, and his mother, Marie Lydia FLEER, born in Harkaway-Berwick, daughter of Emma Wilhelmine METZENTHEN and Carl Ernst Wilhelm August FLEHER]; and the youngest, Ruby TURNER, born 1891 Malvern, in Prahran district, who in 1912 married a cousin of the HILBRICH relatives, Herbert 'Bertie' HILLBRICH of Berwick (1885-1968).
- ++++++++ six Jackel children +++++++++
3:7. Alfred Albert JÄCKEL b. 8 Mar 1879 Berwick
Occupation: Carpenter/ Builder
Resided: Camberwell, VIC
died. 10 Feb 1926 Camberwell VIC age 45
wife - m. 26 Feb 1908 Hawthorn VIC,
sp. Elsie May Emily TURNER b. 22 Sep 1882 Richmond, Victoria( daughter of John Ellis TURNER & Mahalia THOROUGHGOOD)
d. 9 Nov 1972 Burwood VIC. Australia
- ++++++++ three Jackel children +++++++++
NOTE: Paternal (male-descent) lines in this family now go by the surname JACKEL.
2:1. Hermann Carl 'Harry' Jaeckel
wife two
2.sp.2. Elinor 'Helena' JACKSON (daughter of John Jackson & Mary Martin)
b. 28 June 1858 Fiery Creek, Raglan, Amhurst Vic.(Beaufort
d. 24 June 1940, Dr Singletons Homes,Islington St Collingwood,age 79
B. Fawkner cemetery
2:2. ....?.......unknown
child....JACKEL.....................? .................
2:3. .........? .............unknown child.
JACKEL..............? .................
GO WEST YOUNG MAN! WESTERN AUSTRALIA - In the late 1880s, 1890s and first decade after Federation many adventurous young men & women from Victoria went to try the new sense of opportunities that were opening in Western Australia. Many went to the goldfields. Henry Charles Peck may have got to as far flung places as Halls Creek in The Kimberley, the Gascoyne and the Pilbara. Most went the deserts around Kalgoorlie, but some took advantage of that population rush to take up land which might be productive, while others settled in the hub of supply in the vicinity of Perth.
In the third Victorian generation, several Jackel grandchildren in the vigour of young adulthood, went to Western Australia. Four Jackels are known to have made the journey: James Jackel went for at least a year as a builder and church planter in the late 1880s; his sister Lizzie & George Patrick Charman went across by 1895 to pioneer new country at Harvey, and settle; and Frank Jackel took his family across after he married in 1903. Most of Frank Jackel's children were born in the Harvey district of W.A. before he returned to Victoria, to eventually settle in Lakes Entrance. Asa young man Alfred A. Jackel also spent a year in Western Australia.
Five PAECH/ Peck boys went to Western Australia. Henry Charles Peck went across in the late 1880s and returned for a period in the mid 1890s, before returning to settle on the W.A. goldfields and never return, much to his mother's sorrow. Bill Peck went across to the goldfields for a soujourn before returning to take up an orchard in Bayswater, Vic. Arthur Otto Peck went west in 1892 and returned to Victoria where he married in 1900. He took his wife to the west, and lived in remote Goldfields communities for another dozen years. Charles Augustus Peck went across, married in Western Australia, and never returned. He is recorded on the 1902 Electoral Roll as a miner at Whim Creek, in the remote Pilbara. Bob Peck went to W.A. to work with his brother Arthur Otto for a time before he married in Tasmania and decided to settle there. He left his family and returned to Western Australia for a period before resettling in Port Melbourne. The Peck boy's cousin, Johann Wilhelm August Pach brought his family from Croydon Victoria to the West in the early years of the 20th century and settled in the Harvey - Collie region.
In the Hilbrich famiy, the next younger brother of Ernst Hilbrich, and older brother of Eduard Paul, Gustav Eduard Hilbrich went from Korumburra, Gippsland to Fremantle in the Federation period. The Hilbrich's opened a bakery in Fremantle, W.A. It is believed that at least two of Gustav Hilbrich's nephews, from his brother Ernst & Mary Hilbrich's family, went across to the West at one stage.
The young people of the third Jackel generation had those wide horizons. They were certainly not stay-at-homes.
August & Auguste PAECH & family
Auguste Luise JÄCKEL
m. Carl August PÄCH
August Heinrich Carl PÄCH – Henry Charles Peck
Emilie Johanne PÄCH
m. Otto Ernst ZUMPE
Wilhelm Jakob PÄCH – Bill Peck
m. Johanne Auguste Berthe Schmolling
Arthur Otto August PÄCH
m. Fanny Halliday DALZIEL
Johann Augustus Carl PÄCH - Charles Peck
m. Margaret Brown Mindner – nee Anderson
Charlotte Auguste ‘Lottie’ PÄCH
m. 1. Arthur Ernest GRAY
Robert Eduard PÄCH - Bob Peck
m. Martha Griffiths
Lydia Luise ‘Liddy’ PÄCH
m. Benjamin Charles WILLIAMS
Ernst James PÄCH - Ern Peck
m. Elsie Jane Rees
Hermann Friedrich PÄCH – Fred Peck
m. Adah Mary Elizabeth Miller
Caption: Granny Augusta PAECH in 1901
b. 9 Aug 1843 Peterswaldau, Kreis Reichenbach, Silesia PRUSSIA
Death: 3 Aug 1920 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Victoria (Age 77)
husband married 16 Jan 1867 in Lutheran Church (Trinity) Eastern Hill, Melbourne by the Reverend Pastor Matthias Goethe
Witnesses to their marriage at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in East Melbounre by Pastor Matthias Goethe were Augusta’s father Erdmann Jäckel & August’s brother-in-law Martin Kleinert (husband of his sister Anna Dorothea (Dora) Päch (1829-1878.
2. sp. Carl AUGUST PÄCH (PAECH) ( son of Christian Gottfried PÄCH of Beutnitz, & his wife Maria Elisabeth RUGEN / (RUGE is the masculine form)
b: 23 Jun 1838 Beutnitz, Kreis Krossen, Neumark (East Brandenburg)PRUSSIA - now called 'Nowa Bytnica,' in Poznan district, Poland.
death: 18 Dec 1904 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Victoria (Age 65)
In some Lutheran or school Archives the Päch surname is spelt PECH, in others PAECH.
Herr Wilhelm & Frau SCHULTZ. Herr August & Augusté Luisé PAECH - founders of the Church of Christ in Bayswater, Victoria
PÄCH FAMILY & EMIGRATION: The Bayswater (Scoresby North) families knew many of the German pioneers were related. And August PÄCH had a twin. The connected families were called Kleinert, and Schultz. There were also links to the Gerlach & Tillach families. But nobody had found out their emigration documents. Nothing was listed for Victorian emigration. Some said it was via South Australia. I found nothing.
DISCOVERIES It was only after I discovered August PÄCH's twin was Charlotté Hanné PÄCH, who married Karl Heinrich Richter in 1856 and then lived as neighbours to the Jaeckels at Surrey Hills, that I found a clue. And then, only when I spread my research wide in time and place did I unlock the mystery. Charlotté Richter died in 1878 after giving birth to her 11th child. I discovered the inquest into her death. Therein her husband K. H. Richter outlines that he married her in 1856 after Charlotté arrived in Melbourne from Hobart Tasmania.
THE WILHELMSBURG: Checking I found: the PÄCHs (plus their NEUMARK neighbours) emigrated on the ship "Wilhelmsburg" from Hamburg to Hobart Town, Tasmania. The twins, August & Charlotté Päch embarked from Hamburg on 10th May 1855 both age 16 to arrive in Hobart Town on the 20th Aug 1855, aged 17. They were not two teenagers on their own. Two older Päch sisters, the eldest Anna Dorothea (Anna Dora) Päch, age 26, and her husband, Martin Johann Kleinert, plus infant son Johann Karl August Kleinert; and second Päch sister, Marié Elisabeth Päch, age 23, and her husband, Wilhelm Friedrich SCHULTZ, age 25, were aboard. Also aboard was the Tillach and Gerlach famileis from their home distrct. The Kleinert, Schultz, Päch, Tillach & Gerlach families were all in Melbourne by 1856. They were on the Darebin creek and then at Surrey Hills area, before moving out onto the Dandenong Creek at Bayswater.
In Aug 1871 two more PÄCH siblings arrived on the ship "Marpesia." This was middle sister Johanné Maria Friedrieké Päch, age 35, her husband, Gottlieb LIST, and five LIST children, plus the youngest? single brother Johann WILHELM PÄCH, age 32. He married Anna Elisabeth FIEDLER,(of another Silesian family who had arrived in Melbourne with the Fingers, Koenigs & Hilbrichs in 1849) in 1874 and settled at Dorset Rd, Croydon, Vic.
So August & Augusté PÄCH's family had a number of PÄCH relatives around Bayswater.
Caption: Herr Wilhelm & Frau SCHULTZ. Herr August & Frau Augusté PAECH - founders of the Church of Christ in Bayswater, Victoria
AUGUSTUS PÄCH's NATURALIZATION of 30th October 1860: -
The Naturalization document establish a number of historical facts:-
1. August PÄCH was then 22 years old - so he was born in 1838 (not 1839).
2. He came to Victoria in 1856 from Van Diemens Land on the coastal ship "City of Hobart" - some time in the year after his arrival in Hobart on 20th Aug 1855.
3.He was then living in Boroondara - probably at Surrey Hills where the Jakels were.
4. Though most documents use PÄCH for his surname herein PAECH is used throughout - as if he was undecided about whether the German form or the English form were best.
August PAECH's character was attested to by the German Lawyer Herr Wilhelm Alexander BRAHE, a brother of the Brahe who was involved in the Burke & Wills Expedition. Herr W. A. Brahe and his wife had 'adopted' the youngest MEYER child Sabina Meyer.
LAND AT SCORESBY NORTH - now Wantirna/Bayswater
Property: In 1860 August(us) Paech bought land on the Dandenong Creek in Scoresby North. The date of the transfer was the 4th of December 1860, the time, half past twelve in the afternoon. [ He was at one time thought by the family to still in Prussia until 1864 ]. Not so.
Like the German Settlers in Harkaway-Berwick - the pioneer who apportioned this land down into German settler's hands was Johann BISCHOFF - who had arrived on the trio of ships with the Hilbrich, Wanke & Aurisch families, and the Moeller brothers.
German exactness seemed to go with the all-German chain of association, and mutual help in parceling out a share in the new country in Subdvision The property was of 27 ¼ acres, being a third part of Portion 25 originally taken up as a Crown Grant of ?? acres by Johann Bischoff in 1853, and between times owned by August Zerbe.
As usual, the conveyance was handled by all the Melbourne-German, W. Alexander Brahe, who handled most German settler’s conveyancing, and who doubled as their Prussian / Swiss Consul.
August Zerbe bought the third slice of the land for £47.10.00 (Forth Seven Pounds, Ten shillings) from Johann Bischoff who paid £109? for the whole.
August Paech paid August Zerbe £70 (Seventy Pounds) for the same land.
3:1. August Heinrich Carl PÄCH / PAECH (Henry Charles PECK)
b. 5 Oct 1867 Scoresby, Vic.
Henry was baptized August Heinrich Paech by Lutheran Minister, Pastor Matthias GOETHE, on 31 May 1868 at Scoresby North Lutheran Church. His Baptismal Sponsors were: 1. Carl WIELAND, 2, Johann PUMP, & 3. Charlotte RICHTER, his aunt (his father’s twin sister). (Age 37 in Dec 1904) sp?
The Argus Newspaper (Melbourne, Vic) Friday 3 August 1888, page 8.
CASUALTIES AND OFFENCES. The following cases were received at the Alfred Hospital yesterday : - ... Henry Peck, aged 21 years living at Scoresby, suffering from a fracture of his right leg, caused by a fall from a horse.
Married 15th May 1892 Registrar's Office, Westport, South Island, New Zealand
Spouse: Clara Emma GOSNELL nee EDGEWORTH (widow)
- born: 7 April 1855 in Deptford, Kent, England, Great Britain
- died: 17 October 1918 in Raetihi, north of Wanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui, North Island, New Zealand
- three older Gosnell Sons, and one younger.
Stepson: Leslie 'PECK' GOSNELL
- born: 2 October 1887 Westport, Buller, West Coast, New Zealand
- died 22 November 1918 Taylorville, Wanganui, Manawatu-Wanganui, New Zealand
Son : Herbert Henry PÄCH / PECK
- born : 1893 ? Westport, Buller, West Coast, New Zealand
- died : 1895 ? New Zealand
Separated from Clara Emma GOSNELL nee EDGEWORTH
- Police Court, 5th January 1909 Midland Junction, nr Perth, Western Australia
Henry had a child (possibly only 3 months old) who died on ship journey from Western Australia to Victoria. Probably buried at sea. He also had a son named Leslie Peck, registered at school in Scoresby North (Bayswater) then aged 5, in 1896. No records of his marriage or children's birth have been found as yet. Henry's marriage did not last. Henry went north from the Western Australian goldfields to the Pilbara, maybe even the Kimberley, He is thought to have married (Liased) with an Aboriginal woman, or women. He is believed to have probably fathered a number of half-cast children up north of Kalgoorlie W.A.
The old goldfield works at Murrin Murrin, in the electorate of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia.Resided: Henry Charles Peck is recorded on the 1913 Commonwealth Electoral Roll, as a labourer at Murrin Murrin, a goldfields town located about 50 km east of Leonora, north of Kalgoorlie. Murrin Murrin as an existing mining settlement (corrugated iron hotel and store) known by this Aboriginal name were laid out in 1896, and the area containing these allotments was reserved for the future townsite of Murrin Murrin in November 1897.
The old Murrin Murrin Hotel, the desert goldfields north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Henry Charles Peck might even be one of those patrons of the shady verandah..
Died: Henry Charles PECK died 18 June 1934 Government Hospital, Kalgoorlie, East Coolgardie District, Western Australia
Buried: Kalgoorlie Cemetery , East Coolgardie District, Western Australia
- ++++++++ one or two children +++++++++
3:2. Emilié Johanné PÄCH / PAECH
born: 14 May 1869 Nunawading - Box Hill,
Emilie was baptized by Melbourne Lutheran Minister, Pastor Matthias Goethe, on 14 May 1869 at the Scoresby North Lutheran Church. Her Baptismal Sponsors were the Germantown Bayswater neighbours: 1. Johann Wilhelm GERLACH, & 2. Johann Gottfried TILLACK. Occupation: - Dressmaker
Married: 30 May 1891 in the Trinity Lutheran Church, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia by the Reverend Pastor Hermann Herlitz....Melbourne Lutheran Pastor HERMANN HERLITZ was born of Jewish Parents At Neisse, in Silesia.
Herlitz took the place of Pastor Mattias Goethe.HERLITZ, Hermann - Australian Dictionary of Biography Article
Sp. OTTO ERNST ZUMPE (son of Friedrich August Alfred ZUMPE & Emilié FLEMMING from Dresden, Saxony, who brought their family to Kew in Melbourne on the ship 'Hohenstaufen' in Aug. 1887 - although some, like Otto E. Zumpe, arrived earlier, on different ships.
b: 1861 in Mobschatz, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
EMIGRATION: Arrived Port Melbourne 12th July 1884 on the ship "PROCIDA"
Occupation: Zimmerman /Carpenter / Master Builder
RESIDED : 6 years Richmond; then at 18 Scott Street, KEW, Victoria
DIED: - 9th May 1930 Buried: - 10 May 1930 Boroondara Cemetery, KEW
Naturalization: 1904
Otto E Zumpe was awarded some form of 'Iron Cross' by Germany after the war for sending food stuffs from Australia to children and poor in Germany during the WW1. Used to travel to and fro to Germany on the ‘Malogo.' A very strict man. Everybody learnt and spoke German in his home.
Johannes Christian Zumpe (1735-1800) a member of the ZUMPE family of Dresden, Saxony, was the inventor of the Upright Piano. He worked for many years in London. Johann Christian Bach, son of Johann Sebastian, played on a Zumpe Piano. Zumpe returned to Germany in 1784. He left a flourishing piano business to his successors, Schoene and Company
- ++++++++ seven Zumpe children +++++++++
3:3. Wilhelm Jakob PÄCH / PAECH (Bill PÄCH or PECK)
born: - 7 Nov 1870 Scoresby, Vic. (
Age 33 in Dec 1904) ~
Occupation: Orchardist (Miner in W.A.) Orchardist/Market Gardener/Farmer
Immigrated to W.A. Goldfields via Albany on the ship " Yarra" 20 Apr 1889. (Returned at least by 1902)
Bill PÄCH was a pendatic stickler for doing things the proper way. His cars, once he had them, were maintained by the book, so much so that if the family was on a journey when the mileage clicked over to the exact number when an oil change was due, Bill Paech would pull over to the side of the road and do the oil change then and there by the rule of the stroke of the meter.
d. 1953 Melbourne Age 82 Buried.9 April 1953 Box Hill Cemetery No 13769 Church Of England Row 2S, Grave No 38(CE212 38
married 1902 Bayswater, Victoria,
sp. Johanné Augusté Pauliné Berthé SCHMOLLING
born: - 1874 Dobersaul, Neumark, Brandenburg, Prussia
Died: - Nov 1961 Age 87 Buried: 9 Nov 1961 Age 87 yrs, Box Hill Cemetery
(daughter of Johann Friedrich Wilhelm SCHMOLLING -who died in Prussia- & his wife Johanné Luisé ZIMMERMANN, who were born in Dobersaul,Neumark, Prussia - the next village to where August Paech was born.
Being widowed, Johanna Schmolling brought her children to Melbourne, arriving August 1887 on the ship 'Hohenstauffen", travelling with the ZUMPE family (above).
Note: The Bill Pach family who lived in Boronia Rd where their orchard extended in a swathe to the north to join his brother, Ern Peck’s orchards around what is now suburban streets that lead in to St Stephens Anglican Church. Bill Pach’s last house still stands in 2004, though renovated out of easy recognition, on the north side of Boronia Road, between Tamar and Kingsford Streets, in Studfield, Knox. Bill Pach also owned land opposite, on the south side of Boronia then called LL Road, where Pach Road is now, named after his family. Pach road is a residential street that runs off Boronia Road in the direction of what was the Blind Creek valley and is now Knox City, between Wantirna South and Studfield.
++++++++++ three Paech children +++++++++
3:4. Arthur Otto August PÄCH / PAECH ( Arthur Otto PECK ) b. 1 May 1873 Scoresby Vic. (Age 31 in Dec 1904)
Occupation: Coachbuilder, Wheelwright, Blacksmith, Hotelier, Farmer, Pastoralist, Pioneer,
On the first town Council of Mt Magnet, Western Australia
Caption: 1st Mount Magnet Council, Pilbara, Western Australia, Centre below, A. O. PECK
Spouse.1 Fanny Halliday DALZIEL
b. 1878 Pleasant Crk, Stawell, VIC
(daughter of John Given DALZIEL & Annie Amelia CHALK, of the Pyrennes Ranges, Vic.)
d. 28 Aug 1936 Box Hill, Vic. Age 57 Buried: Box Hill Cemetery, Vic.
Coachbuilding Works of A.O. PECK, Mount Magnet, W.A.
ARTHUR OTTO PECK - Arthur Otto Peck is a native of Victoria, where he was educated, and where he learned his trade as blacksmith, wheelwright and wagon-builder. He came to Western Australia in 1892, and started a business in Cue. For the last four years, however, Mount Magnet has been the scene of his business operations. At the municipal elections in the early part of 1901, he was returned to the council. He employs six men, chiefly in the construction of heavy goods wagons for the carrying trade in the back country towards Lake Way, Mt Sir Samuel, and Lawlers.The vehicles built by Mr. Peck have earned a high reputation for durability and substantial workmanship. Mr Peck expresses himself as being well satisfied with his prospects, and looks forward to increased prosperity as the mining “shows” of the district are developed.” in Twentieth Century Impressions of Western Australia (1901) Perth W.A., P.W.H. THIEL @ CO. 1901 - Part pages 684-685
Mr Arthur Otto & Fanny PECK before leaving Kalgoorlie.
Sp.2. Mary Anne Margaret DALZIEL b. abt 1877 ( daughter of John Given DALZIEL & Annie Amelia CHALK) d. 1948 Age 71 Ararat VIC
Note: Arthur Otto Peck had pubs in Mt Magnet & in Cue WA for many years. Later he owned houses in Box Hill, & retired to live in Middleborough Rd. He liked a drink but was a shrewd businessman. Turned stumps into Mallee Roots which he train-freighted to Melbourne. His son, Arthur was nine, when he came to Turriff, after being dairy farmers in Glenburn, potato famers in Yea, then a dairy farmer in Ballarat. He selected Mallee country at Turriff and turned it into a wheat farm. A grandson reports that 'He was great for making money. He was a blacksmith as well as being very ingenious. He was clever at anything he did, an inventor.'
Arthur Otto Peck driving family and friends on the wheat farm at Turriff, The Mallee, near Speed, Victoria.
++++++++++ five or six Peck children +++++++++
3: 5. Johann Augustus Carl PÄCH / PAECH ( Charles Augustus PECK )
b. 6 Nov 1875 Scoresby North (Wantirna / Bayswater) (Age 29 in Dec 1904)
Occupation: Goldminer, Prospector, Butcher, Cameleer, Carrier, Teamster, Hotelier, Steam Engine Driver, Farmer
Charles Peck pioneered use of Camel Supply Caravans to the remote goldfields of Western Australia.
Died. 1952, South Perth, Western Australia
Buried: 19 Jan 1952 Karrakatta cemetery, WA. [DA 289 Church of Christ Section]
wife - married 1904 Woroonga, Western Australia
sp.1. Margaret Brown MINDNER, nee Anderson Born: Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K.
(a Kalgoorlie ex-Victorian widow of Heinrich 'Harry' MINDNER, [born Germany, married Melbourne, died 1904 Age 39 at Cue's Patch, Lawlers, north of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia], with three MINDNER children, born in Brunswick, Victoria.)
d. before 1946 of diabetes, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
- Separated / divorced?
Spouse. 2. IDA Elizabeth McERLANE
married 1933 East Coolgardie.
RESIDED: In retirement Charles & Ida Peck lived at 33 Rosebery Ave, South Perth, W.A.
Charles & Margaret Peck descendants, the Webster family of Perth, are leaders of renown in the horse racing game, producing among them both trainers, jockeys, and stud breeders. One of them has recieved the laurels of having trained a Melbourne Cup winner.
+++++++ two Peck plus three Mindner children +++++++
3:6. Charlotté (Lottie) Augusté PÄCH / PAECH b. 1 Feb 1878 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Vic. (Age 26 in Dec 1904) d. 1 August 1961,
husband 1.married 5 Jun 1907 Bayswater
sp.1. ARTHUR Ernest GRAY b. Barry's Reef (Trentham)
Occupation: Gas Fitter, Foreman: Metropolitan Gas Company, Clifton Hill & West Melb.
Resided. 1904- 1929: 22 Grant St, Nth Fitzroy, VIC.
died. 26 August 1929 Age 49,
B. Box Hill Grave: Baptist No 21,with August & Augusta PACK (Pach).
Resided 1931: at 26 Edgeville St, Kew, VIC
husband 2.Married 1938
sp.2. ALBERT Alfred AHLES m. 1938 b. Horsham, VIC. ( son of Johann Friedrich August AHLES & Marie Julia KOHLHAGEN nee PULS )
Resided: 43 Derby St, Kew, Vic.
Occupation: Police Detective Constable
d. 1958 Fitzroy, Age 74]
" Aunt Lottie used to come round once or twice each year with the sausage making gear: knives, hoppers, funnels & mincer etc, which looked like it had been brought out from Germany. On the way home from the Victoria market, dad (Fred Peck) would call in at Otto Englehardt’s butcher (& baker’s) shop in Kew and pick up a bag of sausage skins. Lottie would stay with the Fred Pecks for four or five days when their two or three pigs would be killed for she knew the method and the recipe for making the old big eight to ten inch German sausages. Some of the meat would be smoked for bacon and other parts cured for ham. After being at her brother Freds’, Lottie would go on to Uncle Ern Pecks where his pigs would be killed and sausages made in turn, and after his, then Uncle Bill Peck's pigs would be put through Aunt Lottie (Gray / Ahle’s) mincer." Sometimes, he, Fred's son, Ron Peck, would have to deliver a couple of sausages to Kleinerts and the Schultzs, or a rasher lump of bacon to Sasses’ on his way to school in Bayswater.
++++++++++ two Gray children +++++++++
3:7. Robert Eduard PÄCH / PAECH ( Bob PECK ) b. 9 Nov 1879 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Vic. (Age 25 in Dec 1904)
Bob Peck spent some time on the Western Australian goldfieldsand possibly some time in New Zealand, before he went to Tasmania and married. Later he returned to W.A for a time.
Occupation: Blacksmith, Wheelwright, Publican,
Bob Peck's family owned a pub in Tasmania
Died: October? 1960 Age 80 Tasmania. Buried. 11/10/1960 Age 80 Section S-6 R-K, Plot 5, Anglican Section, Ulverstone General Cemetery, Tasmania
married 27 April 1903 St Barnabas Church,Scottsdale, Tas
spouse: MARTHA JANE GRIFFITHS b. Scottsdale, Tasmania,
Died: ? June 1959 aged 80 Buried: 26/06/1959 aged 80 S-6 R-K, Plot 6, Anglican Section, Ulverstone General Cemetery, Tasmania
Resided: As Blacksmith, till 1914 at Glen Dau Street, Launceston West, TASMANIA,
1914-1917 @ Forth [Electoral Division of DARWIN, Subdivision of LEVEN, TAS] - Forth is on the bank of the river Forth inland of the coast between Ulverstone & Davenport.
1917 - 1926 blacksmith Main Road, Ulverstone, Tasmania
Bob Peck is reported to have won Tatts, which resulted in him buying a hotel in Ulverstone. Unfortunately Bob had a weakness for the drink. This proved ill for his family life. At some juncture he left his family - and ended being away for 33 years. He lived at one time with his de-facto second 'wife' Mollie (or Cissie/ Sissy?) CASTLES, in Port Melbourne, Vic. Bob Peck had a blacksmith shop at 141 Station St, Port Melbourne, where his brothers Bill, Ern or Fred, and nephews used to visit him from Bayswater, often getting a truck load of stable manure from Port Melbourne for the orchards when on their way home from the Victoria market. When he left the Blacksmith's shop, he and Mollie lived at 67 Heath St, Port Melbourne.
Martha Peck and family then lived at Victoria Street, Ulverstone, Tasmania.
After Mollie died, and his wife Martha had died, Bob Peck returned to Tasmania for a visit. He is reported to have died suddenly while washing dishes when helping out in the kitchens of the hotel restaurant in Ulverstone. So, in 1960, after being away more than three decades, he was buried beside his wife Martha, who'd died a year earlier, in the Anglican section of the Ulverstone Cemetery, Ulverstone, Tasmania.
++++++++++ three Peck children +++++++++
3:8. Lydia Louisé PÄCH / PAECH b. 4 Nov 1881 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Vic. (Age 23 in Dec 1904)
‘Aunt Liddy was a very strict German lady. Strict, but just & fair.’ Ron Peck
Died. 1959 Age 69 Kew, VIC.
Buried. 5 Dec 1959 Box Hill Cemetery
married 1910 Bayswater, VIC
sp. Benjamin Charles WILLIAMS b. 1881/82 Victoria
( son of Benjamin Bond WILLIAMS & Mary Margaret O'MARA
Occupation: Labourer / fish & chip shop
Died. 1925 Age 43 Heidelberg, Vic
Buried: 6 May 1925 age 43 BOX HILL Cemetery
Ben Williams died young leaving Liddy Williams with five children under 13. One of her sons became a champion cyclist & bicycle manufacturer.
++++++++++ five or six Williams children +++++++++
3:9. Ernst James PÄCH / PAECH ( Ern PECK )
born: 12 April 1885 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Vic. (Age 19 in Dec 1904)
Occupation: Orchardist / Farmer /Property Manager / Landlord
Buried: Box Hill Cemetery, Vic.
sp. 1. Elsie JANE REES b. 1884 Pakenham, VIC (Daughter of Stationmaster at Keilor, Maldon, Pakenham & Bayswater, William REES (b. Bristol England) & Elizabeth BOWEN)
Buried 13 Nov 1936 (8.30 AM?) Age 48 Box Hill Cemetery
Sp.2. HILDA DOWELL (annulled)
Note: Ern Pach’s orchard, on the south side of Mountain Highway, Bayswater, went from where ‘Sydney Road’ is now to join his brother Bill’s land at the back fence where it extended up north from ‘LL’ (Boronia) Road, Bayswater. A later subdivision, accessed in the side-by-side Ernest and Peck Streets, off Sydney road, Wantirna -Bayswater, named for the site of the Ern Peck family farmyard.
++++++++++ four Peck children +++++++++
3:10. Hermann Friedrich PÄCH / PAECH ( Fred PECK ) b. 10 June 1887 Scoresby North (Bayswater) Vic. (Age 17 in Dec 1904)
Occupation: Orchardist/Farmer, (Wantirna/Bayswater)
Died: 31 Aug 1963
Buried. Box Hill Cemetery
married 1911 Bayswater
sp. Adah Mary Elizabeth MILLER b. 1885 Brunswick VIC (Daughter of George Frederick Miller & Elizabeth Adelaide Morley)
died: 1963 Wantirna Age 76
Buried: Box Hill Cemetery
Note: Fred Peck was named in honour his uncle Hermann Jackel, though the family followed German practice in using his second name. Fred, the youngest - also following German practice -inherited the old Paech family homestead on the north side of Mountain Highway in Scoresby North on the borders of Wantirna in Bayswater, with its orchard running to the north, down to the summer vegetable and pasture area on the flood plains of the Dandenong Creek. The later subdivision of his farm was off-centered around the trunk of Cumberland Road, with the side branches of Figtree and Apple Groves, and Ti-tree and Cherry Avenues, celebrating aspects of the original Paech farm property. The Bayswater postcode area boundary runs down the old Peck’s western-side boundary fence to the creek.
++++++++++ 12 or 13 Peck children +++++++++
Note: Paternal (male-descent) lines in this family all now go by the surname PECK.
1. CARL ERDMANN JÄCKEL - widower - Second family
married on 15th Feb 1854 where the Lutheran's were then meeting (in the manse of) the Independant Church, Collins St. Melbourne by the Rev. Alexander Morrison.
Reverend Alexander Morison (or Morrison) - Australian Dictionary of Biography
Morison arrived in Van Diemens Land in 1832, returned to study Theology in London in 1834, but he was back in Australia, and in Melbourne in 1843, to replace the Rev. William Waterfield. The Melbourne Independent (Congregational) church begun in the home of the overlander John Gardiner, of Gardiner's Creek fame (and Mooroolbark Station), and also in rooms at John Pascoe Fawkner's old hotel in 1838. In fact the first church service in early Melbourne was of the same ilk, preached by a member of the Gellibrand-Jennings clan, relatives of the 'illegal' founder of Melbourne, Joseph T Gellibrand. Rev. Alexander Morison was the foundation "secretary of the newly-formed Port Phillip Colonial Missionary and Christian Instruction Society."
The Independent (Congregational) Church, Collins St, was founded in 1837, said to Melbourne's first, and now the oldest church. The foundation stone of the first church building was laid on the 3rd September 1839. That chapel was demolished and replaced in 1866.
Charles Nettletons 1880 picture of the replacement Independent Church in Collins Street, Melbourne- With the Burke & Wills Statue as traffic island. The statue is now on the corner of Collins and Swanston streets.
The former (replacement) gandiose Independent Church build after 1866 is still standing. It is now St Michael's Church in Collins Street> Melbourne
The Reverend Alexander MORRISON was a well-known public figure in early Melbourne. He was involved in may aspects of public life as well as faith life. By 1855/6 he was a member of both the Philosophical Society and the Philosophical Institutes of Victoria as well as the Royal Society of Victoria> Rev. A. Morrison became a member of the Burke and Wills Exploration Committee in 11th November 1857. You will notice a number of Germans involved in the Burke & Wills venture: - Wilhelm Blandowski, Dr Solomon Iffla, Dr Ferdinand von Mueller. But the original leader was also to have been the German, Gustav Ferdinand von Tempsky, originating from Liegnitz, Silesia. Also in the Burke & Wills party itself was Second Officer, Wilhelm Brahe, Scientific Observer Dr Hermann Beckler, and the artist Dr Ludwig Becker. R.O. Burke in fact spoke fluent German, having spent six years in Austria where he joined the 7th Reuss Regiment of the Hungarian Hussars in 1841 and was promoted to lieutenant. Burke left the Austrian army in 1847 in some covered-up disgrace.
From Liegnitz, Silesia, Gustavus Ferdinand von Tempsky (1828-1868) emigrated along with his wife to Victoria in 1856 "where he took up farming with some success but little enthusiasm. When the Government planned an expedition into Central Australia, he strove urgently for its command, but the authorities preferred a British national, and since he was not prepared to accept a subordinate position, he sold up his holding and crossed the Tasman to New Zealand where he engaged in gold mining at Coromandel in 1859. He found this venture not unremunerative but, when the Waikato Maori War broke out, he sought a commission in the Colonial Defence Force." Instead pioneering a crossing of desert Australia, Tempsky fought in the Maori Wars, where he showed himself a champion of great distinction, and inspired his troops, the Rangers, to heights of heroic daring, before being himelf shot in a late battle by a concealed Hauhau Maori sniper. He died of his wounds aged 40. It is likely von Tempsky could have led the Melbourne Exploration Inland Venture with better results than the those of the haughty Burke who never inspired his men to anything.
Spouse. WIFE TWO.
1.Sp.2.JOHANNE CHRISTIANE TZSCHOPPE (Christina) (daughter of Michael TZSCHOPPE, Burgomeister [Mayor] of Ober Horka, Lausitz, Schlesien (Lusatia) Silesia & his wife Anna Rosina PAERLE) Christina's husband had the same surname as her own.
b. 18 April 1818 Ober Horka, Lausitz, Schlesien (Upper Horka Lusatia, Silesia), PRUSSIA
d. 27 Sep 1891 Berwick, Vic. Age 73 years,
Buried. Harkaway Cemetery, near Berwick, VICTORIA
Downtown Horka, Lusatia, now Saxony (then Silesia)
- Christiané was a WEND, or Sorb, from a Slavic people who reside inside Germany.
TZSCHOPPE EMIGRATION? Nothing was known of how the Tzschoppe family came to be in Richmond, Melbourne. Nothing was known about Herr Tzschoppe or how, when or where he'd died. Nor was there any inkling of how Erdmann Jaeckel managed to immigrate from South Australia & meet a widow & remarry within a few months. No Victoria Immigration Records showed no Tzschoppe family arriving, not even by 30 different spellings.
In about 2004 I did a detective research trip to South Australia. I went at one time to the outer Barossa town of Eudunda, where I discovered the Eudunda Famly history centre shop in the middle of town. On walking into the shop I spied a book which I saw immediately might be of interest to know more about Horka - the birthplace of Erdmann Jaeckel's second wife. The book was called "HEINRICH BROTHERS FROM HORKA" and it was written & edited by the Heinrich Brothers Family Re-union Committee, published at Lutheran Publish House, Adelaide in 1987.
On opening the book I saw immediatly that the eldest Heinrich brother, Johann Traugott Heinrich who was born in Horka, had married Johanne Rosine Tzschoppe, born in the upper Spree, Lusatia. Not knowing if there was any further connection, but on the strength of this my one single find of the Tzschoppe name at all let alone from Horka, I bought a copy of the book for further perusal. Reading it later that evening I was amazed by what I found in an edited, translated extract of Heinrich's original diary.
The Lusatian village of Horka from across the feld.
Therein I read: "The writer of this book Johann Traugott Heinrich was born on 29 October 1821 at Upper Horka, near Niesky in Upper Lausitz in the Territory of the King of Prussia."
And, over the page I was suddenly arrested in my tracks by the following: ... "My grandmother, grandfather's first wife, was nee Neumann. She died early, at the age of 32 years & left three daughters, (&) of these, my mother as the oldest had to look after the household. Then grandfather married widow Paerle, the owner of the tavern in Upper Horka (Ober Horka); later as a result of advancing age they entered an institution for the aged & died there. I knew both of them very well. My step grandmother had several children from her first marriage, the oldest daughter married the Mayor of Ober Horka, Michael Tschoppe, who later, unfortunately, hanged himself." Melancholy history, about people far removed in time and place, and so hardly relevant it seemed, and seemingly not very interesting to us. Then came the next seemingly indifferent proisaic sentence: - "Their eldest daughter is married to carpenter Jaeckel in Melbourne, Victora."
To which he adds: - "(She died in Berwick on 27th September 1891. A brother named Michael, froze to death." It's us. We move between far geographies and sad times. It was clear that Heinrich knew the Tzschoppes and the Jaeckels. But how much did he tell of what he knew? I read on as Heinrich told about his working life in Lusatia before he emigrated - and there he took me through to another surprise.
"I reached home (from Military Service which he found he was averse to) at the end of September 1943 and decided to work as a bootmaker in my parent's home and soon received work and even more than I could manage on my own, so I hired a journeyman. The first one was the bachelor Hilbrig from Neuhof (his step-brother is Father Hilbrich at Harkaway, Victoria)." I was Amazed, and astounded at the easy way he had of stepping between Lusatia and Victoria, Australia from people I knew nothing about to people I knew of. Heinrich continues: - "Then a Thiele from Middle Horka (likely to be related to the Doncaster Thieles who come from Sarichen which is nearby) and Johannes Gottfried Tschoppe, a son of the Tzschoppe who hanged himself." [He would then be Erdmann Jaeckel's brother-in-law.] ..." It was there I met my wife Johanne Rosine Tzschoppe, who lived with her uncle at Upper Horka (Weissig). He had adopted her."
Heinrich goes on to tell how he emigrated to South Australia on the ship "OCEAN" in 1849 with his wife & his brother-in-law Traugott Tzschoppe, then took up residence near Tanunda in the Barossa Valley. He tells late of how Traugott Tzschoppe was accidently drowned while swimming in the Gawler River on 8th November 1851 and is buried in Langmiel Cemetery, in Tanunda.
Arial view of HORKA, SAXONY ( then an annex of Silesia, Prussia)
Heinrich continues through the year 1852 till we arrive at this passage of great significance: -"On the 2nd January 1853 I had the joy to welcome to this country my next brother Gottlieb (Heinrich). He travelled with Obst and wife, Tzschoppe and wife, and Meinert- via England to South Australia. Wilhelm Tzschoppe from Spreehammer died in Melbourne at his eldest son's - and the widow Christiane, nee Tzschoppe, my friend iny youth and cousin, married in 1854 carpenter Jaeckel, who had gone from here to Melbourne, he died in 1879."
The only ship that arrived in Adelaide that early in January 1853 was the "TANCRED' from Liverpool, England. As yet I can find no Passenger List for the Tancred in 1853.
Heinrich has two more items of interest towards the end of his diary. "From 3 until 16 November 1892, August Walden (Heinrich's daughter) and I travelled by railway to Victoria. We were in Melbourne for 3 days & then we drove to Narre Warren, Harkaway and Berwick, visited Father Hillbrich & his children, as also Christiane Koenig (nee Finger), & Jaeckel Junior (Hermann), Br. Wanke & son, Father Jaeschke age 92 years, & Br. Aurisch. Then we drove to Melbourne & immeadiatley to Box Hill & on to Doncaster to Br. Thiele and Mother Finger who was in the church.." So, although he knew only the Jaeckel's and Tzschoppe family in Australia (before 1853) he knew of all those people he mentions. He may also have known the Thieles in Lusatia. Heinrich was a fellow traveller & friend of the Jaeckels, Tzschoppes and Hilbrich families in The Barossa Valley long after they had left that place.
He and the Hillbrichs corresponded. Here's a last item of interest: "On 20 November 1899 I informed Ernst Hillbrich of (his) Br. Gottlieb (Heinrich)'s death, and sent greetings to all of them. I recieved his last letter on 21 January 1899."
J. Traugott Heinrich died on the 10th January 1902 in Hallets Valley, Tanunda and is buried there in St John's Lutheran cemetery.
Arial view of HORKA, SAXONY
(When Christiané married Erdmann she was a widow, age 35, with 2 children living & 4 children dead)
Her death certificate lists children to her first marriage:
Wilhelm Tzschoppe (Deceased);
2:5. Ernst J. Tzschoppe (Dec.); Born: Spreehammer, near Ober Horka, Lausitz, Schlesien (Spreehammer, Lusatia, Silesia, Prussia
Occupation: Goldminer & labourer -
(a stepson of Erdmann Jaeckel who was the informant for his death certificate). I suspect Ernst Tzschoppe had been ill after goldmining, was doing light duties with his step father when he took sick and died.
Died.1878 age 33 of a disease caused by living rough & working in water / exposure.
Buried: (as a pauper) St Kilda Cemetery, Victoria
Mary Augusta TZSCHOPPE (age 43 in Sep 1891)
Ernst Tzschoppe was about 10 and Marie Augusta Tzschoppe was just six years of age when Erdmann Jaeckel married her mother. Step sister to Hermann & Augusta, half sister to Lydia as well as Sister-In-Law, there is a double connection to Maria Augusté (Mary) TZSCHOPPE. The Hilbrichs & Jackels lived nearby to each other near Harkaway and were regular fellow churchfolk in Berwick.
An existing early Jaeckel House in Melbourne? (above) “Spenceycroft,” the oldest house in Surrey Hills, Melbourne, at 654 Canterbury Road (then called Delaney's Road, Nunawading ), in what has been since about 1885 called Surrey Hills, is said to have originally been a farmhouse that has been a converted, and renovated. It stands on the original land that Erdmann Jaeckel bought in 1856 & subsequently planted with orchard & vines as a vigneron & farmer. The Jaeckels lived at this Canterbury road address until a years or so after Erdmann died in 1879. The house & farm was sold in 1881. I'd say “Spenceycroft” was not the Jaeckel’s first house - which would have been a frontier hut, for this is a well-build old homestead. But it appears to be the Jackel's early home, after all, Erdmann Jaeckel was a tischlermieister, a master builder in relation to fine interiors. In about 2004 when I met the elderly owner, Mrs A Sebastian, gardening in her front yard, she said she “the house is so old...its going to fall down with me.” Not sure how she's going now
Ernst & Marie HILBRICH & Family
Maria Auguste TZSCHOPPE
m. Johann Gottlieb Ernst HILBRICH
Ernst Friedrich HILBRICH
m. Margaret Lee
Eduard Gustav HILBRICH
m. Amy Ruth Jane Morton
Anna Maria Auguste HILBRICH
m. Arthur Samuel Henrich SMARTT
Johann Oswin HILBRICH
Agnes Julia HILBRICH
Herbert Walter HILBRICH
m. Edwin Joseph WATERS
Alfred Eduard HILBRICH
m. Elsie May Kemp
Florence Victoria HILBRICH
Harold Herbert HILBRICH
m. Adeline Mary Trainor
2:6 (Step) [ii] Marié Augusté 'Mary' TZSCHOPPE -daughter of Johanné Christiné JACKEL & Johann TZSCHOPPE [& Step-Daughter of Erdmann Jaeckel]
b. 17th June 1848 Spreehammer, near Horka, Lausitz, Schlesien (Lusatia, Silesia)
m. 13 Nov 1866, at the bridgerooms dwelling, Harkaway, Vic. d.
RESIDENCE: When Maria was naturalised in 1912 she declared that she has been 14 years in The Nunawading (by then Surrey Hills), 45 years in Narre Warren, and just one year at 333 Maribyrnong Road, Ascot Vale, where they had retired into Melbourne.
She had by then been 60 years in Australia.
2.sp.Johann Gottlieb ERNST HILBRICH b. 25 Nov 1841 Görlitz, Neisse River, Silesia, Prussia (son of Johann Gottlieb Ernst HILBRIG or HILBRICH -a slater by trade in Goerlitz & Maria Dorothea WAGNER)
Occupation: MINER, - assumedly on the Emerald or other Yarra Valley Diggings?
Religion: - This German family are decidely registered as "Church of England"
d. 1914 Ascot Vale, Age 72 yrs, B. 30 Oct 1914 Harkaway
J. G. Ernst Hillbrich's Naturalization of 1909Ernst Hilbrich came out as an infant and was naturalized 60 years later,so long after the event that details such as the name of the ship "Wappaus" is misremembered as the Maccabeus. In about 1908 the relatively new Australian Federal Commonwealth Government introduced Old age pensions for citizens. Many German_Australians who had not been naturalized earlier, now applied for naturalization in their old age so they could get the pension. Both Ernst and Marie Hillbrich were naturalized at about that time. The document shows his then trade and the number of his seven surviving children, which includes the missing son Walter Herbert Hilbrich. By 1909 even the eldest German born son was spelling his surname as Hillbrich. The most interesting part of this document is the itemised listing of the years and early places of Hilbrich family residence.
Recent view of the Church Spires of GOERLITZ
THE HILBRICH of GÖRLITZ family emigrated to Port Phillip, then part of New South Wales, with the "Hamburg to Hobson's Bay' group of several emigrant ships which came to Victoria direct from Germany. GÖRLITZ is on the edge of Lausitz (Lusatia) not far from Ober Horka, and the Helbrich (Hillbrich) & Tzschoppe families were known to each other. Gottlieb & Dorothea Hilbrich travelled on the ship "WAPPAUS" leaving Hamburg on the 20th October 1848.
The' 'Wappaus' was meant to deliver some immigrants to Adelaide, but a storm in Spencer Gulf made any approach too dangerous, therefore the Captian continued at sea, & made port for the first time in Australian waters at Portland or Warrnambool. They arrived on 21st April 1849, & the Hilbrich's lived near Warrnambool for a few years, when they stayed in Richmond, the Goldfields, and then, took up land, first to Doncaster, & afterwards at Harkaway, where they settled. ELdest son J.G. Ernst Hillbrich's naturalisation of 1909 shows that in Australia he had resided 3 years at Warrnambool (1849-1852), on the goldfields at Bendigo for 6 months (1853), Doncaster 2 years (1854-1855) and Narre Warren 54 years. A sister was born at Harkaway 26 January 1856, so the Hilbrich family were in Berwick district from just before that time.
The name HILBRICH. I have found early Victoria records with all these spellings: HILBRICH, HELBRIG, HEILBRIG, HELLBRECH, HELLBRICH, HILLBRECK, and HILLBRICK. But in the list of the earliest 1852/3 pioneer members of the Evangelical Lutheran Chuch in Melbourne it is spelt in an unexpected German form: Herr HÜLLBRICH, and it even includes the even then antiquated German feminine ending for Maria Dorothea as Frau HÜLBRICHEN.
Hans Bahrlow's entry on the name 'Hillbrich' records that it comes also in the form 'Hillbrig' or 'Helbrig' and these are from the Wendish (Sorbian) dialect form for "Helmbrecht". The Hillbrich's seem to have been originally Wendish people of the bilingual Slavic-German sub-group who live in Lusatian Saxony to the present day. German schools in Lusitz (Lusatia) still teach their children in both languages and there is also Wendish radio and television.
[Johann Gottlieb Paul Hillbrich spelt his name "Hellbrig" when he was one of three German Immigrants who took up the Crown Grant which was to become the German Settlement at Doncaster. Although Hillbrich only settled there for a few years, as he was soon in Harkaway/Berwick.'
The Bahnhof (Railway Station) Goerlitz.
HILBRICH / HELMBRECHT. "Helmbrecht was German folk hero. The names came into use in Franconia and Bavaria (+ Saxony) as a personal name through a MHG (Middle High German) epic about a peasant son 'Meier Helmbrecht' by Werner der Gärtner {Verner the Gardener) who wrote around 1250. Helmbrecht also became a place name through the oral literary culture in appreciation of the popular folk tale. There is a Helmbrecht in Upper Franconia, one in Silesia/Saxony; one in Bohemian Prague; one in Freiberg, Pirn.; one near Prossneck. The personal name soon generated into a surname. There was an Arnold Hellenbrech at Leignitz in 1349. Hellbrecht was use in Breslau by 1284. But Barhlow records that the name Hellbrecht, Hillbrecht [Hillbrich] (also Halbrecht) was mostly based in Gorlitz, the Hillbrich family's birthplace. The only other liklihood is that it derives from Hildebrecht, associated with the place name 'Hilbersdorf' (Saxony, Thuringia, Hessen). There was a Lukas Hilbrecht in Wurttemburg in 1515. The Upper German name 'Hiltbrecht' was used in 1280. - Hans Bahrlow in "German Surnames"
Recent view of the Bahnhof, (Railway Station). Goerlitz,
Johann Gottlieb Ernst Hilbrich, tiler of Goerlitz and his wife Anna Dorothea nee Wagner and three children, Ernst Johann Gottlieb, Clara Maria Augusta and Carl Gustave Wilhelm Hilbrich arrived on the Wappaus.
1. Ernst G. J. Hilbrich married Marié Augusté Tzschoppe,
2. Clara Maria married in 1861 to pioneer cattleman and grazier, Peter Brisbane in Berwick, a relative of the former Governor of New South Wales, Thomas Brisbane, and they later moved to near Murchison, Victoria. There is a Brisbane Road in Gembrook.
3. Gustav Hilbrich, who later married a New Zealand doctor's daughter Jessie Sarah Neame, and move first to South Gippsland, then to South Melbourne, and finally settled for good as a baker in Fremantle, Western Australia.
Passenger List for the "H.G.WAPPAUS" 29 Oct 1848- 7 Mar 1849 -by Graeme Moad, Adelaide
The elder Hilbrich's had a further (7) seven children born in early Victoria, Australia:
4. Anna Maria/ Merri Hilbrich - born 1850, Merri River, Warrnambool, Victoria - She married first to August Ruediger, and then in Berwick to Anthony Burdon KENT
5. Auguste Emma Hilbrich - born 1852, Merri River, Warrnambool, Victoria. She seems to have died young.
6. Christiane Emilie Hilbrich - born 1854 Waldau/ Breslau, now Doncaster, Victoria. She married at the old Hilbrich home in 1872 to Charles Henry KERSHAW.
7. Pauline Johanne Hilbrich - born 1856 Harkaway, Berwick, Victoria. She married in 1879 at the Hilbrich home in Harkaway to Friedrich Johann UEBERGANG. The UEBERGANG's first settled near Warrnambool and later at Horsham, in the Western District of Victoria.
8. Paul Eduard Hilbrich - born 1858 in Berwick, Victoria. He never married.
9. Eduard Paul Hilbrich - born 1860 in Berwick, Victoria. He married Lydia Johanne JAKEL in Berwich in 1881. See below...
10. Julius Adolph Hilbrich - born 1863 Berwick, Victoria. Julius married in 1883 to Emily LEESON- of a pioneer West Gippsland family.
Ernst and Marié Augusté HILBRICH
ELEVEN CHILDREN - 6 (or 7) surviving into adulthood
3:1. Ernst Friedrich HILBRICH, b. 1867, Berwick, Vic; d.
married 1895
sp: Margaret LEE born. 1869 Collingwood, VIC
(daughter of Joseph LEE & Mary THOMPSON} died 1936 Age 67 Hawthorn VIC
- ++++++++ two Hillbrick children +++++++++
3:2. Eduard Gustave HILBRICH, b. 1869 Berwick Vic;
died. 5 Aug 1941 Smithfield NSW [ 21473]
Married: 1894 Gunning, NSW [4052]
sp: Amy Ruth Jane MORTON born: 1875 Gundagai, NSW [12315]
(daughter of William MORTON & Ruth Caroline RANGER m.1875 Goulburn NSW)
- ++++++++ five Hillbrick children +++++++++
3:3. Anna Marie Augusté HILBRICH Born: 1869 Berwick VICTORIA
married: 1897 Church of Christ, Berwick, Vic,
Spouse: Arthur Samuel Henrich SMARTT Born: 1868 Berwick,(Harkaway) Victoria (son of the farmer Henry Augustus SMARTT(son of surgeon George Lifford SMARTT from Enfield, ENGLAND ) and Bertha EMMA Caroline Ernstine BEER, born 18th June 1850 at Bethanien (Bethany), Tanunda, Sth Australia.)
Emma BEER was the daughter of Silesian Emigrants Samuel Gottlieb BEER and his wife Ernstiné REIMANN, who came from Havel, Goldberg, Silesia, Prussia which is in the beautiful Goldberg Valley which rises in the mountains of South Silesia west of the Jaeckel's Peterswaldau. (The Finger family, mentioned elsewhere here, came from the Giant Mountains at the head of Upper Goldberg valley.) The Beer family travelled on the ship "ALFRED" from Hamburg on 15 Aug 1848 to arrive in Adelaide 8th of Dec 1848, a few months after the Jaeckels.
Passenger List for the "Alfred" 1848
Samuel Beer was an Scientific Agriculturalist being conscripted for the need of such settlers in Australia. He travelled with his brother Wilhelm Beer (of the same occupation) whose family stayed in the Barossa Valley. I believe the celebrated cook, Maggie Beer is a part of that family. Samuel Beer & Wilhelm Beer both signed the same Barossa valley 'Wood & Stone Petition" to the Government, as Erdmann Jaeckel & Johann Gottlob Scholz, and about 165 others, seeking wood and stone from Crown Land to build their houses. But Samuel Beer died in the first years in South Australia.
His widow, Ernstiné Beer, nee Reimann, and her three little girls immigrated in 1853 to Victoria with the Jaeckel, Warmbrunn, Scholz and Metzenthen familes. Ernstiné re-married in 1855 in Melbourne, to Wilhelm Meyer - young uncle of Benjamin & Jonathan Meyer(above). Meyer was born in Switzerland, but settled in Harkaway, Berwick, later the Meyers became pioneers of Emerald and Avonsleigh in the Dandenongs, including the foundation of the East Emerald Church of Christ. Emma Beer's older sister, Marthé Maria Beer married Heinrich Benjamin Koenig, eldest son of the Berwick German-community pioneer & builder, Johann Gustav KÖNIG. The H. B. Koenig family were co-pioneers of Emerald and Avonsleigh.
The SMARTT family were pioneers of Gembrook a little further back into the 'Westernport' ranges.
- ++++++++ four Smartt children +++++++++
3:4. Johann Oswin HILBRICH, b. 1873 Berwick Vic; d. 1875 Berwick Vic (Age 2 ?)
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:5.Agnes Julia HILBRICH, b. 1876 Berwick Vic; d.1888 Berwick Vic ( Age 11?)
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:6. Herbert Walter HILBRICH, b. ? July 1878 Berwick Vic
Boer War Soldier - Enlisted 7th January 1902 - at Langwarrin, Victoria
BOER WAR Regiment No. 417 B4418 / Bcd:682876 Boer War Dossier 1902-1902 NSW IMPERIAL BUSHMEN, State NSW No 45 Murray Page No 95
This document gives Walter's age as 23 & 6 months. His height is 5' 9", his chest measurement 37 inches, his eyes blue, his hair fair, his complexion fair. He was then a farmer living at Narre Warren. His Religion is listed as C. of E. (Church of England) is probably a clerking mistake, as elsewhere in the file it is listed as C. of C. (Church of Christ), which if said in the apprievated form, sounds the same.
He is record as living in South Africa at the time of his mother's naturalisation on 2nd September 1912. Did he marry? Did he leave offspring? I have found only a death record and the date 1913 in South africa. I have not been able to determine what happened to Walter Herbert Hillbrich. ANY CLUES?
DIED: 1913 South Africa
- ++++++++ unknown children +++++++++
3:7. Emma Lydia HILBRICH, b. 1880 Berwick Vic; d. 1894 Armadale (Age 14 ?)
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:8. Lucie Sarah HILBRICH, b. 1883 Berwick Vic; d, Abt 1950
married. 1908 Narre Warren / Berwick VIC
sp. Edwin Joseph/James WATERS, born. 7 May 1872 Yea. Victoria
( Son of William WATERS of Wiltshire, England & Mary GILBERT who married in Victoria in 1869 and lived at Yea, in the Upper Goulbun valley, and later, in the Lower Goulburn, at Koyuga, near Echuca.)
Occupation: Evangelist, Missionary, Church Planter, Pastor in the Churches of Christ
Resided: Moree, N.S.W., at Greeve Street, Inverell, N.S.W. in 1915,
Died: 27 June 1951 Warragul, Victoria, Age 79
Edwin Joseph Waters was a co-witness with Gustav Wilhelm Warmbrunn (below) to, and, in 1906 Executor of the Last Will & Testament of Hermann Carl Jaeckel.
The Edwin & Lucy Waters family moved to Moree, and later Inverell, New South Wales, where their children were born. Later they returned to Victotia.
++++++ three + plus four previous Waters children ++++++
3:9. Alfred Eduard HILBRICH, b. 1885 Berwick Vic; d. 1952 Ascot Vale, Vic
sp: Elsie May KEMP [Father Gaston KEMP; Mother: Mary CHARLTON].
- ++++++++ two Hillbrick children +++++++++
3:10. Florence Victoria HILBRICH
b. 1889 Berwick Vic,
d. 1904 Berwick Vic Reg Bo 11565
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:11. Harold Herbert HILBRICH, b. 1? October 1892
Occupation: - 1915 Postman, Great War Soldier- Service Number - 1176 Enlisted: 13th August 1915 Registered his Religion as Church of Christ in one record and Church of England in another. He was a Driver, and became a Gunner and served at the Front in France & was hospitalised in England before returbing to the front.
At the time of his demobilisation he was stationed at Maribyrnong, Victoria.
Herb changed name to Hillbrick in WW1Died: 1965 Parkville, Vic
m. 1925 Essendon
sp: Mary Adeline TRAINOR
[Father: John Trainor; Mother: Ann Stuart]
Resided : - in 1964 at 19 William Street, Essendon, Victoria
- ++++++++ four Hillbrick children +++++++++
2:7. (unknown) Issue listed on birth certificate of Johanna Lydia Jackel as [1 child living]
2:8. another child of this marrriage did not survive [Source: as above, implied] (also Lindsay Jackel)
Edward Paul & Lydia HILBRICH & Family
Lydia Johanne JÄCKEL
m. Eduard Paul HILBRICH
m. Nathaniel Emil MEYER
Grace Amelia HILBRICH
m. Francis Gustav WARMBRUNN
Ernest Edward HILBRICH
m. Constance May Amery
Sydney James HILBRICH
m. Elsie May Ivory
Stanley Gordon HILBRICH
m. Irene Adelaide Moysey
2:9. Johanné LYDIA JÄCKEL b. 6 Jul 1860 Nunawading VIC.
(daughter of Carl Erdmann Jaeckel & Johanna Christina - nee Tzschoppe)
d. 15 Feb 1934 Narre Warren, age 73 years .
m. 10 May 1881 Narre Warren B. Harkaway VIC
2.sp. Eduard PAUL HILBRICH b. 15 Jan 1860 Berwick, Vic.
(brother of Ernst Hilbrich (above) who married Lydia's sister Maria Tzschoppe) (son of Johann Gottlieb Ernst HILBRIG or HILBRICH - a slater by trade in Goerlitz - & Maria Dorothea WAGNER) Occupation. Farmer, Narre Warren
Witnesses to the wedding of George Friedrich Schuhkraft & Maria Christian Finger who in married from Weinberg Road,"German Paddock," Hawthorn in 1888. Witnessses were John William Kaiser and Edward Paul Hillbrich
d. 17 Dec 1937 Age. 77 years.
Buried. Harkaway Cemetery, Victoria.
3:1. Emma Lydia HILBRICH b. 7 Mar 1882 Narre Warren
DIED: 31 Mar 1954, Berwick
BURIED: Berwick
sp: Nathaniel Emil MEYER b. 1875 Harkaway VIC. son of Benjamin MEYER -born Itingen, Basel, Switzerland, & Augusté Pauliné METZENTHEN. Benjamin was the older brother of Jonathan MEYER - father of Tilly MEYER - as above
Occupation: Storekeeper, Meyer's Stores, Berwick
d. 21 Jul 1964 Age 89 Berwick, Vic.
Nathaniel Emil Meyer's father Benjamin MEYER was naturalised twice in the Berwick district of Victoria. First in 1868 and then again in 1909. This document of 1909, when he was 75 years of old age, provides the detail of the MEYER FAMILY's place of residence, including the evidence that they lived for 10 years (about 1854-1864) in The Nunawading at what became Surrey Hills.
NOTE- The METZENTHEN Family from Krossen, Neumark (East Brandenburg) Prussia, were in Adelaide by 1845, the Barossa Valley by 1851, and then they immigrated with the Jackels to Berwick, coming across to Melbourne in 1853. The name Metzenthen is also rendered as Metzenthien, or as Metzenthin - and even in some Anglicised forms, as Metzenthine.
Wilhelm Iwan’s 1931 book about German religious emigrants to Australia, Because of Their Beliefs’ he writes:
“From Crossen, Neumark, Prussia, 1844 …Karl August Metzenthin, 30, Tuchmachergeselle {Journeyman Draper clothmaker], wife, Augusté nee Schultz; 4 children – Albertiné, 7, Emma, 5, Augusté Pauliné, 2, Karl, 1. Concerning his beliefs…1. Members of the congregation would provide him with the means, in addition, he, and the similarly described (Messner) were stated to be emigrating for purely religious reasons.”
“Metzenthin was so poor that he could not pay his (exit) fees... they were covered by the Restitution Fund, and he received his dismissal documents free of charge.
These… families lodged a joint application though the district administator, von Rheinbaben, and the government noted in passing that the reason for their emigration was not because of their faith. However, it is clear from statements in a letter of 20 February 1845 from Altmann (the emigrant's leader) that this reason was simply being concealed.” By then, given their social outcast status because of religious persecation and ostracism, they had lost their employment and were falling into poverty. Also, by 1845, even local administrators were biased against those emigrating for religious reasons because it was known to have given bad publicity to Prussia, which was over-sensitive about its image in Western Europe.
Naturalisation of Nathaniel Emil MEYER's grandfather, Carl August METZENTHIN in 1856 in Dandenong (his land was at Harkaway, Victoria. The Metzenthen's have been documented (from the birth of a daughter in 1856), as residing on the Gardiner's creek, probably near the Jaeckels & Meyers in Nunawading.
Passenger List for the Metzenthin ship H.R.PATEL 1845
- ++++++++ six Meyer children +++++++++
3:2. Grace Amelié HILBRICH b. 10 July 1884 Berwick,
d. 31 Mar 1954 Berwick, B. Berwick
~ married in 1911 Victoria
sp. Gustav Wilhelm Franzis 'Gus' WARMBRUNN born: 1886 Melbourne, VIC, (son of Gustav Gottlieb Wilhelm Warmbrunn & Jane Elizabeth Higgins -Gustav was the son of Gustav Traugott Christian Emmanuel Warmbrunn & Wilhelminé Christiané SCHOLZ -
Occupation: Postmaster: Dandenong & Carnegie
Resided: Dandenong, Carnegie, Murrumbeena, Vic.
DIED: - 1972 Murrumbeena, Vic. Age 85
Gustav Wilhelm Warmbrunn was a co-witness with Edwin Joseph Waters (above)to, and, in 1906 Executor of, the Last Will & Testament of the will of Hermann Carl Jaeckel.
The following
The Old Lutheran Emigration at the Middle of the 19th Century, pages 246 - 250 [see 'GUBEN' under 'Züllichau' - IN GERMAN - as below]
"Aus der Kreise Guben und zwar der Stadt Guben selbst, wandert aus der Tuchmacher geselle Friedrich Traugott Warmbrunn (35). Er gibt deutlich am, daß er zusammen mit seinen Glaubersbrüdern aus der Züllichauer Gegend auswandern wil. Mit ihm wandern seiner Luise Auguste geb. Sagitz (31), drei eheliche Kinder: Traugott Hermann (6½), Traugott Christian Emanuel (2¾), Paul Daniel Johannes (4 Monate), ein unchelichter Söhn seiner ersten Frau, Traugott Albrecht August (9¼), ein unchelichter Tochter seiner zweiten Frau, Juliana Maria (4).
From the Guben district and the city of Guben the journeyman clothmaker Friedrich Traugott Warmbrunn (35) emigrated. He testified that he wanted to emigrate from the Züllichau area with his brothers in faith. With him went his wife Luise Auguste, neé Sagitz (31), three children from his marriage: Traugott Hermann (6 ½), Traugott Christian Emanuel (2 ¾), Paul Daniel Johannes (4 months), an illegitimate son from his first wife, Traugott Albrecht August (9 ¼), an illegitimate daughter from his second wife, Juliana Maria (4).
The absolutist black and white mindset of Bureaucratic Prussia is indicate by its listing of the last mentioned two children as illigitimate because the parental marriage in a church deemed unlawful was deemed to be no marriage at all which meant that the children were branded as illigitimate.
Blockquote>NOTE: The WARMBRUNN family arrived in Adelaide in 1839 with Pastor KAVEL's first big group of German Settlers.
Traugott Friedrich Warmbrunn 35, a Tuchmachergeselle / Faerber (Journeyman Draper), and his second wife
Luisé Augusté SAGITZ 31, her three children,
Traugott Albrecht August Warmbrunn 9,
Traugott Hermann Warmbrunn 6, and
Marié Juliané Warmbunn 4;
plus their children together: -
Gustav Traugott Christian Emmanuel Warmbrunn 2, and
Paul Daniel Johannes Warmbrunn 3 months,
emigrated on 10th July 1838 on the ship "BENGALEE" arriving in Adelaide 19th November 1838 from Hamburg.
Only two of the children survived to adulthood, including Francis Gustav's father. Traugott Warmbrunn, & family first lived at Klemzig in Adelaide, As a traveller in cloths Warmbrunn had become a somewhat educated man. He wrote the special hymn for the marriage of Pastor Daniel Gotthard Fritsche in 1841.
Later after he immigrated to Victoria with the Jaeckels in 1853, he became the first schoolmaster of the first (Lutheran) school in Berwick at Harkaway. The story of the Harkaway school has been told by Jenny Boyer (Coates) a daughter of Wendy Jackel. One member of the Warmbrunn family of Berwick became Warden of the Rods at the State Parliament House, Melbourne, Victoria.
The SCHOLZ family came from Leutmannsdorf, also in the Eulengebirge, Silesia, which is two villages away from the Jaeckel's home town of Peterswaldau, travelling to Australia with the Metzenthen family.
Passenger List for the H.R. PATEL 1845 this reconstructed list includes on of the Leutmannsdorf SCHOLTZ daughters in this case it is Wilhelmine Christiane Scholz who became Warmbrunn. The whole Scholtz family should be on this passenger list.
The Jaeckel, Warmbrunn, Scholz and Metzenthen and Beer families came across to Victoria together in about 1853, first to Nunawading & then to Berwick. Ernestiné BEER married Wilhelm MEYER, an uncle of Benjamin & Jonathan & the MEYERS pioneered Harkaway, and later Avonsleigh - and its Church of Christ, in the Dandenongs.
"BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEFS" Iwan wrote (in Germany): “On 8 June 1838 a permit to South Australia was issued for Friedrich Traugott Warmbrunn,’ Tuchmachergeselle /Faerber - [a Journeyman Draper /Journeyman Clothmaker,] from Guben, Neumark (East Brandenburg), Prussia [plus his wife, and five children]. Iwan continues: “Warmbrunn regarded the salvation of his soul in danger in this country, and wished to join his brothers in the faith from the Zullichau region. His wife did not share his religious views, but regarded it as her duty to follow him.’
The Warmbrunn family lived from the beginning in the first German-Australian 'village' at Klemzig, now a suburb of Adelaide. This Letter from their early Pastor August KAVEL (and once the Jaeckel's first Pastor), then at Langmiel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanunda South Australia, dated the 1st September 1857, attests to the baptism of one of the Warmbrunn children at Klemzig, long beforehand. Presumably this letter was requested long after the Warmbrunns had immigrated to Victoria in 1853.
Passenger List for the BENGALEE 1838 reconstructed by Graeme Moad
- Passenger List for the BENGALEE:
- ++++++++ two Warmbrunn children +++++++++
3:3. Ernest Edward HILBRICH
BORN: 28 Jan 1887 Narre Warren / Berwick,
Occupation: - Farmer at Narre Warren, Vic. till aged 28, then managed a farm in Templestowe for a while, then he was Plastering at Campberwell. Then he bought a Farm at Coalville, Gippsland & later in life,at Yalungah nr Trafalgar (north side.
Died 17 Jun 1977 Batemans Bay, New South Wales while on holiday.
Buried: Church of Christ section, Warragul Lawn Cemetery, VIC.
sp. Constance May AMERY b. 9 Oct 1890 Hawthorn VIC, Australia (daughter of Edward John AmMERY & Elizabeth BRUCE)
d. 11 Jun 1970 Age 79 Yulungah VIC.
Buried: - Warragul Lawn Cemetery
- ++++++++ six Hillbrick children +++++++++
3:4. Eva Julia HILBRICH
b. 23 Nov 1889 Narre Warren, Berwick,
Occupation: - was organist at Berwick Church of Christ for decades
d. Nov 1975 Murrumbeena,
Buried: was supposed to have been buried in same grave as here sister Myrtle, but in the Lawn cemetery, Springvale
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:5. Sydney James HILBRICH
born: - 16 Apr 1892 Berwick/Narre Warren Occupation: -farmer
Later Residence: Benalla
Died: - 1 Feb 1956 Footscray )
Married: - 1922
sp. Elsie May IVORY -
Born: - 1897 Numurkah, Victoria
Father: George IVORY;Mother: Isabella CROZIER
Died: - Geelong 1978 Age 81
- ++++++++ five Hillbrick children +++++++++
3:6. Myrtle Amy HILBRICH
born: 2 Sep 1895 or 1896? Narre Warren, Berwick
died: 26 Jan 1951 Melbourne
Buried: - Harkaway Cemetery, near Berwick
- ++++++++ no children +++++++++
3:7. Stanley Gordon HILBRICH
born: 6 April 1902 Narre Warren,
Occupation: - Farmer
d. 19 Dec 1959 Noble Park,
Buried: - Harkaway
married. 4 July 1930 Berwick
sp. Irene Adelaide MOYSEY
Born: -
[Father: Robert MOYSEY, Mother: Caroline MATTHEWS]
Died: - 9 Dec 1985 Age 85
- ++++++++ two Hillbrich children +++++++++
MOYSEY: The Moysey family were the first European pioneers of the Beaumaris - Mordialloc area. They had many square miles of a Pastoral Leasehold Run there by the early 1840s. Many of the Moyseys later moved to the Berwick area. They embraced a muscular Christianty, and, a Pastor George Bickford Moysey, was a dynamic pioneer Church of Christ evangelist and church-planter over much of Australia. A number of Moysey's married into the German settler community at Berwick, with links to the Aurisch & HILBRICH, as to the Braun (later Brown) family. There are multiple links between this faith-based community network. Wilhelm Martin Braun's son, David Braun & his wife Elizabeth Moysey had a son, Wilfred Orlando Brown who later married May Phoebe Knights, daughter of Harry Knights & Sarah Jaeckel (above).
Today, these families are called either HILLBRICH or HILLBRICK.
- Note: I have rendered the female German names such as Auguste, Christiane, Charlotte or Luise, etc., - which are pronounced in German to end with a softly rising 'eh' or 'ah' - with the spelling of the final letter as an accented: é. Their names should not be pronouced with the hard final 'AH' or 'A' as in the English: Augusta, Christina, Charlotta, Louisa, but with hardly pronounced afterbreath of gentle inflection. Even though it is technically inaccurate, I hope the use of the accented é will help us think our way to the proper German pronunciation of the names Augusté, Christiané, Charlotté & Luisé etc.
In memory of my mother Laurel May Jackel, acknowledging her early work on Jackel Family history, and thanks to my cousin Lindsay Jackel who did the geneological research in consultation with her till the 1990s. Thanks also to Jenny (Boyer) Coates (daughter of Wendy Jackel) for her extensive family history documentation. To Sheryl Robinson of Perth for Peck research. Also to Pauline Jackel (at one time Brien) for her work on the Frank Jackel family.
The historical research discoveries and the contextual background stories are all based on my own research.
Why? I guess having both parents with German surnames set me off, and anyway the old persecuted times, the public shame over enemy German ancestry should have been over long ago. Where do I fit? I am a great grandson of James Hermann & Louisa Jackel. I think we should celebrate our cultural legacy, and more, embrace a discipline of learning for the critical and cultural recovery of our heritage. Hence I've learnt a little German. Jah, klein bischen Deutsche. I have also long reformed from the cringe-attitude of playing-small in public Anglicisations, to pronounce my surname the German way, with its two syllables.
November 2009 Copyright © Wayne David Knoll
Father & Son - from a Relief on the wall of the Catholische Church in Peterswaldau, Eulengebirge
PART TWO : Subsequent Generations
1. James Hermann Jackel Family
1. James Hermann Jackel Family - of Victoria, Australia
James Hermann JACKEL (1863-1945)
Louisa JOHN (1862-1953)
- 1. George Oliver JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic. -(1891-1949
spouse: Olive Isabella CORDY (1895-1980)
- 2. Ethel May JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic. - (1893-1968)
spouse: Archibald Dawson CAMPBELL (1889-1974)
- 3. Horace James JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic.- (1895-1965)
spouse: May Henrieta SCOTT (1902-1969)
- 4. Aubrey Lewis JACKEL (1897-1921)
- 5. Alan Baden JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic. - (1900-1992)
spouse: Lily May JACKSON (1901-1975)
- 6. Cecil William JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic. -(1902-1978)
spouse: Icy Beatrice OXLEY (1898-1967)
- 7. Wallace Edgar JACKEL - b. Berwick, Vic. -(1904-1983)
spouse: Edna Jean FERGUSON (1911- )
James Hermann Jackel
2. Family of Elisabeth Auguste JAECKEL - of Victoria & Western Australia
Elisabeth Auguste JAECKEL
George Patrick CHARMAN
- 1. Laurence Roy Brookdale Hermann CHARMAN (1894-1969)
spouse: Josephina Margaretta ARMANASCO (1902 -1996)
- 2. Violet CHARMAN (1895- 1983)
spouse: Leonard Stanley ROESNER (1895-1979)
- 3. Ernest Edward CHARMAN (1898 - 1957)
spouse: Selina Holly COOPER (1900-1986)
POST of 27 Nov 2009
George Patrick CHARMAN:
by: E G DAVIS - 1955
Ninth Instalment
George Patrick Charman was born in New Zealand in 1864 and as a young man went to Emerald, Victoria,(Australia) where he worked in Nobelius’ (Gembrook) Nursery. Conditions were very bad in Victoria in 1893, so Charman left his wife and son, Roy, and went to Coolgardie, where he nearly died of typhoid fever.
In 1895, Mrs Charman (Elizabeth Augusta Jackel) and her son came by ship to Bunbury and lived in an old house at Leschenault. The family came to Harvey in 1896 and stayed with Sheehan’s on Harvey Road. Charman joined Ark Jenkins, Harry Legg and Arthur Fentiman in contract clearing and orchard planting. He took up land in Third Street and planted oranges on block No 10 on the corner of The Avenue for a Mr Docton.
According to his diary, he and his partners started a big clearing contract for J P Wellard at Benger (then known as Mornington) in August, 1896. He records planting potatoes with his wife at Docton’s and meeting O C Rath, George Burrows, George Guppy and Bede Christie. On wet day it was too wet to work so they played cricket instead. The partners also cleared some of Rath’s land. About this time there was some trouble over the land in the Korijekup Estate, so Charman and Jenkins went to Cookernup to inspect some land. They also interviewed Dr Harvey and Mr Leake, who reassured them about Korijekup. Charman also records helping Sheehan sink a well 34 feet in depth for which they cut slabs. They tried to get waste timber from Yarloop, but could not do so.
From his diary it was evident that Charman had been living in a tent or a bark shack, because he records that "Harry and I started my building. We got blocks from a jarrah tree near the station in April, 1897." The following week he helped Harry Legg unload timber for his house on the opposite side of Third Street. This was carted with some brimks by Halor. In May, 1897, with Jenkins, Charman carried 200 foot of flooring boards from the station. The house was finished at the end of May and Charman brought his wife and children to live there. To celebrate the occasion he records that he made another gate, but does not say what the gate was for. He also records unloading timber and bricks at the station for which he paid 10/- per day.
Charman’s diary records everyday happenings of life in those days, such as his wife and children going to a fete in Bunbury (probably Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee celebration); making a wheelbarrow to cart goods from the station; attending a land sale in Bunbury where he bought Lots 51 and 60 near Cookernup. He also records the death of a young son of Alexander Murray, the doctor arriving from Bunbury too late to save the lad; and helping with the funeral by carrying the coffin to the station. Other items include the buying of pigs and offering to send Jenkins’ vegetables to market on a half-share basis, as he was going to Pinjarra to live.
He records that Sheehan took his children to Mrs Charlie Crampton’s because his wife had died (Mrs Grace Higgins, of Harvey was one of the children). In those days he bought a plow for 3 pound 10 shilling, and recorded a train accident at Harvey. He made many trips to Clarke'’ and Colton'’ and to other farms where vegetables were grown at Hampden and Long Swamp at the coast. He sold these with his own vegetables to construction workers on the Brunswick Collie railway line, which was then being built.
In 1898, Charman records: "A fire came up towards Jenkins.’ Harry and I managed to stop it . . . Messrs Lowe, Rath and myself firing to save ourselves." (Jack Lowe remembers this as a boy. His mother and brother filled every available utensil with water from the river to prevent the fire from burning the house. Luckily, the fire stopped before it reached the house, but it was an experience he will never forget). One extract in his diary reads: "March 8, 1898 – Got Gimmy the horse from Mr Lowe. Went to coast. March 9 – Took cart home also Gimmy, paid for him, 3/-." (Jack Lowe also remembers this big horse that his father bought from Halor).
Names of settlers mentioned in Charman’s diary at the time included Mrs Smith (Uduc); Birch, Jack Chapman; J Colton, snr., Joe Colton, Pidgeon (the horse catcher); Fred Perrin, Mrs and Miss Lowe; Mrs Livingstone (a Burcham, of Bunbury); J E Knowles and Beetson’s. Among other things he walked on several occasions to the coast to dig potatoes and sent potatoes to Kau and Dohnt at Yarloop. (Dohnt sold fruit on the Yarloop railway station for many years). Charman bought a horse and dray from McLean for 24 pound and carted Kerrington’s things to the Two-mile Camp. The railway line to Mornington Mills was being built at the time and men were camped along the line. He also took other people’s goods to the mill site. In September, 1898, Jenkins took his horse to Yarloop to be shod because apparently Fred Brown, the blacksmith, had not then arrived at Harvey.
Active Life
It is also recorded that Charman attended meetings of the Harvey Alliance and other bodies, attended church at homes and the Wesley Hall, hearing the Member, Mr Venn, speak at a meeting in the hall, and attending a meeting on school matters and going to concerts. In August, 1899, he recorded collecting 3 pound 14 shillings and 6 pence to pay expenses for a deputation to Perth to get a school for Harvey. The deputation consisted of Clifton, Brown Rath, Ash and Charman. He mentions a ploughing match at Harvey (the second), and going as a member of the Farmers’ Club to see the experimental garden at Hamel. A Mr Berthold was in charge of Hamel, which was later taken over by the Forests Department.
One entry, November 26, 1899, reads: "I went to hear Bishop Riley" (this would be the first organised Church of England in Harvey. In old records it is shown that services were previously held in private homes). Records are also made of several families going to the coast for their holidays. In those days they usually took all the family on a dray and the family cow walked behind. The first Sunday School is recorded in Charman’s diary as being held at Uduc School on April 1, 1900, when there were eight children and three teachers present. Federation Day, July 31, 1900, is also recorded. "Coming home from the coast I got bogged," he says. In those days Crampton Road was used to go to the coast and Long Swamp. It was heavy going in the summer in sand and parts were very bad in the winter. Joseph Piggott usually brought two horses to pull his load of vegetables.
Births, deaths, marriages and sicknesses are recorded in the diary, as were houses being burned down and collections being made for those in need. Strikes are also recorded as July 5, 1901 – "Took turnips to station, but could not sent them as railway men struck work". In addition to vegetable growing, the mulching of strawberry plants with blackboy, clearing at 10 pound an acre, cutting crops going about two tons to the acre and the use of "resin and whale oil" for plant spraying, are mentioned. In November, 1902, there was great activity in Harvey and it is recorded that Jenkins went to Perth to get labour for clearing.
A sports day was held that month which was attended by 300 people. Repairs to a mowing machine by A Venables is also mentioned and Charman also bought a bicycle for 5 shillings. He also attended the first citrus show on August 19, 1904. Blocks cleared and planted by Charman and his partners included those of Drs Williams, Kennedy and Hassell; R Christison, B H Woodward, C Leitch, G Horrocks, A Frankiner, McClure, E W Dermer, R Drummond, G Atkins, A T Smith, Irvine, F J Becher, A E Stanford, A J Markham and Miss Donnelly.
- from extracts of George Patrick Charman's Diary in HISTORY OF HARVEY AND DISTRICT, WA by E G DAVIS - 1955
3. The family of Sarah Eleonore JACKEL
Sarah Eleonore JACKEL
b. 1868 Berwick
d. 1947 Dandenong
Henry Samuel 'Harry' KNIGHTS
b. 1869 England
d. 1953 Dandenong
- Clarence Leonard KNIGHTS
b. 1897 Berwick ~ d. 1981 Burwood, Vic.
sp. Doris Irene Thelma DARVELL
b. 1900 Armadale ~ d. 1980 Ashwood, Vic.
- May Phoebe KNIGHTS
b. 1902 Berwick ~ d. 1994 Dandenong
sp. Wilfred Orlando BROWN (Braun)
b. 1896 Berwick ~ d. 1977 Dandenong
- Ivy Blanche Victoria KNIGHTS
b. 1906 Berwick ~ d. 1964 Oakliegh, Vic.
sp. Albert Leslie BREHAUT
b. 1905 Brunswick ~ 1964 Vic.
- Alexander Allen Edward KNIGHTS
b. 1908 ~ 1908 Berwick, Vic.
- Francis Henry KNIGHTS
b. 1910 Berwick ~ d. 1994 Victoria
sp. Elsie ivy STEET
b. 1916 Camberwell ~ d. 1981 Dandenong, Vic.
4. Family of 'Edmund John' JACKEL of Berwick, Taradale & Bendigo
Erdmann Johann 'Edmund John' JACKEL
- b.1870 Berwick
d.1925 Bendigo
Mathildé Henrietté 'Tillie' MEYER
- b. 1877 Briagalong, Gippsland
d. 1949 Bendigo
A. - Doris Elsie JACKEL
b. 1898 Berwick, Vic. ~ d. 1925 Ballarat
B. - Allen Edmund JACKEL
b. 1902 Taradale, Vic. ~ d. 1976 Rochester, Vic.
C. - Ivy Pearl JACKEL
b. 1904 Taradale, Vic. ~ d. 1905 Taradale, Vic.
hi, with regards to Anna August Hoff, 1848 - 1914... did she have a child Eleanor/Lena/Helena/Elenor... and have anything to do with a Pub in Bendigo or Ballarat?
ReplyDeleteI am looking for an Anna Hoff, I am not sure about the middle name/husband's name (presumably Hoff)...
Do you have any tips on finding the Anna I am looking for if your one is not my one?
Thanks, Arjay.
Hey, nice site you have here! Keep up the excellent work!
ReplyDeleteemigration australia
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Jakeliūnas from Lithuania. This name comes from German Jäckel. Do you think we could be relatives? :D
ReplyDeleteThat is just a brilliant piece of writing... well done
ReplyDeleteVans for Sale in Australia
ReplyDeleteI was born and live in Pieszyce (Peterswaldau). I wonder in the history of my homeland.By chance I found your blog. I read with great interest. I do not know English well, a little German.
I help the translator :) . Read this page in its entirety, because it is very interestingly written.The wealth of historical. I am a Polish Catholic. But differences of origin do not matter to me. Each person creates a history of the world. Thanks for the great development of the historical.I greet
Dzien dobry, Anna, Witaj and G'day.
Delete- I am pleased to have found your interest. I would like to visit Pieszyce one day. Maybe I could meet you when I do, especially as your English will be far better than my Polish, limited as I am to looking up words on Google, as I did for the welcome above.
cheers, Wayne¬if_t=group_comment Leutmannsdorf
ReplyDeleteHi Wayne, this is a wonderful site. My ancestors (Schäche) came to SA from Silesia aboard the Leontine too. I love all the background historical information on Silesia. It is a wonderful trip into the world of our ancestors, thanks so much for all your work.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to point out one small error you have in the list of names to the
Wood and Stone Petition, 2 June 1849 Tanunda, SA. On this list is the name Carl Hetzel, another of my ancestors. You have offered the following info on Carl:
That is actually incorrect. I assume you (or the writer of the document that listed the names) researched the names on the list to try and find their arrival dates. Carl Hensel did arrive on the Skjold in 1841, but he is not the same person as Carl Hetzel. The Hetzel name did survive, it was not Anglised in any way and there are many descendents of Carl in Australia today. Carl Hensel settled in the Adelaide Hills, not the Barossa. We have not been able to find any arrival information on Carl Hetzel, unfortunately.
Just thought I’d let you know.
Thanks for that. Hetzel stands - now corrected.
Carl Hetzel was Naturalised in 1856 at Hallet's Valley, Tanunda after 8 years in SA, so he could not have come on the Skjold. I put him on the Leontine with his wife's people, your Schäche ancestors.
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ReplyDeleteHello my name is aaron jackel I have been trying to track down my family history for many years with very little success I would like to talk to you and see what you know about my family history any information provided would be gratefully appreciated I can be contacted at
ReplyDeleteExcellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side... Good job...Keep it up
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Nice post thanks for sharing a blog.
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